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Fast Water
Fast Water

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Motion (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D1X
Location: Rouge River, Toronto, Canada
Date: Dec 8, 2002
Aperture: f22.0
ISO: 1/15
Shutter: 125
Galleries: Nature, Action
Date Uploaded: Dec 8, 2002

Fast flowing water rushing over a water control flood gate in the Rouge River, Toronto, Canada.

Nikon D1x with a Nikkor AFS 28-70mm F2.8D zoom lens set at the 70mm focal length. Exposed in the shutter-priority mode with a manual shutter speed setting (1/15 of a second). The meter was set in the matrix mode.

Place: 35 out of 167
Avg (all users): 5.8306
Avg (commenters): 5.9231
Avg (participants): 5.5000
Avg (non-participants): 6.0882
Views since voting: 1741
Votes: 242
Comments: 14
Favorites: 1 (view)

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12/22/2002 06:05:03 AM
Critique Club

Composition - personally I think your composition works... I can really follow the water from the upper right hand corner to the bottom left. I think it's very pleasing.

Exposure - I'm not sure what went wrong with the exposure here... it looks like the top right is too dark, and the bottom left underexposed. Maybe switching where you were standing may have helped with that.

Color - this is kinda of in between. I can't really tell whether it's black and white or navy and white, though I suspect it's black and white. I think the blue of the water, if it is black and white, may have been more pleasing.

Focus - fabulous focusing!

Background - not really any background here, as far as I'm concerned.

Fit For Challenge - shows something moving, but comes very close to complete stop action... don't really feel that the water is continuosly running.

Lighting - The lighting is much too harsh on this picture, it is also uneven. Was this shot around noon? There are a lot of hot spots on the main part of the water fall

Wowability - this has the potential to get a WOW! but it doesn't quite make it... the lighting lacks as does the exposure, which effects the entire picture.

Final comments - nice job, you did very well in the challenge. This picture has a lot of potential.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/15/2002 04:43:49 PM
Good composition.
12/14/2002 05:10:13 AM
I personally think it's a bit over exposed. I don't like the hotspots in the waterfall, and the way the foam at the bottomleft looks. I also think that the exposure time is a bit too long so that the sense of motion is ruined (it almost looks like ice). The diagonal composition is a good thing, but still there isn't enough to see to make this picture interesting. Flowing water is not a very original subject so if you want to make an impresion you have to work hard(and succeed).

12/13/2002 06:44:40 PM
needs a wider field of view
12/11/2002 11:17:57 PM
Ouch it hurts my eyes. :(
12/11/2002 05:29:30 PM
12/11/2002 02:36:29 PM
1)Does the Photo fit the theme:(6)
7)Relavancy of Title:(7)

Overall Score 5.57 rounded to 6

I do not think this is a bad shot. I am big on geting as close as possible to the focal point. I do believe however that there are some limitations to this theory and I personally do not like it used here. I think to back away a little bit more and get closer to the ground will cause for a more intresting picture. I could be wrong but that is just my oppinion. I think your lines are decent because they lead the eye through the photograph. Decent Job. :-)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/11/2002 11:45:36 AM
pretty lines and curves and I like the diagonal line across the frame. It feels as though the contrast has been pushed a little much though?
12/10/2002 03:30:58 AM
wow it looks like a metalic river-i really like it well done-anz
12/10/2002 12:05:41 AM
I like the angle of the shot, as well as the lighting, well done.
12/09/2002 04:03:48 PM
Very cool. This pictures makes me want to touch the computer screen in search of that texture. This water reminds me of hair.
12/09/2002 12:11:52 PM
love it! i wanted to present something like this, too, but my water wasn't fast enough...
12/09/2002 11:38:05 AM
Cool shot. A little bit overexposed, but I like the lines of the water.
12/09/2002 12:58:22 AM
this is a nicely composed shot, but the exposure is a little 'hot' for me.. the detail of the water is lost in the long exposure... - setzler

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