Hi first of all I like this its a nice shot, but since you asked for some comments I'll cast my uneducated critical eye over it :)
I didn't get the title because I didn't see the plane, or notice the joggers. It's a big shot with a lot going on and these two other elements of importance would be less than 1% of the frame. I think if I took the shot I'd find the plane an annoyance and clone it out as its sort of sticking out of the building and too small.
I like the placement of the boat, and how you have the lines from the buildings parallel/square. I find the most interesting part the line of trees along the shore and how the building rise from them.
The buildings feel a little cutoff to me. How the one on the left is cut against the edge and there is sky between right one and the edge, the framing feels a little unbalance. And the cutoff tall buildings want to lead my eye out of the shot.
I think it suffers from something I'm trying to weed out of my own shots, putting too much in the shot that the subject becomes confusing. If its the boat get in and make me look at the boat, if its the buildings and skyline pull back and let me see their full splendor.
I think its a good postcard shot and with a little more clarity of subject could be a great FS shot. A lot of voters tend to look at a shot for a few seconds if its a good shot but doesn't jump off the screen and smack them in the face it'll get a 5 and they'll move on.
Man I can ramble on! As Pixelpig said feel free to comment on my FS shots, I can take it!
While I do like what's going on here, it's not well suited to being an 800px image.. This is one of those that would probably be much more interesting at a larger size.
Also, it's just too busy.
As to what I do like, the buildings are wonderfully sharp, and the light is warm and inviting... The trees are beautiful. Still, this didn't have the "impact" that I look for in a shot.
In response to your request for comments thread: Curiously, it's the runners I would never have noticed if not for the title. I notice the airplane because it's 'attached' to the bldg. This is JMO, remember, but if I was so lucky & this was mine I would've punched up the flowering trees & cropped the sky out on the R side. And I would probably have named it "10" because I don't much like descriptive titles. It's a really nice postcard shot. When I voted on it I gave it a 4 (sorry!) & did not see the airplane or the runners while voting, though I do now. Looking at it to critique is a different way of looking than to vote. [eta] FWIW, my FS entry placed 352nd. If you feel like stopping by for a little post-voting critique, I'd be very interested in your comments.]