Author | Thread |
12/26/2010 02:59:40 PM |
How do you determine how long a shutter release you need for these long exposures? Just amazing and so beautiful. |
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08/09/2010 03:23:29 AM |
this is one of the most awesome shots i've ever seen in dpc .. and that's saying a lot coz the quality in this site is something to be reckoned with & i've viewed thousands and thousands ..
i've read your write up .. i went thru a few emotions myself reading reading it .. humour .. it was pretty funny seeing in pics how your mood changed as the voters gave you their all .. and then reading how you set this shot up i was blown away ... it just goes to show .. a top photographer who is willing to go the extra mile or more will get something incredibly special ..
i feel like an ant by comparison ... or at least a small bug .. nothing against small bugs ... i actually like them a lot .. but one of these days, and i hope its in the not too distance future, i'll be able to get something half as wonderful as this .. :)
ps .. congrats on your blue ribbon .. you've set the bar very very high to get yourself a pb .. but i reckon you'll do it .. its just a matter of time .. :) |
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08/03/2010 01:59:07 AM |
OK, I'm sorry but this is ridiculous. Why can't I be this good? I'm going to go sit in the corner and cry myself to sleep now. |
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07/13/2010 10:58:22 AM |
Incredible.... i'm speechless :) |
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06/26/2010 12:35:24 PM |
I really do like this pic. I'm usually more interested in the lengths a photographer goes to get a great shot than the lengths taken editing the photo later. Your's is pretty fabulous in that regard. Congrats on the ribbon! |
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06/25/2010 07:56:43 PM |
Holy c**p man! That's amazing! Perfect location and execution I would say!
Message edited by author 2010-06-25 19:57:06. |
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06/25/2010 09:58:21 AM |
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06/24/2010 05:30:30 PM |
I can't really find the accurate words to tell how truly amazing this photograph is, nor the effort you've put into it. So I guess I'll keep it as simple as that. It's truly incredible. And to be honest, above all, I appreciate you sharing the events that unfolded while taking it. That really is the reward with top shots such as this. Thank you. |
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06/24/2010 04:34:20 PM |
This is simply awesome. I am totally impressed by the effort you went through to get this fantastic shot. I cannot think of many blue ribbon shots that are as deserving as this one. Congratulations! |
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06/24/2010 08:28:36 AM |
One of the most spectacular images I have seen...congrats, and what a score! |
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06/23/2010 10:05:20 PM |
jk... that would be really cool though. |
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06/23/2010 09:55:53 PM |
Personal best or no. . . it just flat out doesn't get any better than this! I'm so in awe of what you went thru to get this shot -- but how worth it. You will have this masterpiece forever, for the efforts of one day. Mega Congratulations and admiration! |
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06/23/2010 08:28:40 PM |
Absolutely Fantastic William. Keep em coming! |
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06/23/2010 05:25:39 PM |
WOW William, you are on a roll!! Congrats on another blue!! |
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06/23/2010 04:41:20 PM |
I am pretty sure a mild distortion to correct star trails ellipticity is allowed, the rules disallow distortions which "create new effects or radically alter objects", which is not the case here. But a confirmation would be good, indeed :) |
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06/23/2010 02:55:38 PM |
Great startrails and well composed with the mountain and trees. Congrats!
I would also have gone for startrails or aurora borealis for this challenge, but the bloody sun don't set in Iceland this time of the year :( |
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06/23/2010 01:07:57 PM |
This is absolutely Awesome!!! |
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06/23/2010 11:57:57 AM |
Fantastic shot. Really inspirational - love it. |
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06/23/2010 10:57:58 AM |
Another great shot! Makes my little star trails from close to this spot look downright wimpy!
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06/23/2010 08:41:25 AM |
Wow, Dude. You are sure on a roll lately. WAY TO GO!! |
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06/23/2010 05:42:39 AM |
Super smashin' well done to you ,love it ! |
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06/23/2010 05:13:57 AM |
Incredible photo, well done on your blue. |
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06/23/2010 03:57:28 AM |
William, you ARE nuts ;-D but, my God, you do incredible work. Love the story, love your work. Congrats on the blue and the great score. |
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06/23/2010 02:03:47 AM |
Incredible effort (are you nuts?), great story, fantastic image. Congratulations !! |
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06/23/2010 01:36:47 AM |
Wow, what people do to win (just have read your comments)! I feel almost ashamed for my easy shot :) Congrats on a wonderful image William, with a well-deserved blue result!
Message edited by author 2010-06-23 02:53:51. |
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06/23/2010 01:21:05 AM |
Originally posted by hahn23: I gave this a "10", but there may be lens distortion or sizing problems, as evidenced by the elliptical star trails around Polaris. Otherwise, this is great. |
I didn't do lens correction to compensate the distortion because I am not sure if it's legal in advanced editing. The rules said distortion tools are not allowed but didn't say lens correction purpose is allowed. Any SC can clarify this? thanks. |
06/23/2010 12:29:48 AM |
Congrats ! beautiful image! |
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06/23/2010 12:05:58 AM |
Congrats Billy...I'm going to have to hypnotize you and learn all of your secrets! |
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06/23/2010 12:03:08 AM |
HUGE congrats on another blue!! Way to go!!! |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
06/22/2010 10:35:49 PM |
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06/22/2010 09:44:17 PM |
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06/22/2010 06:16:31 AM |
Very nice, i cannot choose to look at the wood or the mountain. My brain refuses to see the whole picture in once. Well done! |
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06/22/2010 12:26:36 AM |
Awesome job demonstrating long exposure! The startrails are amazing. |
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06/21/2010 06:13:17 PM |
Excellent shot. Everything about it is perfect. |
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06/21/2010 02:56:57 PM |
Tic Tac Toe, 3 ribbons in a row? |
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06/19/2010 08:51:54 PM |
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06/19/2010 04:35:35 PM |
Great landscape for this star trails shot. The colours give this a cold feeling which is a pleasing contrast to many of the other entries. |
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06/19/2010 11:46:46 AM |
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06/19/2010 11:26:22 AM |
Very intriguing and profesionally done. |
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06/19/2010 06:47:13 AM |
Like many of the "soft water" photos in these Long Exposure contests, start trail photos start to get repetitious and boring. The key is an interesting foreground. Aside from the blurring evergreen (I assume from mountaintop winds), your foreground caught my attention. Interesting pic. |
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06/18/2010 11:21:24 AM |
Now THERE is an awesome shot! I will be shocked if this isn't wearing a blue ribbon at the end of the week. Beautiful! |
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06/16/2010 09:14:17 PM |
Incredible star trails. Was this done with a fisheye? The circles seem more eliptical in this shot. Nonetheless, a great shot. 9 |
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06/16/2010 09:07:59 PM |
Compositionally the best of the sky entries. Well done. |
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06/16/2010 05:44:24 PM |
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06/16/2010 01:56:24 PM |
Very Cool, i love the colors. :) Well done. |
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06/16/2010 01:34:06 PM |
Wow! This is amazing! I've never heard of star trails before. How long was the exposure? |
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06/16/2010 08:41:47 AM |
WOW - what really makes this work is the whitish gray craggy bare branches in the foreground. This is really nice. |
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06/16/2010 07:55:30 AM |
Brilliantly done! It's always great to see not just star trails (anyone can get some trails) but also a nicely exposed scene as well. |
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06/16/2010 02:54:12 AM |
Love the elements in this picture. My eye goes through the entire scene. Nicely shot. |
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06/16/2010 01:10:34 AM |
Best image in this challenge. 10 |
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06/16/2010 12:56:51 AM |
A ribbon winner for sure!!!! Instant Fav! *10* |
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06/16/2010 12:51:06 AM |
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06/16/2010 12:36:27 AM |
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06/16/2010 12:33:19 AM |
I gave this a "10", but there may be lens distortion or sizing problems, as evidenced by the elliptical star trails around Polaris. Otherwise, this is great. |
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