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Le Coucher du Soleil Romantique
Le Coucher du Soleil Romantique

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Collection: Overlays, Topaz SC
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Date: Aug 19, 2010
Galleries: Seascapes, Overlays
Date Uploaded: Dec 24, 2010

Viewed: 3181
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0

Le Coucher du Soleil Romantique

Que le soleil est beau quand tout frais il se lève,
Comme une explosion nous lançant son bonjour!
— Bienheureux celui-là qui peut avec amour
Saluer son coucher plus glorieux qu'un rêve!
Je me souviens!... J'ai vu tout, fleur, source, sillon,
Se pâmer sous son oeil comme un coeur qui palpite...
— Courons vers l'horizon, il est tard, courons vite,
Pour attraper au moins un oblique rayon!
Mais je poursuis en vain le Dieu qui se retire;
L'irrésistible Nuit établit son empire,
Noire, humide, funeste et pleine de frissons;
Une odeur de tombeau dans les ténèbres nage,
Et mon pied peureux froisse, au bord du marécage,
Des crapauds imprévus et de froids limaçons.

— Charles Baudelaire

The Sunset of Romanticism

How beautiful the Sun is when newly risen
He hurls his morning greetings like an explosion!
— Fortunate the one who can lovingly salute
His setting, more glorious than a dream!
I remember!... I have seen all, flower, stream, furrow,
Swoon under his gaze like a palpitating heart...
— Let us run to the horizon, it's late,
Let us run fast, to catch at least a slanting ray!
But I pursue in vain the sinking god;
Irresistible Night, black, damp, deadly,
Full of shudders, establishes his reign;
The odor of the tomb swims in the shadows
And at the marsh's edge my timid foot
Treads upon slimy snails and unexpected toads.

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02/29/2012 04:04:19 PM
how about the second half of the poem
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12/25/2010 09:47:35 AM
Very romantic, indeed.
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12/25/2010 09:06:14 AM
May each sunrise bring you happiness
and each sunset end your day with joy

Merry Christmas!!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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