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Oh, Poop! I thought it was gas!
Oh, Poop! I thought it was gas!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Lingerie (Basic Editing)
Camera: Kodak C613
Location: bathroom
Date: Apr 13, 2010
Aperture: f/2.7
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60 sec
Galleries: Humorous, Interior
Date Uploaded: Apr 13, 2010

No... it's not really poop, it's chocolate! :) Not a whole lot of edition, just crop, shadows/highlights, hue/saturation, brightness & contrast, USM, resize, frame.

Place: 40 out of 42
Avg (all users): 2.4399
Avg (commenters): 2.8750
Avg (participants): 2.5926
Avg (non-participants): 2.4300
Views since voting: 3541
Views during voting: 1226
Votes: 441
Comments: 74
Favorites: 1 (view)

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06/14/2010 07:13:25 PM
You're the kind of person that would probably throw a chocolate bar into a crowded swimming pool.
05/18/2010 04:52:18 AM
Its all relative.. I saw this and thought "hahah-ewwwww" at the same time.. You have balls brother (thanksfully cropped out of this shit shot.

I don`t know if I could find myself calling it art, but if I recall at a DPC GTG (get together) in London, we all met up at the tate modern gallery, one of the exhibits was literally just a huge crack in the floor (see here)

however, I remember a number of us discussing it and wondering how it was art - one person said one thing, another person had another idea - but the thing is, a lot of us was standing there discussing a crack in the floor.. so surely the fact it promoted discussion amongst so many people of different backgrounds makes it art. Art is intended to provoke reaction, stimulate conversation... Mate, you ticked all the boxes with this one.. oh and yes, some of the commentors below joined me in that discussion of the crack in the floor.. go figure.

Did I find it offensive? most certainly. Did I find it funny - sure, on a base `childish` level it made me giggle in my head. Do I have respect for you posting it knowing it would get `panned` (ho ho) - totally..

I think some of those who were really offended should check out work by highly respected artists such as Tracey Emin or Damian Hirst - they have shocked in the past but are very well respected in artistic circles. (well, Not Emin so much anymore).
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04/28/2010 01:14:26 AM
scooter97. Thanks for your honesty and thanks for coming back and reading all the comments and thinking things over. We all learn, and I did! :)

BTW, your Sunshine on a Cloudy Day shot is MARVELOUS!
04/28/2010 01:11:22 AM
PhotoInterest, you really got me ROFLMAO!!!!!! :) Thank you!!!
04/26/2010 10:10:03 PM
I voted a 1 for your shot. After seeing ALL of the comments (including yours) I feel like I was perhaps too narrow minded. I have been accused of that many times and I need to relax a bit. I applaud your compelling and steadfast defense of your entry. It is a tasteless image (I don't like chocolate) but totally relevant to the challenge.
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04/26/2010 09:16:24 PM
Originally posted by dcanossa:

MY OH MY!! How to answer all those comments!!!?
First of all, I want to say that chocolate can NEVER be tasteless, or taste bad! LOL
This was supposed to be a humorous picture, and I did get plenty of good laughs with some comments. However, I started getting a bit more concerned as more and more people were disgusted and horrified with the shot. I personally find war shots, where you see dead or dying people, or seriously injured, or with a missing arm or leg, much more disgusting, and usually, many war pictures are among "the best". It's important to remark that those are real injuries, or real dead people you see, however, my poop was not real, of course. This is art, this is creativity. Open up your mind and see beyond the image. Someone said it should be DQ'ed, I challenge him to report this to the moderators and let them decide. You may not like poop (WHO DOES?), but you have to see beyond it, see the whole photograph as a piece of crap, I mean, piece of art (LOL) and try to realize it's meant to make you laugh, and not to horrify you. Not long ago, I was watching an interview to Oliver Hardy, from 1950, where he was saying people were having too much drama and needed to laugh more. Well, 60 years later, it still applies! Too much puritanism going on, IMHO.
Now, I really wasn't going for the brown ribbon, I admit, but let's agree that it fits the picture! LOL Seriously, I didn't think this picture was going to do well, it was a last minute entry, I wanted to post something funny, knowing that most other pics were going to be of sexy women in lingerie or such. I wanted to post something different, something creative. Someone said it doesn't fit the challenge. Well, the general meaning of Lingerie is underwear in general, even though nowadays it's 99.9% used to mean women's underwear.
I think this picture was rated not for the picture itself (maybe a 4.50 would have been more fair), but for the FAKE poop. I wonder if people thought the blood in my Rage Against The Machine picture was real too...
Anyway, again, it was a fun week! I just can't believe I didn't get a single 7!! LOL I wonder if this is the lowest score ever!? WOOHOO, my first ribbon!!! :) Only part that saddens me is that I had worked hard to get my total average up to 5+, and this entry got sooo many low scores, my total average went back down to 4.88. Oh well, I'll have to start all over again!

Actually, we did have a shot of a dead animal in here in one challenge and people were mortified. It had been hit by a car and even though it was quite well shot, people's minds went to the "why"? The photog answered that "it's life". Ok, true enough and certainly, people of all kinds have had the type of "accident" that this photo portrays. I think that the real question is...why would we want to see it? LOL Really, how many of use would want to have a photo of these types if things? Of course, we don't want pictures of death or war either. The thing with that is, it IS "news" and photos of news are often not pleasant by any means. However, a "pooping acccident" is NOT "news worthy" LOL Most of us would rather keep that a secret and head straight for the washing machine, not photograph it! ROFLMAO!

Yeah, it took "balls" as some would say to enter this shot and yes, even I laughed at it at first. It's well...grossly humorous because most of us can relate to it. However, I think that most of us would rather FORGET these types of incidents...not photograph it! LOL

As for those who think the voters who didn't like it are "idiots"...well...I DARE YOU to ask for a print to be available of this, frame it and hang it in your livingrooms or hallways or even your bathrooms! LMAO!!! ;)

ETA: BTW...you should be happy and proud that you got 7 10's! A lot of us dont't see that many on our hardest tried and much less controversial shots LOL.

Message edited by author 2010-04-26 21:18:36.
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04/26/2010 05:20:08 PM
Originally posted by tonygpf:

This is probably funny to an 8yr old, but I find it tasteless and offensive. This isnt art, it's an expression of a sick mind.

ROFLMFAO! He probably doesn't wipe his arse because it's disgusting and tasteless. LOL

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04/26/2010 05:16:22 PM
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04/22/2010 08:28:25 PM
This pic has a load of potential. Added color would have helped your score I think... it could have been as easy as throwing in a few kernels of corn. Holes in the underwear would have helped to tell a story too. Think it thru!
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04/22/2010 01:41:34 PM
219 ones, man, you are a force to be reckoned with. Albeit a somewhat incontinent force... Congrats on getting on the page one of the Lowest Rated Photographs section, that's a hard page to get onto! Can't honestly say I like the image, but you had every right to make it and enter it - possibly the subject hit too close to home for a lot of people, it's tough to avoid having at least a momentary negative reaction to the sight of it. That and the fact that your shot probably followed a hot chick in a bra in the queue so many times - imagine how deflating it is to see this right afterwards, eh? :)

And you don't know how relieved I am to know that's chocolate...

Message edited by author 2010-04-22 13:41:57.
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04/22/2010 12:59:00 PM
ignorant people...
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04/22/2010 12:20:31 PM
Originally posted by OmanOtter:

Nope, sorry dude. You still have no class.

Sorry buddy, you still have no sense of humor. And please stop saying I have no class or telling me to grow up when you don't even know me, ok? You only saw a humorous (not for many puritans, evidently) photograph I posted, that's "all" you know about me...

"Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." H.L. Mencken

Anyway, enough with this. I'm here to amuse myself, not to argue with people. Any comment is welcome, even bad comments, but please refrain from being offensive. Thanks.
04/22/2010 03:09:58 AM
Originally posted by dcanossa:

People, people... I like Connie's comment "I was immediately disgusted and laughing at the same time". I think that summarizes what this picture was meant for. It caused impact, good and/or bad, but it did, and that is art, whether you like it or not. If this is funny for an 8yo kid, but not funny for an adult, it's because unfortunately too many adults grow up to be too susceptible and get horrified by minor natural things. If an 8yo kid laughs at this, it means there is nothing wrong with it. This is something completely natural that could happen to anyone, and no one would scream in horror. Wars are not natural, and if war pictures teach, I think people are not learning the lesson. I see 219+ horrified voters, but I wonder if those same voters are also horrified when they vote for a pro-war presidents, for instance. I'm not saying this is a pleasant image, I know it's rather shocking, but creative. You go through other pictures in this challenge and most of them are all the same: young female models wearing sexy underwear. The challenge was clear when it said to capture a picture in a creative photograph. I find zero creativity in many photographs here, however, they are pleasant to the eyes. I also see how some men posing in their photographs were freely insulted and disrespected by other peers, just because they were not young "in shape" girls. That's the kind of society we live in, and that horrifies me MUCH more than poop, be it real or fake poop!
So, then again, I think my photograph was rated by its unpleasant impact (since I can see that most people don't have any sense of humor), and not by its creativity, or by its technicality (which wasn't too good, anyway).
Yes, this is a public forum and I don't think I broke any rules. Once again, I challenge people to report this picture and let the moderators decide.
Some of you telling me to grow up need to grow up yourself and realize this is nature. And, talking about growing up, you will find yourself in this situation more and more as you get older... I hope you don't get this horrified everytime it happens to you FOR REAL, or you may end up killing yourself...
People, people... I thought there would be more open minded people in a site like this.
In the meantime, please keep making comments. Some scare me, but most of them make me laugh! Awwww isn't it good to laugh...!? (some of you may not know, unfortunately)

Nope, sorry dude. You still have no class.
04/22/2010 12:29:18 AM
Originally posted by Magnum_za:

Originally posted by redpanda:

Is there print available?:)
On the second thought, I don't want it: you did not follow the rule of thirds...

But the "Rule of Turds" certainly did fit ROFL

You have just took the word from my mouth...:)))
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04/21/2010 03:41:28 PM
Now, if the stain was in the shape of a brown ribbon.... 'that' would have been comedy!

Message edited by author 2010-04-21 15:41:48.
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04/21/2010 12:46:33 PM
People, people... I like Connie's comment "I was immediately disgusted and laughing at the same time". I think that summarizes what this picture was meant for. It caused impact, good and/or bad, but it did, and that is art, whether you like it or not. If this is funny for an 8yo kid, but not funny for an adult, it's because unfortunately too many adults grow up to be too susceptible and get horrified by minor natural things. If an 8yo kid laughs at this, it means there is nothing wrong with it. This is something completely natural that could happen to anyone, and no one would scream in horror. Wars are not natural, and if war pictures teach, I think people are not learning the lesson. I see 219+ horrified voters, but I wonder if those same voters are also horrified when they vote for a pro-war presidents, for instance. I'm not saying this is a pleasant image, I know it's rather shocking, but creative. You go through other pictures in this challenge and most of them are all the same: young female models wearing sexy underwear. The challenge was clear when it said to capture a picture in a creative photograph. I find zero creativity in many photographs here, however, they are pleasant to the eyes. I also see how some men posing in their photographs were freely insulted and disrespected by other peers, just because they were not young "in shape" girls. That's the kind of society we live in, and that horrifies me MUCH more than poop, be it real or fake poop!
So, then again, I think my photograph was rated by its unpleasant impact (since I can see that most people don't have any sense of humor), and not by its creativity, or by its technicality (which wasn't too good, anyway).
Yes, this is a public forum and I don't think I broke any rules. Once again, I challenge people to report this picture and let the moderators decide.
Some of you telling me to grow up need to grow up yourself and realize this is nature. And, talking about growing up, you will find yourself in this situation more and more as you get older... I hope you don't get this horrified everytime it happens to you FOR REAL, or you may end up killing yourself...
People, people... I thought there would be more open minded people in a site like this.
In the meantime, please keep making comments. Some scare me, but most of them make me laugh! Awwww isn't it good to laugh...!? (some of you may not know, unfortunately)
04/21/2010 09:19:05 AM
Omg definitely a shocker while voting! I was immediately disgusted and laughing at the same time.
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04/21/2010 06:49:49 AM
To those that say this is not art. Your wrong, this picture tells a story, that of a youngish man who thought he had it all, he was carefree and careless, he farted and followed through and now he paying the price. He studies the consequences of being over confident and ponders the meaning of it all and finally he wonders has he got a clean pair or should he just scrape the worst off and put them back on.

If art is creating something that has no purpose other than to provoke a reaction then this picture has it in bucket loads. Much more so than half the crap pictures seen on here including my own.
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04/21/2010 05:36:06 AM
This is probably funny to an 8yr old, but I find it tasteless and offensive. This isnt art, it's an expression of a sick mind.
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04/21/2010 05:26:34 AM
This photo is the funniest thing I have seen on DPC in years. The comments and reactions of voters are even funnier.
Congratulations for doing something different.
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04/21/2010 05:14:54 AM
Congratulations...be it that it's not related to photography but rather providing me with laughter going through the peopel's comments and reaction to your picture. If DPC was a house with a front door and a back door, you just broke a hole in the wall on the side and gave a whole new meaning to "door". I cant get to like your pic sorry, but Oh the reactions... Sorry to hear that you are starting over with your building to an above 5 score...:( Looking at that 219 1's its a scary thought.
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04/21/2010 04:07:38 AM
Originally posted by redpanda:

Is there print available?:)
On the second thought, I don't want it: you did not follow the rule of thirds...

But the "Rule of Turds" certainly did fit ROFL
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04/21/2010 03:14:17 AM
No, I disagree with you. There's no art in this. The idea can be humorous, but making people look at a scene like this is just tasteless, classless and offensive. Grow up; this is a public forum. As for your nonsensical justification re: war pictures. War pictures have value -- documenting the horrors of war in an attempt to teach mankind to avoid it. Not applicable here. To enter this picture was not well thought-out on your part. It was inconsiderate.
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04/21/2010 02:43:14 AM
Sorry dude - I like funny, but this aint it. Justify any way you like if it helps you sleep at night.
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04/21/2010 02:23:23 AM
I read your comment, but I am sorry I see no art what so ever in this shot. Just pure disgusting in my opinion. Good luck next time.
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04/21/2010 02:07:29 AM
MY OH MY!! How to answer all those comments!!!?
First of all, I want to say that chocolate can NEVER be tasteless, or taste bad! LOL
This was supposed to be a humorous picture, and I did get plenty of good laughs with some comments. However, I started getting a bit more concerned as more and more people were disgusted and horrified with the shot. I personally find war shots, where you see dead or dying people, or seriously injured, or with a missing arm or leg, much more disgusting, and usually, many war pictures are among "the best". It's important to remark that those are real injuries, or real dead people you see, however, my poop was not real, of course. This is art, this is creativity. Open up your mind and see beyond the image. Someone said it should be DQ'ed, I challenge him to report this to the moderators and let them decide. You may not like poop (WHO DOES?), but you have to see beyond it, see the whole photograph as a piece of crap, I mean, piece of art (LOL) and try to realize it's meant to make you laugh, and not to horrify you. Not long ago, I was watching an interview to Oliver Hardy, from 1950, where he was saying people were having too much drama and needed to laugh more. Well, 60 years later, it still applies! Too much puritanism going on, IMHO.
Now, I really wasn't going for the brown ribbon, I admit, but let's agree that it fits the picture! LOL Seriously, I didn't think this picture was going to do well, it was a last minute entry, I wanted to post something funny, knowing that most other pics were going to be of sexy women in lingerie or such. I wanted to post something different, something creative. Someone said it doesn't fit the challenge. Well, the general meaning of Lingerie is underwear in general, even though nowadays it's 99.9% used to mean women's underwear.
I think this picture was rated not for the picture itself (maybe a 4.50 would have been more fair), but for the FAKE poop. I wonder if people thought the blood in my Rage Against The Machine picture was real too...
Anyway, again, it was a fun week! I just can't believe I didn't get a single 7!! LOL I wonder if this is the lowest score ever!? WOOHOO, my first ribbon!!! :) Only part that saddens me is that I had worked hard to get my total average up to 5+, and this entry got sooo many low scores, my total average went back down to 4.88. Oh well, I'll have to start all over again!
04/21/2010 12:38:00 AM
Is there print available?:)
On the second thought, I don't want it: you did not follow the rule of thirds...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/19/2010 09:39:52 PM
Very bad taste
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04/19/2010 08:47:14 PM
Oops, somebody had an accident. Very funny, has to be chocolate.
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04/19/2010 09:49:46 AM
I am sure you have heard it already...but this really is just disgusting.
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04/19/2010 09:11:43 AM
If this doesn't ribbon there should be an inquiry. You do have problems! therefore I give you a 10.

Had to come back to this and add as a fav, you sure do have some gonads entering this shot. I can almost smell it, that's the impact it had on me.
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04/19/2010 04:18:25 AM
this is wrong on so many levels
i am sure you have had your fair share of negative comments so i wont add to that
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04/18/2010 10:43:12 PM
Disgusting...simply disgusting. I wouldn't have even looked at it. Sorry I saw this but it came up after another shot. You should self DQ !
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04/18/2010 10:18:46 PM
dude you sharted! that's nasty!!
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04/18/2010 09:26:07 PM
If there was a zero, this would get it. If this was humor, it missed the mark. I am surprised that the moderators haven't removed it from the challenge.
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04/18/2010 08:13:27 PM
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04/17/2010 08:14:12 PM
1. Only because I couldn't vote a 0.
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04/17/2010 08:04:55 PM
ummm slippy? lmao gross.

going for the "brown"? hehehe
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04/17/2010 12:09:38 PM
IMO you can't possibly be serious with this submission. It doesn't fit the challenge on so many levels, I don't know where to start with a critique. I'll have to accept it as "freedon of speech".
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04/16/2010 11:36:57 PM
Just gross.
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04/16/2010 08:18:04 PM
EWWWWWW!!!! Didn't need or want to see this!!! LOL Either you are going for the sarcastic metaphorical middle finger approach to these challenges or you are a character who thinks this is humorous???? LOL One way or the other, I guarantee that people are going to spend a moment to give a comment (good or bad) or, just scratch their heads, wondering WHY LOL.
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04/16/2010 06:21:09 AM
Yup been there. You know the ol'e saying "never trust a fart". As far as the photo goes, unfortunately it is tack sharp, technically very good. I think perhaps, that you may be going for the "brown" on this one. Good luck.
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04/16/2010 02:01:37 AM
seriously ... what ?????
04/15/2010 04:19:47 PM
Ok, here it goes, is not the brown that bothers me, trust me, I have a baby in the house, so I see browns all day long (LOL), I think is the lack of aditional elements to make the picture interesting and then get people to see it the way you intended, as a joke, imo

If you can take a look at this video, you'll see what I'm talking about beer video
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04/15/2010 02:38:38 PM
I know it's simulated, but the idea itself...not the most tasteful entry within this challenge. I even can't define a score to give.
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04/15/2010 01:36:32 PM
Comeon, is this a brown ribbon award? 1.
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04/15/2010 12:56:56 PM
Mouahaha ... hem ... looking for the brown ?
04/15/2010 12:07:52 PM
04/15/2010 05:01:51 AM
Sick, but(t) brave
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04/15/2010 02:36:54 AM
Brings new meaning to "going for the brown"
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04/15/2010 01:25:39 AM
If you're trying for the brown, you have my vote. 1
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04/15/2010 12:32:52 AM
Really?? Pretty bad form my friend.
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04/14/2010 10:18:25 PM
Plain gross
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04/14/2010 07:56:24 PM
I wonder if your going to get the Brown? PUN intended...

This is disgusting.
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04/14/2010 04:54:16 PM
omg... why?!
04/14/2010 03:40:47 PM
I find this pretty disgusting - I guess I am just past the school-boy humour stage. Technically fine, although lighting could be improved.
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04/14/2010 03:23:40 PM
This is tasteless, in my honest opinion
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04/14/2010 02:57:45 PM
Oh dear - I can just imagine the comments you are getting.
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04/14/2010 02:11:41 PM
Not an aesthetically pleasing photo by any means, however, technically it's not to bad. I would have gotten rid of the table cloth or whatever it is though.
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04/14/2010 01:50:36 PM
04/14/2010 01:42:22 PM
Funny but horrible all in one. It's got impact and the title works well
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04/14/2010 01:32:53 PM
thats discusting.... 1
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04/14/2010 11:24:37 AM
It made me smile, though
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04/14/2010 10:53:28 AM
Gross. Sorry.......
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04/14/2010 10:52:02 AM
ok seriously. This is kindof gross.
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04/14/2010 09:49:08 AM
that is truly disgusting!
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04/14/2010 09:45:31 AM
04/14/2010 08:28:35 AM
LOL, That's just wrong!!!!
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04/14/2010 07:45:55 AM
Creative and disturbing.
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04/14/2010 07:40:13 AM
I need to comment on this but I just cant find the right words....
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04/14/2010 06:33:44 AM
That's pretty disgusting. You obviously had the Brown ribbon in mind. 1
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04/14/2010 04:00:31 AM
wtf,,,,,,,,, arrrrg,,, nononon,,,, dont like,,,, mama mia,,,,, !!!
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04/14/2010 02:40:17 AM
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04/14/2010 12:35:17 AM
What the....

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