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"the beating of my heart"
"the beating of my heart"

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2010-05 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: Camas, Wa - Studio shot
Date: May 20, 2010
Aperture: f1.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: May 20, 2010

Sofia shot at Jennifers ( njsabs) studio w/ softbox to the lower right. I wonder how many people will think this is Jennifer's shot since her studio has become pretty recognizable.

clarity and vibrance in lightroom
sharpen,kodak airbrush,silver efx and dup layer in screen mode to lighten (thanks SandyP)

I think this is my favorite shot of Sofia to date.

Often times when struggling with a title as I did here, I come up with something and then translate it to another language. It does not always sound great but this one struck a chord with me. She is my most used model and my step-daughter but I feel about Sofia no differently than I do my biological children. She is very near and dear to my heart. Watching your children grow up into beautiful young adults is bittersweet. It breaks your heart in a strange way. I titled this "the beating of my heart" and translated it into Swedish. I liked how it sounded and looked.

[Jun. 4th, 2010 02:30:32 PM]

WOW! What fun this has been. I am torn between wanting the challenge to end to see what place I get and never wanting it to end so I can bask in the glow of the update button! Thanks for all the comments and fav's so far.

***************************************WOW! 8th place in the free study! never thought i would see the day. big thanks go out to njsabs and ScooterMcNutty

Place: 8 out of 380
Avg (all users): 6.8400
Avg (commenters): 8.0625
Avg (participants): 6.8534
Avg (non-participants): 6.7941
Views since voting: 9546
Views during voting: 285
Votes: 150
Comments: 39
Favorites: 9 (view)

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05/28/2014 10:01:56 PM
Outstanding image. Those eyes are amazing!!
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05/28/2014 09:01:50 PM
Man... It's hard to believe this image failed to garner you a ribbon. Tough crowd to please, hey?
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05/28/2014 08:07:39 PM
Another beautiful portrait. Very subtle. Looks great in b&w. Totally love her look.
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12/03/2012 02:22:59 PM
This is incredibly well done. What an awesome choice to limit the tones. I would have been so tempted to have more contrast -- but this it just so right!!
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12/03/2012 12:17:34 AM
This was the image when I realized that you knew something about lighting. And that you had a gorgeous model
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12/02/2012 07:11:53 PM
Great shot, great model, great place.
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02/16/2011 08:20:13 AM
wow. nice shot
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10/20/2010 05:46:41 AM
Originally posted by Mephisto:

I don't know any swedish but since german is a rather close language, I do get the first word because it's literally the same in german. "misshandeln" in general means maltreat or abuse, but it is often used in the sense of "sexual or physical abuse", which is probably the reason why whatever translater you used, it translated "beating" into "physical abuse" aka misshandeln. Beating in the sense of "heartbeat" is most likely a completely different term so you might want to think about changing that term in order to avoid wrong interpretations from people who actually speak or understand swedish...not that there are many here but you know...;-)

Nice portrait btw!

presto change-o (well actually sc did it)
10/19/2010 01:30:18 PM
I don't know any swedish but since german is a rather close language, I do get the first word because it's literally the same in german. "misshandeln" in general means maltreat or abuse, but it is often used in the sense of "sexual or physical abuse", which is probably the reason why whatever translater you used, it translated "beating" into "physical abuse" aka misshandeln. Beating in the sense of "heartbeat" is most likely a completely different term so you might want to think about changing that term in order to avoid wrong interpretations from people who actually speak or understand swedish...not that there are many here but you know...;-)

Nice portrait btw!
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06/09/2010 04:07:56 PM
Beautiful work, Jason.
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06/08/2010 11:31:55 PM
Congrats on top 10! Great variation of monochrome and nice portrait.
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06/08/2010 05:26:34 PM
Look at you! I am so happy for you, congrats on a well deserved 8th place.
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06/08/2010 05:23:21 PM
CONGRATS JASON .. fantastic to see you and sofia on the front page ..
i love the pose, i love her look, i love your b&w and composition .. this portrait has that certain something that makes it very special ... way to go mate .. !!..;)
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06/08/2010 02:47:33 PM
Yayyy! Congratulations, Jason! This is bar none your best portrait yet -- And you can definitely see the influence of your amazing mentor :) I totally love this!
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06/08/2010 07:11:09 AM
Absolutely beautiful!! Wonderfully done! Congrats on a well deserved top 10!!
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06/08/2010 01:09:10 AM
Fabulous portait !!! Congrats on the top10
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06/08/2010 01:08:38 AM
A truly inspirational way of doing black and white portraits. Congratulations on such a strong finish.
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06/08/2010 12:40:44 AM
you got me fooled! (partially, since you've done it in Jennifer's studio)... a perfect emulation of her style... and I mean it as a compliment :)
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06/08/2010 12:35:23 AM
Fantastic Jason!!!! Front page on a FS. THAT's how it's done. And Sophia, you're gorgeous!
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06/08/2010 12:21:35 AM
YAHOOOOOO!!!! 8th!!! heck yes! congrats!
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06/08/2010 12:08:54 AM
Wonderful image...Great Finish!
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06/08/2010 12:07:45 AM
I thought the lighting and the pose were so wonderful. Congrats on the top 10!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/07/2010 09:51:42 PM
I love the low key approach. Lovely. I particularly like the wispys of hair blowing away from her.
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06/07/2010 07:15:41 PM
Funny, I just made a long comment on how NOT to do portraits. I should have just referenced this image! Great work.
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06/07/2010 02:06:29 AM
Lovely portrait and LOVE your conversion.
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06/06/2010 09:21:02 PM
Very nice portrait! 9
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06/06/2010 05:19:48 PM
I am so happy that this is doing so well for you. Congrats my friend. Just added it to may faves.....I hope you continue to rise upward and find yourself on the front page. Yeah for you!!.....and Sofia. You are lucky to have such a wonderful model and step daughter....she really is a sweet girl and she was such a joy to photograph.....I really mean that.
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06/05/2010 12:52:50 AM
Vilken härlig bild. Jag ger dig åtta.
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06/04/2010 12:17:21 AM
I am pretty sure it is Jennifer's ( njsabs) work, but the title gives me pause... what is it anyhow? and whether you ARE Jennifer or not, congrats on a beautiful portrait (not voting)
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06/02/2010 10:43:08 PM
Very, very nice. What makes this picture pop for me are two major factors - she's looking directly at the camera and engages the viewer immediately. The flyaway strand of hair adds a sense of transience and intrigue. Excellent lighting.
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06/02/2010 05:28:07 PM
Super shot. The eyes say it all. perfect 10!
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06/02/2010 06:46:02 AM
splendid image - her eyes really grab our attention
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06/02/2010 03:03:43 AM
cool shot,,,,,,, beautiful girl,,,,,, good work here,,,,,,,,,
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06/01/2010 11:40:43 PM
Very nicely done...without looking at the title I had a huge sense of Irish theme. I looked at the title and noticed I was wrong, but I still love it. (9)
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06/01/2010 04:19:12 PM
wonderful portrait!!! love her expression!
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06/01/2010 02:16:30 PM
lovely, but to much white space for my taste
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06/01/2010 07:14:13 AM
Great B&W portrait... amazing lighting and tones...
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06/01/2010 02:55:47 AM
nice lighting
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06/01/2010 01:00:29 AM
wow, excellent
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