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Thanksgiving: A Day of Peace?
Thanksgiving: A Day of Peace?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Photojournalism (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-3030Z
Location: My Backyard
Date: Nov 24, 2002
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/30
Date Uploaded: Nov 24, 2002


Place: 142 out of 147
Avg (all users): 3.3970
Avg (commenters): 3.7143
Avg (participants): 3.3462
Avg (non-participants): 3.4294
Views since voting: 998
Votes: 267
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/01/2002 10:51:00 PM
To staged for me, sorry. Vote 4 Sonifo
11/30/2002 12:01:00 AM
Decent photo but looks too "posed" for the challenge. Wouldn't make me want to read anything written about the picture. As for the photo too dark of background with no depth, just looks crowded. Cropped part of her head of and left space at the bottom - should have centered her within this. PTL3
11/27/2002 02:38:00 PM
Timely, but the shot just doesn't hold my interest - even the attempted humor. Two things distract from the picture - one, the womans head is slightly cut off on top, moving the camera down just a touch would have helped. Second, what I assume are lights in the upper right corner. The composition is nice - I like that the shot is not centered on the woman or turkey. The use of the dead space under the knife is also nice in that it helps lead the eye to the bottom.
11/27/2002 06:00:00 AM
11/27/2002 03:43:00 AM
PETA would be impressed. Eat turkey, not cardboard.
11/27/2002 12:15:00 AM
looks completely contrived...
11/26/2002 10:32:00 PM
Technically ok - lighting & focus. Re composition - I don't like the top of head cropped off; and I don't like lights at top right. Box doesn't help, but it is "imagery". I think you could have improved this with motion of the arms & knife, giving a small blur; perhaps crouching some. Its very "rigid" here.

Jim msp
11/26/2002 02:12:00 PM
cute idea :) - setzler
11/26/2002 01:18:00 PM
Are you SURE that's a real turkey...?
11/26/2002 11:11:00 AM
I hope no carboard boxes were harmed in the making of this picture :o)
11/25/2002 06:35:00 PM
Yeah it is a day of peace... you don't like it then don't celebrate it. :) You get a "1" for trying to sneak in a politically "correct" message. :p
11/25/2002 04:54:00 PM
LOL Are you having Tofurky? LOL very cute shot, timely, creative work. Love it.
Tiny bit dark. On topic. Justine
11/25/2002 12:29:00 PM
I know! Meat is Murder?
11/25/2002 08:35:00 AM
What magazine would this go to? I know! maxim or some comedy one.

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