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(Updated 2/1/2012)
Wow, 2012! And what a banner year it's been! I got by first inquiry, my 1's DQ, my 2nd DQ, my 3rd DQ (I really gotta get this setting the clock thing down!) my first Suspension, a deserved brown and another I post with pride.
I only have three goals this year... to push the 5's of my profile and replace them with 6's (though I wouldn't turn down a seven), earn more acknowledgements through the Posthumous bord than DPC Ribbons, and to foster more relationships from mentors. Oh yeah, I really have to learn something about lighting!
Most amusing, is that I have ABSOLUTE PROOF that I am an Average Photographer! Well, I am proud to rank as average among peers like you.
(Updated 10/2010)
Well, 5 months and 30 challenges later, I have Compelling Evidence that I am an "Average" photographer! Not that being in the middle of this pack is a bad thing, I am proud to have such fine company, but the process is a humbling experience! But my scores rise ever so slowly, so thank you all for your comments, please keep 'em coming!
(Original post 6/1/2010)
The last time I regularly entered photography contests Duran Duran was all the rage, and my processing was done in a darkroom. I never left the hobby completely, I just changed focus (ta da dump). I began purchasing inexpensive digital cameras (remember AGFA's) and distributing them to teachers by the hundreds. I would then train the teachers on use of NIH Image, which the fine people at the Center for Image Processing in Education in Tucson AZ (CIPE) had written lesson plans for along with its sister software SCION Image. The program died with the advent of OSX however, Image J was written to replace NIH Image, but no funding was made available to write another set of lesson plans. I continued pointing and shooting until one of my friends introduced me to this site via FoxSaver, and here I am... Be gentle with me... it has been 20 years since I have had to put thought into a composition... ;)
Posthumus Art Gallery 
Honorable mention by Sigma
My 'Brown Ribbon" in Abstract I find any brown in this category humorous:
Does having the worst Abstract mean I had the most Concrete? ;)
(BTW, Average score by commenters was a 10! A personal best!)
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