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 This image was disqualified from the Halloween Song Titles challenge.
Can I Play with Madness - Iron Maiden
Can I Play with Madness - Iron Maiden

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Halloween Song Titles (Expert Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-1000D Rebel XS
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Location: Mount Royal, NJ
Date: Oct 15, 2010
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: .5sec
Galleries: Self Portrait, Textures
Date Uploaded: Oct 16, 2010

self portrait taken with a hand remote.

photoshopped a crack texture the face and fire texture in the eyes.
topaz adjust to give some depth

had a lot of fun with this one.

WOW! I was wondering if i'd get a ribbon, too bad it was based on my photoshopping and not my picture taking ability, applying the crack texture hid a lot of the lighting flaws.

glad everyone liked it!

The texture applied to the eyes DQ'd me, oh well. I thought I followed the rules, WTF is the point of expert editing if you cant do certain things.

at least the pic stayed on the front page for a while.
Disqualification Details
You may not add graphics, clip art, computer-rendered images or parts of other photographs to your entry or its border during editing. (The fire in the eyes does not qualify as a texture to be exempted from this rule.)

Views since voting: 3983
Views during voting: 443
Comments: 31
Favorites: 5 (view)

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05/24/2012 09:36:14 PM
Oh I didn't realise this was DQ.
12/12/2010 03:26:14 PM
Since you know how to apply texture on face I assume you use the same technique to apply texture on eyes. How come SC said it's not? this is so confusing to me. If fire is not texture, then clouds can't be texture.
11/10/2010 08:27:07 PM
You were robbed!! Expert editing allows almost anything. Just check any of the other expert editing challenges.
11/10/2010 04:05:00 PM
Sorry about the DQ. This is a confusing ruling.
11/01/2010 11:36:21 AM
Congrats on your ribbon. Cool shot, and now I can't get that song out of my head. Nice start to your DPC career I'd say. Well done.
10/30/2010 03:09:02 PM
fantastic back to back scores - congrats
10/30/2010 05:32:32 AM
Great shot Mike !!

Wow - two 7+ scores and only one yellow ribbon . . you are joining an elite club there :- )
10/29/2010 08:51:19 PM
Congratulations. Fantastic image.
10/29/2010 06:13:19 PM
Oh man! This is really awesome! Congratulations!!
10/29/2010 11:56:02 AM
Is it weird to say you look hot in this shot! =)
10/29/2010 10:27:39 AM
Way to go, Mike! You're on a fine roll now. Two PBs in a matter of weeks, and your first ribbon.
10/29/2010 09:32:54 AM
well good for you!!! Congrats on your first ribbon...been getting closer and closer haven't ya...great picture
10/29/2010 05:37:37 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon,nice image.
10/29/2010 04:11:03 AM
Dude! Congrats on a great job and your first ribbon! Well done.
10/29/2010 01:58:49 AM
Congratulations! So, that's 2 Iron Maiden's songs on the front page ;)
10/29/2010 01:23:01 AM
Previous challenge was 4th, but this time with a yellow ribbon. Nice. So a red or blue is in order now. Congratulations. Well done.
10/29/2010 12:59:34 AM
Your currently offline...doing something else...not knowing you have a ribbon waiting for you! Well done!
10/29/2010 12:08:30 AM
Great Job!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/28/2010 09:41:27 PM
Gave you a 10, came back to comment. Awesomenessss, just added it to my faves. Love it, love it love it.
10/27/2010 06:08:20 AM
Nicely done.
10/26/2010 11:20:51 AM
fantastic! 10!~
top 3 for me! great job!

Message edited by author 2010-11-01 15:29:29.
10/26/2010 09:42:58 AM
Great processing in the 'cracked skin' - truly plays well into the song title. He is cracking such that we are beginning to see the madness come through. I especially like how you paid attention to the detail of showing the maddness in the eyes as well. The flames of anger and insanity burn within his eyes. Normally, I don't like the overprocessed look that captures and shows off every pore of the skin but in this composition it works. The 'heavy detail' processing gives the image a gritty feel that compliments the mood and feel of the shot.
10/25/2010 04:20:41 PM
Back to comment...

Gives new meaning to the expression "There was fire in his eyes"! Awesome processing!
10/24/2010 08:57:11 PM
Editing could have been better if the layers were blended nicely.
10/24/2010 05:55:18 PM
Very cool processing! This is why I want to learn how to properly use textures :(
10/24/2010 05:03:28 AM
I like the effect ;)
10/22/2010 04:37:13 PM
One of my favorites of the challenge, good job!
10/22/2010 03:02:12 PM
quality - 9
10/22/2010 08:44:17 AM
Well done. Love the eyes and the cracks!! Terrific edit.
10/22/2010 08:16:45 AM
creepy and awesome! Wonderfully done! -9-
10/22/2010 12:33:05 AM
Someone needs a facial...

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