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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Blue (Classic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S602Z
Location: McKinney, TX.
Date: Nov 30, 2002
Aperture: F/10.1
ISO: ISO-200
Shutter: 1/315 sec.
Galleries: Urban, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Dec 1, 2002

Happened upon these three apartment catalog stands. I adjusted the hues and tones to make the middle one ... stand out.

Place: 63 out of 243
Avg (all users): 5.6887
Avg (commenters): 6.1818
Avg (participants): 5.6333
Avg (non-participants): 5.7664
Views since voting: 1653
Votes: 257
Comments: 24
Favorites: 1 (view)

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12/11/2002 09:22:23 PM
I am going to go against the grain here. I approve of the amount of shadow because it balances the space above the boxes and both work together to create scale and and a sence of isolation. All these factors add to the abstract ying/yang like character that made me laugh with pleasure when I first saw it. The only thing that would make it better is if the shadow had a straight line in keeping with all the other geometric shapes. That that was something that couldn't be controlled so that curve is just proof of reality.

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12/11/2002 02:12:48 PM
by Karmat

Composition -- I feel that you have chosen an excellent subject for the challenge. The blue box stands out nicely in contrast with the white ones and white wall. In my opinion, I think the overall picture would be stronger if the boxes filled more of the frame. I am assuming you may have been constrained by accessibility, but if not, a couple of things may have helped. Getting closer to them, either physically or with zoom would have helped to eliminate the dark shadow in the foreground and the white space at the top. I enjoy negative space in photographs, but there is not enough of either to really scream ns to me. I am assuming also that there is something you did not want us to see on either side of the boxes. Otherwise, a landscape instead of portrait would work to give it a more balanced feeling. Something else to consider, would it have been possible to take it from a different angle? Maybe one where you are standing at the end of the row and taking a picture of them in the straight line?

Technique -- You have used the available light well. I like the way it makes the crisp shadows from the boxes. It makes it look very interesting. Unfortunately, the same light makes the foreground shadow large and imposing. I would suggest returning at a different time of day to reshoot, or cropping the shadow out. However, if you were trying to give the impression that teh boxes were being overtaken by the shadow, that works, I suppose. the focus looks a touch off to me, which may be because the camera was focusing on the pavement just in front of the boxes, or it could be this monitor at work.

Overall effect -- Overall, I felt that this was a fair picture. You have done well at capturing a subject that meets the challenge, and the picture is well done. However, I think it needs something else to make it a bit more interesting, at least for me.


Message edited by author 2002-12-11 14:23:14.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/08/2002 09:00:00 PM
Clean, unabstructed photo. My big complaint - I have the third rule because too many people take it as an absolute that can't be broken. In my opinion, it should have been broken here. Cut off over half of the bottom and over half of the top and you have a really nice photo. Right now I struggle to see the paper boxes and they are your subject. Crop at the end of the shadow on the bottom. That would bring them in nicely. Rules in photography are guidelines only. PTL 6
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12/07/2002 11:52:47 PM
this might have been better in landscape orientation. the top and bottom of the picture ruins the middle which is excellent.
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12/07/2002 12:30:09 PM
The large area of black ness at the bottom bothers me here, however with the size and cropping limitations, that's not your fault. Very nice blue shot. Good luck in the challenge.
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12/06/2002 12:32:47 PM
Good composition nice idea well spotted
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12/06/2002 06:35:53 AM
good compostion,and clarity-i like it a lot-well done-anz
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12/06/2002 05:58:29 AM
Very eye catching. Good job.
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12/05/2002 11:13:19 PM
surreal street... one of my crabappl3 favorites.

Message edited by author 2005-01-05 18:40:22.
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12/05/2002 09:48:45 PM
I like the symmetry.
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12/05/2002 06:28:16 PM
Crop out the unneeded black space at the bottom of the photo.
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12/01/2002 02:40:13 PM
This is cute. I'm not sure that I agree with your decision not to make this a landscape. I do like the layers created by the 3 vertical areas, but I think that you could show it just as well without so much empty space. It's also a tad off center with more space on the right. If you're going to make a symmetrical shot then you probably want to watch that.
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12/05/2002 12:27:27 AM
I really like this, but I Wish you would have cropped ALL the shadow off across the bottom. I think it would have had much more impact that way.
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12/03/2002 08:35:00 PM
great but I would crop above the shadow in front
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12/02/2002 10:54:00 PM
They look like yelling anime characters. Nice picture.
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12/02/2002 01:51:00 PM
Would have probably preferred this as a horizontal shot without the shadow at the bottom. Great concept, though.
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12/02/2002 12:05:00 PM
Very nice and simple... I really like it! Good choice of composition... very well done... Good luck!
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12/02/2002 11:38:00 AM
At first I was really taken with this shot. As I scrolled down and saw the large amount of black (shadow maybe?) I was a little disappointed. Cropping off the dark and putting the paper stands in landscape mode would make this a "wow" shot, for sure!
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12/02/2002 11:22:00 AM
The dark shadow in the street is a bit distracting but I like this set up and feel of this shot. If you could have placed the newstands further down in the picture and showed more wall it would have emphasized the blue a bit more - but I am not sure if that would have been possible here.
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12/02/2002 09:45:00 AM
This would have been a perfect photo if it you were to crop out the shadow.
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12/02/2002 05:02:00 AM
That's a good one!
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12/02/2002 04:36:00 AM
Shame about foreground shadow, may have worked better in landscape cropped closer to dispensers.
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12/02/2002 12:52:00 AM
interesting lines... but try straightening it.
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12/02/2002 12:47:00 AM
Nice shot. I like it very much
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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