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What a pear...
What a pear...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Blue (Classic Editing)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Olympus E-20
Location: Home
Date: Nov 30, 2002
Aperture: F 4.0
ISO: 160
Shutter: 1/200 sec
Galleries: Abstract, Nature
Date Uploaded: Nov 30, 2002

Painted a pear with three layers of acrylic craft paint and started shooting. Hope ya like it, pears are $1.00 a pound. :)

Place: 52 out of 243
Avg (all users): 5.7773
Avg (commenters): 6.4444
Avg (participants): 5.6731
Avg (non-participants): 5.9400
Views since voting: 1596
Votes: 256
Comments: 11
Favorites: 1 (view)

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09/25/2007 02:19:19 PM
OOOOH that is pretty
I would have probably had more fun painting it than taking the picture tho`. Me loves paint, when its just something I can do for fun and when I`m not being forced to (like in school in Art class).
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/08/2002 10:42:08 PM
interesting composition. good match of colors. 8
12/06/2002 11:46:11 PM
This looks painted rather than colorized. Is it? Good photo, cropped a little off to the right side. Should not have cut the paper off on one side. Nice soft focus. Nice job. PTL7
12/05/2002 09:37:34 AM
11/30/2002 07:54:38 PM
I like it. The pale blues go well with the black background, but I think it would be better if you had dipped the pear in paint, rather than painting it, so we couldn't see the stroke marks. Just my opinion. 8
12/03/2002 03:41:00 AM
well done comp. and lighting. just a little weird color on the fruit.
12/02/2002 07:12:00 PM
Very interesting, and very imaginative. Too bad about that hot spot, I like how you have it off center, and the dark background contrasts nicely. Good luck.
12/02/2002 04:39:00 PM
Nice composition. Good coloration. Sharp.
12/02/2002 08:25:00 AM
nice texture, lighting
12/02/2002 04:59:00 AM
Would have preferred not to see brush strokes on the pear.
12/02/2002 02:08:00 AM
try to find a way to get rid of the light flare on the pear...

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