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The Fortune Teller
2nd PlaceThe Fortune Teller

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Painting With Light IV (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Date: Jul 24, 2011
Aperture: f/20
ISO: 100
Shutter: 151 sec
Date Uploaded: Jul 24, 2011

[Jul. 27th, 2011 08:22:06 AM]

As usual, I started this project by sketching some compositions, in order to prepare and build the setup.

For this one, I just had to buy 2 torches (a small one, used to create the orb, and a big one, for large trails behind the subject). The small one was anchored to a light stand by a dark string, just in front of the model. The large one was mounted in front of a paper cone with diffusing sheets at the end.

The fun part was the execution:
1) Camera setup (manual focus of course, ISO 100, f/20, bulb mode)
2) Put a blue gel in front of the camera lens (I found it handier to do it that way instead of using the gel on the torches)
3) Hide the model behind a black curtain
4) Open shutter (used a cable remote)
5) Turn the small torch on, and draw the orb, turn the torch off
6) Turn the big torch on, draw the large lines behind model
7) Remove the blue gel that was in front of the camera (forgot that step several times...). Also remove the black curtain hiding the model.
8) At this point, the model had to take the pose (position the hands over the invisible orb, try and stare at it) then I triggered a flash burst (bowl+grid) from underneath to simulate orb's lighting. The flash power was at a low setting, in order to keep it short and obtain a sharp image.
9) Close shutter. Total exposure = 151 seconds.

All in all, it wasn't as hard as expected. Learned a very interesting technique that I am sure I will use again in some other works.

Thanks for the nice votes and comments!

Place: 2 out of 52
Avg (all users): 6.8092
Avg (commenters): 8.2000
Avg (participants): 6.2727
Avg (non-participants): 6.9898
Views since voting: 6144
Views during voting: 386
Votes: 131
Comments: 24
Favorites: 3 (view)

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08/05/2011 05:28:44 PM
I'm a bit late in my congrats, but I'm glad that I went back to the challenge to finally leave some.

What great notes!! I never would have though of covering up my subject for half of the shot. I would have thought of anchoring the light to get a good arc. etc, etc. Fascinating reading, and thanks for sharing!!
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08/05/2011 11:16:29 AM
Originally posted by mycelium:

An amateur you may be, but a master nonetheless. The consistent creativity and execution are all just so awe-inspiring.

Just one question: where do you keep your gear as your collection grows? Photos please :)

Thank you, much appreciated.
My gear and photo related stuff is slowly but surely colonizing a room in my house. At first it was supposed to be a library, but now it's more a photo studio with some books on the side ;)
08/05/2011 11:06:06 AM
An amateur you may be, but a master nonetheless. The consistent creativity and execution are all just so awe-inspiring.

Just one question: where do you keep your gear as your collection grows? Photos please :)
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08/01/2011 07:18:06 AM
Very nice. Love the lighting behind her head!
I also think this is the best example in the challenge of painting with light supporting the subject. Most of the other lighting seemed incidental and put in to meet the challenge to me. This lighting makes this image.

Message edited by author 2011-08-01 07:19:53.
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08/01/2011 05:48:05 AM
Congrats once again.
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08/01/2011 05:39:22 AM
Another fantastic photograph from gyaban...congratulations on the ribbon
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08/01/2011 03:50:16 AM
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08/01/2011 02:48:51 AM
Unbe-flipping-lievable!! Seriously Christophe you absolutely slay me with your talent. I remember when you first got studio lights and were figuring those out. Now you have models behind curtains, shutter control beyond belief and a mind that is flowing with the skill to make it happen. You rock!!! Hugs ~ E
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08/01/2011 12:27:00 AM
Just splendid, Christophe. My favorite part are the rays behind her. Congrats on your ribbon.
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08/01/2011 12:21:29 AM
You amaze me with your ability to conceptualize an image and then make it happen. And then make it happen brilliantly!! I am such a fan :-) You are such an inspiration!
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08/01/2011 12:11:50 AM
A 9 from me during voting. I thought the Blue winner was yours. :)

WONDERFUL shot! I'm so glad you're still learning. Makes the rest of us feel okay about ourselves. :)
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08/01/2011 12:02:16 AM
I knew this was you Christophe, but I was apprehensive of guessing during voting. Brilliant idea as usual! Congrats on yet another ribbon.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/31/2011 11:12:43 PM
Very likely a blue ribbon. Overall very well executed as well as original.
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07/31/2011 09:42:43 PM
please tell me if the jets will win the super bowl this year??
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07/31/2011 06:34:22 PM
Very nice. Looking forward to learning the technique used.
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07/31/2011 01:20:00 AM
Very well executed.
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07/26/2011 12:44:03 AM
I'm curious how you kept the orb so round. Was the light anchored with a string? It is very well done.
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07/25/2011 09:45:16 PM
Freaky, Love it!
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07/25/2011 04:09:56 PM
The crystal ball is a nice touch! Lots of details in this picture that are well thought out and executed. Would've like a teeny bit more light on the head wear to bring out the color some more.

I somehow feel that there's something lacking in the stare. It's intense, no doubt, but focusing neither into the crsytal ball nor into the viewer's soul - feels like the person's staring at my chin?

Still, my top 5 in this challenge. Well done.
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07/25/2011 12:16:08 PM
Really well done! Excellent effects. Love the "rays" behind her, or emanating from her, and how the glow ball is lighting up her face. My only tiny nit is that her eyes are not looking at the ball. This should do really well.
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07/25/2011 11:00:55 AM
Very cool effect and perfectly lit. I hope this does well.
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07/25/2011 09:49:56 AM
This is really cool. Nicely done.
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07/25/2011 01:53:53 AM
Came out very nice, did you tie the light to a sting and spin to get this effect?
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07/25/2011 12:50:28 AM
This looks like it took some careful planning and a patient model. Good work.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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