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My Dog's Favorite Window
1st PlaceMy Dog's Favorite Window

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Out Your Favorite Window (Minimal Editing I)
Camera: Nikon D300s
Lens: Opteka 6.5mm f/3.5 Manual Focus Aspherical Circular Fisheye
Location: Dubai, UAE
Date: Aug 25, 2011
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 3 sec
Galleries: Transportation, Blur
Date Uploaded: Aug 25, 2011

Shot going through a car tunnel in Dubai. I put my camera on a tripod, pushed the legs together, and stuck it out the window. The tripod rested nicely with the feet on the console and the top resting on the bottom of the window. I put my seatbelt through the tripod legs to secure it, and hooked up the remote shutter. In fact, you can see my hand pushing the clicker in the side mirror if you look close!

Woo hoo! My first ribbon! I never thought that would happen! Thanks to all for the nice comments, this makes my month!

Place: 1 out of 61
Avg (all users): 7.3824
Avg (commenters): 8.3182
Avg (participants): 6.8205
Avg (non-participants): 7.6082
Views since voting: 5239
Views during voting: 380
Votes: 136
Comments: 52
Favorites: 8 (view)

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09/05/2011 07:05:28 PM
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09/05/2011 06:29:09 AM
wow!! Way to get a first ribbon!! Smashing your personal best with an incredible shot!! Congrats!
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09/04/2011 09:15:24 PM
Originally posted by ecmguy:

Originally posted by Cyberlandz:

Great image. Congrats on the blue. Man i wish you did not mention the sharpen. It's not allowed in minimal editing.

I double-checked the "minimal editing" rules, and sharpening is allowed, but just simple sharpening. The rule states:

You may:

sharpen your entry using your editing software’s “sharpen” or equivalent option. The use of customizable sharpening tools, such as Unsharp Mask, is not allowed.

in that case i stand corrected. Congrats again. Well deserved. No doubt about it now :)
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09/04/2011 01:20:13 PM
Originally posted by Cyberlandz:

Great image. Congrats on the blue. Man i wish you did not mention the sharpen. It's not allowed in minimal editing.

I double-checked the "minimal editing" rules, and sharpening is allowed, but just simple sharpening. The rule states:

You may:

sharpen your entry using your editing software’s “sharpen” or equivalent option. The use of customizable sharpening tools, such as Unsharp Mask, is not allowed.
09/04/2011 09:13:32 AM
Great image. Congrats on the blue. Man i wish you did not mention the sharpen. It's not allowed in minimal editing.
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09/02/2011 06:33:20 PM
Congrats. If only I had some decent looking tunnels near me lol

Why do I feel like everyone has a Honda Accord? lol

Message edited by author 2011-09-02 18:33:45.
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09/02/2011 06:28:12 PM
Well done. Congrats.
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09/02/2011 02:17:29 PM
Huge congrats from one of your twenty two 9's. I would had given this a 10 if I knew it was minimal editing at the time of voting. Great work!!!!

ETA> I just noticed it's a a one way tunnel! So perfect for this kind of shot

Message edited by author 2011-09-02 14:23:29.
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09/02/2011 01:05:15 PM
this was really cool, congrats on your first ribbon
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09/02/2011 12:47:58 PM
Great shot! Brilliant, in fact! CONGRATULATIONS on your deserved first ribbon, Robert!

I suspect you'll see many more.

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09/02/2011 12:25:03 PM
Congratulations on your first ribbon,super shot.Hope its the first of many
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09/02/2011 11:19:46 AM
Great shot, well done! Congrats on the blue!
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09/02/2011 10:30:12 AM
Originally posted by alexlky:

Congratulation!!! A very nice photo, do you mind sharing any tips how to resize a photo in Minimal to this beautiful sharpness? thanks

Thanks Alex! Nothing special, really. I don't normally do the "save for web" method. Usually I'll just go to Image/Image Size, then refit the width to 800 px. Then I did a simple sharpen in photoshop. In this shot, I made sure that I was putting pressure on the tripod with my right hand while I was pushing the remote trigger, to make sure the tripod bounced along with the car. Also, I was only going about 15 mph through this tunnel, since no one was behind me, which made the car bounce around less, and made the blurring lights much smoother.
09/02/2011 05:55:05 AM
Well deserved! Congrates
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09/02/2011 05:51:38 AM
I was sure you were going for the blue! Like alexkly I'm very impressed by the sharpness of this image!
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09/02/2011 05:25:02 AM
Congratulation!!! A very nice photo, do you mind sharing any tips how to resize a photo in Minimal to this beautiful sharpness? thanks
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09/02/2011 05:03:36 AM
Originally posted by kenskid:

Ok here's the deal. While this is a very good entry in "Out Your Favorite Window", I do see some issues.

1. Although it says the photo has been validated, I know you must have somehow cheated in basic editing. There is no way you could get this in basic...validated or not.

2. I like the blue hue to the photo. However, I can't help but see some issues with the two white bands at the top. I know it must have been tough to get a shot this good but you could have taken more time in making sure the white bands at the top were not "blown out" highlights. I mean you could have taken a few more shots and tried to get the whites in order.

3. The main reason I have to change my score (I voted several days ago) is this. The challenge is titled "Out Your Favorite Window". You titled your photo "My Dog's Favorite Window". So basically this entry does not meet challenge. With all of that said, I will have to move my vote from my original "seven" to a "ten". Ha! I had you going! Admit it. The Mad Commenter strikes again!

Wow, you got me good... I was reading this on my phone, and I was halfway to my computer to send a snippy reply when I got to the bottom...
09/02/2011 03:10:53 AM
brilliant shot. Very nice!
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09/02/2011 02:55:18 AM
Wow, what an amazing amount of detail and color especially in a minimal editing challenge .. you really deserve the blue for this one.
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09/02/2011 02:27:22 AM
Well going by the title of the challenge ".... Your favourite window ......" and the title "... Dogs favourite window ..." pretty dang unsafe letting your dog use your camera - I mean the lack of fingers let alone oposable thumbs....

I rather like the colours in this photo, though of course the dog only sees B&W

Of course strictly speaking it is a bit naughty of you letting your dog use your membership, should really have its own but I think for such a superb shot I expect the DC will make an exception ... well done pooch.
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09/02/2011 01:29:58 AM
Way to go, Robert! Congratulations! Looking at your portfolio, I am expecting this is only the beginning. Great job.
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09/02/2011 01:03:09 AM
Superb. Congrats on the blue! Matches your image :-)
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09/02/2011 12:14:22 AM
Many congrats to you! It was my favorite.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/01/2011 11:38:19 PM
Ok here's the deal. While this is a very good entry in "Out Your Favorite Window", I do see some issues.

1. Although it says the photo has been validated, I know you must have somehow cheated in minimal editing. There is no way you could get this in minimal or basic...validated or not.

2. I like the blue hue to the photo. However, I can't help but see some issues with the two white bands at the top. I know it must have been tough to get a shot this good but you could have taken more time in making sure the white bands at the top were not "blown out" highlights. I mean you could have taken a few more shots and tried to get the whites in order.

3. The main reason I have to change my score (I voted several days ago) is this. The challenge is titled "Out Your Favorite Window". You titled your photo "My Dog's Favorite Window". So basically this entry does not meet challenge. With all of that said, I will have to move my vote from my original "seven" to a "ten". Ha! I had you going! Admit it. The Mad Commenter strikes again!

Message edited by author 2011-09-02 11:48:15.
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09/01/2011 08:21:40 PM
Almost straight out of Tron - I don't think I'd ever trust my camera out a window on a stick - especially not when driving. Well planned and executed.
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09/01/2011 01:15:28 PM
Awesome photo, could be in a car advertisement!
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08/31/2011 05:58:18 PM
Cool shot! I'm curious how you attached the camera to the door... I do see some spots at upper right.
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08/31/2011 02:53:10 PM
The winner by far!!! this is truely fantastic! how did you attach the camera? i love the tones and the clearity/sharpness is great. congrats on a great image. I really hope to see this on the front page. :D
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08/31/2011 01:21:43 PM
This looks like that tunnel in nightpixels's \"Pattern\" entry. Nice entry, and probably will be best of show!
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08/31/2011 01:04:21 PM
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08/30/2011 03:59:34 PM
Love the colours and tilt, this is very cool.
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08/30/2011 11:25:48 AM
So cool
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08/30/2011 06:50:08 AM
My favorite in this challenge.
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08/29/2011 09:02:43 PM
Validation...? Really? Wow...newbies. It's an awesome view. 10
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08/29/2011 07:22:57 PM
extremely cool photo, love the colour. well done ribbon for sure. 9
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08/29/2011 05:00:55 PM
This is sweet. Nice wide angle. If it was just a touch lower, we would be able to see your face in the side mirror. I think a ribbon winner.
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08/29/2011 01:39:37 PM
Are you kidding me?????? This picture is beyond words. Incredible doesnt even say it. Love the coloration, the crispness. Inside the car is so clear and so smooth. This picture I could see in a magazine or an art gallery
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08/29/2011 04:28:24 AM
This screams SPEED to me, it even gives my stomache tickley things.. Stunning
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08/28/2011 01:34:48 PM
I really like this shot. Well done.
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08/28/2011 04:22:18 AM
Superb clarity & colouring, almost looks like time travel, well done! Got to be in the top 3!
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08/27/2011 10:40:02 PM
Very cool, well done.
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08/27/2011 12:15:11 PM
Love the all blue look, real cool !!
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08/26/2011 10:14:14 PM
Nice blend of colors in this shot.
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08/26/2011 06:14:57 PM
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08/26/2011 03:51:02 PM
wow, this is an amazing shot!!
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08/26/2011 02:49:04 PM
Not YOUR favorite window, DNMC, sorry.

Not really though, top pick for this challenge.
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08/26/2011 12:44:29 PM
that's just cool
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08/26/2011 12:04:41 PM
A very innovative take on an old idea
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08/26/2011 11:38:28 AM
Wow... so great colors and so sharp in minimal editing? You deserve a 10 :)
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08/26/2011 04:41:55 AM
Just saw the B&W version on 1x in voting - I think I like this colour version better.

This is very good for Minimal. Top job.
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08/26/2011 01:19:32 AM
wow, this is great
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08/26/2011 12:18:46 AM
photo filters, noise filter, masking, subject, crop, rule of thirds, lighting, perspective 2
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