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Last Year's Resolution
Last Year's Resolution

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study II (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: Backyard patio
Date: Dec 8, 2002
Aperture: f2.2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/10 Sec.
Galleries: Sports, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Dec 8, 2002

The title tells the story...

A simple shot, without a tremendous amount of thought... But I came to like it... BW achieved by turning Saturation to -100 on the master channel.

I especially like the ability this photo has of being equally at home in both the Sports and Still Life Gallery :)

Place: 58 out of 67
Avg (all users): 5.0538
Avg (commenters): 5.5000
Avg (participants): 4.9516
Avg (non-participants): 5.2581
Views since voting: 2482
Votes: 93
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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12/19/2002 12:36:11 AM
Hey Mike,Greetings from the Critique Club };-)

Initial thoughts
Interesting composition, meets the challenge, very humorous!

Composition/ Content
Technically I like the shot. I think that having it on the right side of the frame makes it seem more "shoved in a corner". Everything there including the dust, dirt and metal piece has a discarded forgotten about look. Black and white was perfect for this shot. I like the lighting as well.

You'd better put "wall cleaning" on your Honey-Do list! The background is fine.

Camera Work - Technical
Focus seems just a bit soft here. That may have been you intention but I feel it needed to go either a little sharper or a little softer.

Digital Processing - Technical
Good work on the B & W and toning. I wonder if a border is warrented here?

Fits The Challenge
Fits the challenge well.

My Opinion On The Photo I originally scored this shot a five as did most of the voters. I remember being between a five and a six. I think that it meets the challenge but was kind of depressing although humorous. This is probably what kept the score low. Good job, and keep up the good work.

I would be happy to talk further about this shot if you would like to contact me.
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12/18/2002 02:27:53 AM
Originally posted by myqyl:

I want to thank everyone that said the dust was a good touch... I worked on that aspect faithfully for nearly a year... Glad it was worth the effort :)

Maybe I need to take some pictures of my car...
12/17/2002 09:33:30 PM
I want to thank everyone that said the dust was a good touch... I worked on that aspect faithfully for nearly a year... Glad it was worth the effort :)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/15/2002 10:12:12 PM
I like the choice of blackand white, and the dust is a great touch!
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12/15/2002 10:36:34 AM
I feel that you could have put a little more effort into this picture and helped it a bit. The focus is soft and exposure need some more light. The spots on the wall and the extra piece of metal do not help it at all. A discarded pizza box would have been nice though.
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12/13/2002 12:37:37 PM
I like the position of the exercise equipment in the frame, the dust is a good touch...but something about this isn't grabbing me. I'm sorry, I don't have any constructive suggestions, either. :-)
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12/12/2002 11:27:32 PM
This is an interesting black and white study. I like all the dirt and grime, and the texturing on the wall and floor. It's an interesting commentary on our modern consumer society (if you want to get all cerebral about it :)).

It lacks something though. The photo is overall a little bit too grey, and I think I would like the shadows to be slightly longer and stronger to life the exercise equpiment from its surroundings more. The composition seems a bit too formal and static... some strong diagonal lines would help it along. Nice work though.
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12/12/2002 09:20:44 PM
Those resolutions from last year frustrate us all :-) I think this shot could have had a lot more perspective if some different angles had been included. I always try to think of how a commercial or a movie maker would portray things like this. Never flat. Always use some angles to pull the viewer's eyes to where you want it. A combination of vertical and horizontally adjusted angles can do a lot. I think you meant to use the rule of thirds, but it would have been more effective if the lines at the floor and walls pulled the viewer's eyes from the corners of the shot to the rule of thirds point. As well, don't ever let these jokers convince you that EVERYTHING has to use rule of thirds. That's bunk - it's just a guideline. Center it if you feel that's strongest. Good luck!
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12/12/2002 06:50:44 PM
Not really a overly thrilling image, however technically well done. I think that this has a good angle and framing/cropping. Focus and clarity are good, and the use of black and white is nice as well. Overall a well taken photo. Good luck in the challenge.
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12/12/2002 06:11:15 PM
Kinda familiar.....photo raises many questions, like what's the bar in the corner for? How is it useful at that position? Why framed like this? Why B&W?
7 Swash
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12/12/2002 04:50:07 PM
12/12/2002 04:45:49 PM
Excellent use of black and white. And a picture I can definitely relate to!
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12/11/2002 03:13:49 PM
Good use of b&w and the RoT here, and the dust on the seat really adds to the sense of disuse. However, the shot feels slightly tilted, and may benefit from being rotated clockwise by a few degrees.
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12/11/2002 01:14:49 PM
interesting black and white :) The only thing I may have done differently here would have been to remove the white 'stick' from the corner... i can't really see how it adds to the image, and it did make me look to try to figure out what it was... just my thoughts :) - setzler
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12/11/2002 11:25:18 AM
This shot is hilarious, and it's also technically outstanding. I love the dark, mistreated feel of the whole photograph. Great job. 9.
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12/11/2002 11:05:49 AM
While the title make's one understand the image, a lot more shadows would have made it more interesting. Just an opinion.
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12/11/2002 08:00:52 AM
Very good use of Black and White. The composition is very good as well.
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12/11/2002 01:11:15 AM
Are you TRYING to make me feel guilty? Nice shot. DPz
12/11/2002 12:06:58 AM
Great shot and the dust just emphizes your title. Way to go. Nice confession, too.
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12/10/2002 10:29:53 PM
the photo and title make sense, but moving the white stick thing out of the corner would improve this photo. it looks good in grayscale, good choice.
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12/10/2002 09:42:22 PM
Too funny!
12/10/2002 09:32:30 PM
This could be a more interesting photo if you had leveled the camera and removed the item in the corner. Your lighting and contrast are good, but the cropping needs to have a little more wall on the right and a level camera. I like the idea though.
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12/10/2002 09:17:27 AM
How true...
12/09/2002 10:34:41 PM
The angle of the picture could be improved by leveling the ground to wall line as well as the top of the exercize thing. Black and white is fitting. The lines in the dust are a bit distracting though.
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12/09/2002 09:48:47 PM
The white object leaning against the wall doesn't add anything to the shot. I think it would have been better taken out. I like how the framing makes this feel pushed into the corner. Good lighting to capture the dust and bring a dreary feeling. = 6
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12/09/2002 09:37:23 PM
I know that feeling!
12/09/2002 07:12:58 PM
LOL I hurt my back on one of those and three weeks later so did my husband. Sold it!! Very good humor shot. Maybe the composition could of been improved..the bar leaning in the corner...that could go. Not a bad shot, like it.
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12/09/2002 01:11:24 PM
I like the different textures of the floor, wall, and machine. I like how you can see the streaks in the dust on the seat. The off-kiltered-ness of it adds to the 'unused' feeling, I think. I think it could be a little more contrasty though.
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12/09/2002 12:30:38 AM
i feel your pain 7
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