Author | Thread |
11/15/2010 07:37:45 PM |
Congratulations on a compelling image. |
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11/14/2010 12:03:37 AM |
Congrats Bear. Question...I didn't think motion blur was allowed...can you explain what you did please? I'm confused lol! |
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11/13/2010 09:54:42 PM |
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11/13/2010 01:31:14 AM |
Woot.. congrats man. Sorry it took long time to see your name under this photo, I didn't think it was yours LOL...
Very excellent photo ;) |
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11/12/2010 08:17:50 PM |
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11/12/2010 06:28:00 PM |
Lovely capture and beautiful work of art. Congratulations on your ribbon! |
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11/12/2010 01:38:34 PM |
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11/12/2010 10:26:18 AM |
You worked hard for this great creation....good job Robert. |
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11/12/2010 09:56:44 AM |
Wonderful work Robert, congratulations ! |
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11/11/2010 03:18:32 PM |
YAY Bear, amazing shot, well done |
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11/11/2010 01:44:15 PM |
beautiful image, well worth getting up early for, congrats on the ribbon |
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11/11/2010 12:36:13 PM |
Congrats on the ribbon,glad to see this shot here. |
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11/11/2010 12:05:15 PM |
How AWESOME!!! You used all the tools that are on my wish list to get. . .someday when I get some money ;) |
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11/11/2010 05:14:19 AM |
hey robert .. a wonderful and uniquely bear_music image .. many congrats on your ribbon and another awesome addition to your collection of amazing photographs .. :) |
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11/10/2010 08:29:08 PM |
"We first make our habits, and then our habits make us." Dryden
I've always enjoyed viewing your habitat. Thanks for making another fine image. |
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11/10/2010 04:40:09 PM |
i thought for sure this was a blue ribbon. |
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11/10/2010 02:59:35 PM |
Very nice shot. Congratulations. |
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11/10/2010 02:52:22 PM |
Beautiful! Congratulations! |
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11/10/2010 12:49:27 PM |
Excellent job Robert and well deserved. I love the resulting image. |
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11/10/2010 12:10:44 PM |
Awesome, congrats!
Message edited by author 2010-11-10 12:23:19. |
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11/10/2010 10:57:15 AM |
Originally posted by Bear_Music: Originally posted by LevT: congratulations, Robert! The first place could get away with a 4s exposure at 800ISO, and you needed 66s at 1600. Rural life is harder :). |
I was about to comment on that, over there :-) Not only that, he was stopped down a stop and a half more. It really has me scratching my head, mainly over how he managed a blue sky... I mean, if the sky's lit by ambient reflected light, wouldn't be a much warmer color? CF my clouds... It's all a mystery to me :-) |
Hi Robert (and LevT), excuse me for commenting about my entry, which is not as good as yours, but I thought it could be useful to clarify: As compared to mine, ambient light for your shot was close to zero. I think that is why my settings: faster shutter speed, smaller aperture and lower ISO, did the job for me but they would not work for you.
About exposure: You did not have thousands of light bulbs within the frame as I did, so I had not to overexpose highlights too much (in mid and background), leaving some room for balancing exposure during pp. The easiest way (only way in basic editing) was to underexpose on a single shot, and then rescue the shadows in pp. A better way would've been to make a multiple shot HDR, but I was not sure if it was advanced or basic editing, it was too cold for the pg to stay still, and my tripod and me were standing on a not so steady ground. Foreground ambient light was way less intense and firing the flash a few times was necessary to fill that area.
About color: Too many kinds of artificial light temp's within frame, from extremely warm to cold bulbs, and used automatic WB. Sky came out dark blue, even darker than yours.Then, in raw processing, I found that approx. 2500K WB provided a good color balance, which added a cooler blueish hue to sky. Rescuing exposure of shadows made the sky a bit lighter and the whole image looked more balanced. The rest was usual advanced editing ..... I hope now it is less of a mystery :-). If you have any more questions please feel free to ask.
Message edited by author 2010-11-10 20:38:13. |
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11/10/2010 10:45:53 AM |
Yep. I knew this shot was going to be a contender. Congrats! |
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11/10/2010 10:07:38 AM |
Congrats Robert!!! really nice picture... |
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11/10/2010 09:22:50 AM |
Congrats Bear on your Yellow Ribbon!! Beautiful!!
Message edited by author 2010-11-10 10:43:58. |
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11/10/2010 06:40:17 AM |
Wow!! You managed to just squeak out that 7!! (Aren't you glad I didn't give you that 1 :)
Congrats on the ribbon! What a difficult challenge in which to ribbon. Awesomely done! |
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11/10/2010 06:29:18 AM |
A superb photo, and a very worthy ribbon winner. i notice the 66 second exposure - did you combine a shorter one to get the stars as points rather than trails? |
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11/10/2010 05:43:15 AM |
Congrats on the Ribbon Robert! Great photo. Got a high mark from me. |
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11/10/2010 05:28:12 AM |
Congratulations! Perfect work. |
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11/10/2010 04:46:57 AM |
This sky is one of the most magic ones I ever see. The photo is stunning !
But what were you doing there so late ? A secret meeting ? The challenge was only a cover, I suppose. ;-)
Message edited by author 2010-11-10 04:48:08. |
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11/10/2010 04:34:41 AM |
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11/10/2010 02:48:18 AM |
congrats on another ribbon Robt! |
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11/10/2010 02:21:10 AM |
Awesome shot! congratulations on your ribbon! |
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11/10/2010 01:46:04 AM |
Congratulations Bear! Spectacular shot! |
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11/10/2010 01:43:04 AM |
Well will you look at that. :-) Congrats, Robert. Spectacular. Hope your camera time was set properly. :-) |
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11/10/2010 01:38:56 AM |
Told you you would ribbon! I know my stuff! Well done Robert |
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11/10/2010 12:57:33 AM |
congrats, this is a great photo. I had you pegged as one of the winners! |
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11/10/2010 12:37:41 AM |
Originally posted by LevT: congratulations, Robert! The first place could get away with a 4s exposure at 800ISO, and you needed 66s at 1600. Rural life is harder :). |
I was about to comment on that, over there :-) Not only that, he was stopped down a stop and a half more. It really has me scratching my head, mainly over how he managed a blue sky... I mean, if the sky's lit by ambient reflected light, wouldn't be a much warmer color? CF my clouds... It's all a mystery to me :-) |
11/10/2010 12:33:19 AM |
Nice! Congratulations. I like it very much. |
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11/10/2010 12:29:10 AM |
Congrats, Robert! Love it! |
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11/10/2010 12:26:01 AM |
Congratulations Robert. This was my equal top pick. I love it. |
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11/10/2010 12:24:40 AM |
congratulations, Robert! The first place could get away with a 4s exposure at 800ISO, and you needed 66s at 1600. Rural life is harder :). |
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11/10/2010 12:21:01 AM |
Just a super picture in a really tough challange! Congratulations on your yellow! |
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11/10/2010 12:13:30 AM |
Congrats Robert! Splendid night. |
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11/10/2010 12:10:43 AM |
congrats! really lovely image! i'm one of those 25 10! |
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11/10/2010 12:09:00 AM |
Ha you got a ribbon like i said, well done. You live around a lot of great scenery, lucky you. |
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11/10/2010 12:07:30 AM |
Huge congrats Bear !!!
I thought this would take the blue
..and thanks for your honest opinion on my entry.
Message edited by author 2010-11-10 00:32:28. |
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11/10/2010 12:03:04 AM |
Great Job! Congrats on the yellow! |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/08/2010 10:01:26 PM |
Awesome shot, my only 10! |
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11/08/2010 03:17:43 PM |
Tremendous colors captured here, where it would seem impossible to get this much info at this time of night/morning. Obviously a long capture (due to the boat's movement) yet the grass has remained sharp and the stars are bright and sharp as well. The flow of the clouds and the grass seem to frame the trees and stars and the composition is just excellent. I'd love to steal a trick or two on how you got the stars to pop so sharply with such great color like that. Outstanding. |
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11/08/2010 12:35:39 PM |
This is my favorite in the challenge. Love the starts, the colors, the movement of the clouds, the stillness, the tranquility. It's a stunner and I hope the hands down winner. Good luck! |
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11/07/2010 10:41:27 PM |
Wow! Combination of night sky, passing clouds, and interesting lighting. Very nicely done! |
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11/07/2010 08:24:07 PM |
That was worth the wake up call, lovely |
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11/06/2010 07:56:26 PM |
Ribbon for sure. Just spectacular 10 |
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11/06/2010 02:55:28 PM |
I like the way the line in the saw grass kinda matches the opening in the clouds. Looks like something bear would do. Very nice. |
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11/05/2010 03:19:49 PM |
Now this is lovely, and I can't imagine a more pleasing photo being taken in daylight. Calm, peaceful, quiet, understated.
Back for another view, and a bump to 9. In my top 3 of the challenge. |
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11/05/2010 10:06:32 AM |
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11/04/2010 01:57:28 PM |
Very impressed with this image. |
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11/03/2010 09:52:01 PM |
Cool idea, and nice catch with the hole in the clouds. |
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11/03/2010 04:07:31 PM |
a winner...good luck in advance 8 |
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11/03/2010 04:06:31 PM |
Beautiful photo! top 3 for me! 10! |
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11/03/2010 01:59:46 AM |
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