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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude II (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Nikon D1X
Location: Studio Nottuln
Date: Aug 21, 2004
Aperture: 5,6
ISO: 125
Shutter: 200
Galleries: Black and White, Nude
Date Uploaded: Aug 22, 2004


Place: 6 out of 87
Avg (all users): 6.9486
Avg (commenters): 8.4167
Avg (participants): 6.8228
Avg (non-participants): 6.9852
Views since voting: 35898
Views during voting: 1502
Votes: 350
Comments: 50
Favorites: 31 (view)

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09/27/2005 12:05:39 AM
Great shot! Beautiful model.
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02/27/2005 07:22:38 AM
good lighting nice curvered lines
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08/30/2004 10:55:28 PM

A well done image by a great talent! congrats on your top ten finish!
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08/30/2004 07:00:15 AM
Wonderful work, Nasti, congrats! One of my favs and 10s in this race, I really hoped a ribbon for you. He, he, you have beaten Gary. :-)))
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08/30/2004 02:27:46 AM
Good placing Nasti! Congratulations.
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08/30/2004 02:09:44 AM
Great picture!
Congrats on a good placing and beating Gary ;-)
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08/30/2004 02:08:27 AM
thanks MAN!
08/30/2004 01:59:48 AM
Congrats, you did it.
Man siehts, gelernt ist gelernt.
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08/30/2004 01:45:57 AM
I didn't clone anything!!!
08/30/2004 12:16:47 AM
Congratulations on your 6th placing. A memorable study.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/29/2004 11:21:27 PM
The pose, expression, lighting, framing.. everything is very well executed here. The result is absolutely beautiful. It has a classical feel to it.
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08/29/2004 09:51:41 PM
A very nice study which, since you opted to clone, I would have simply ended it well below the navel. The pose is beautiful and the b/w is on the money. 6
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08/29/2004 09:32:47 AM
My number one pick to win, I love her far away look, the range of tones and the choice of black and white. Great job. 10
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08/29/2004 06:59:56 AM
I like the look in her eyes, nice lighting, maybe a little more lighting to make the left arm not look like its coming out of nowhere.
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08/28/2004 11:19:16 AM
Only thing I don't like is the large fall-off on the camera right arm. Doesn't quite look deliberate enough to completely dark or light enough to be all there - Not explaining it well, but the way the armm shoulder and breast disappears feels a bit haphazard. 9
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08/27/2004 10:52:19 PM
best so far
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08/27/2004 08:28:17 PM
I like the choice of B&W and the lighting is good. I am just not too struck on the pose. Great job otherwise.
08/27/2004 03:15:35 PM
Great shot, well lit. her expression is just not right somehow, looks a little tense which is understandable I suppose. Good attempt.
08/27/2004 11:03:15 AM
Great use of light.
Great pose.
Focus is spot on.
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08/26/2004 07:59:38 AM
Great light, very nice use to B&W
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08/26/2004 07:24:16 AM
Beautifully done. Top 3
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08/25/2004 12:21:10 PM
nice job on the lighting
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08/25/2004 01:42:29 AM
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08/24/2004 11:45:38 PM
I know I like the lighitng in this... but there's something else that's intriguing... I mean, you can clearly tell it's a woman, but there's a certain sense of androgyny in this... to me, anyway. It really adds a bit of mystery. (Please tell your model I don't think SHE looks androgynous, it's just the way the photo was taken. She's very pretty. Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.)
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08/24/2004 09:34:37 PM
absolutely beautiful, altho the crotch area looks edited. either that, or she's barbie.
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08/24/2004 09:05:57 PM
Great lighting, nice composition...great shot.
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08/24/2004 08:52:09 PM
I like the dreamy expression of this shot, it adds to mood. Pose and lighting are both good, although the hand on the chest a bit hot compared to the rest of the image and the drop off shadowing on that arm is a bit odd making it look deformed. Overall a great shot a 9.
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08/24/2004 05:31:28 PM
Nice capture, pose, subject vs background. Toning is great, light is nothing short of excellent.
Somehow I also rate this one high on the Kiwiness scale...
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08/24/2004 04:37:03 PM
Interesting use of light and nice choice to shoot from above.
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08/24/2004 03:12:44 PM
good b&w tones.
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08/24/2004 12:18:18 PM
This is one of those photographs that I cannot think of chaning anything .. its all perfect .. I can only say congrats to you and your model for such a wonderful shot. I hope this places well.
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08/24/2004 09:26:34 AM
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08/24/2004 08:52:31 AM
Lovely lighting. Nice pose. Well done [7]
08/24/2004 08:20:14 AM
Whooo! What an awful shot - I can't believe people post such crap on here. 1

I am, of course, joking. This is great stuff. I love black and white figures. Looking at the top 2/3 of this image it is a clear 10 from me -my gripe is with the lower 1/3rd (just under the navel) I feel it doesn't work and isn't necessary to have the female genitalia in the shot - her legs are bent over each other protecting herself from the camera, which in turn has made them extra thin in width - this looks odd with her body - almost as if she is tapering out of the frame.

I would also crop in on the top a bit more -overall a tighter crop I feel would be better.

Having said all that -this image is one of the best in the challenge and it very well done.

Best of luck

JP the stoopid one.
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08/24/2004 05:00:16 AM
This shot has soo much emotion attatched to it. Its pure, angelic, peaceful. The way that the girl is tiling makes it look like she is about to fall down, but peacefully .. its as if she were taking her final breaths .. a little odd I know, but it does have that impression.
Good luck with this one .. its awesome.
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08/24/2004 04:14:06 AM
Very tender. I love it.
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08/23/2004 10:32:05 PM
Lovely and quite tasteful. Perhaps a tad less makeup- it may look more natural.
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08/23/2004 04:57:32 PM
Great Shot, well balanced. Perfect lighting throughout, it sculpts the body perfectly. Cannot fault it. Excellent work. Good Luck, Todd.
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08/23/2004 04:06:17 PM
Very nice expression. A head to toe shot would probably been better, with her knees bent a bit. 9
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08/23/2004 01:06:49 PM
I don't entirely care for the way her left arm is shadow, making the hand on her chest look disconnected. The shaved pubic area is TMI and a little distracting for me, but that's just a personal response I think (as a hetero woman maybe...) and doesn't affect my vote. Great lighting and nice expression on the model face. Good luck on a nice entry!
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08/23/2004 12:46:55 PM
beautiful model, beautiful crop. Nice lighting. Feels slightly too rigid. A suggestion: in this kind of position, ask the model to slightly let the lips open; this relaxes the face and adds freshness to the image. Well executed shot! 7
08/23/2004 11:11:00 AM
A beautiful, sensual look and feel. Wonderful photo.
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08/23/2004 08:28:36 AM
Love the image. You may get negative comments due to the excessive nudity for DPC, but it is a very good effort with a terrific model. The lighting is interesting, I would have liked to see a bit more shape and dimension to it. The lighting is a bit too flat for my liking. Normally, I score B&W lower as I am a colour image fan. But, I offer you a higher score for a nice job. Good luck in the challenge.
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08/23/2004 07:59:46 AM
Needs just a little more highlight
08/23/2004 07:45:34 AM
I love the pose, the way she looks is soo great! I love her side melting into the black background, lighting is expressive. The whole composition is sooo light that I have the feeling she i sfalling like a leaf. Wonderful shot, good luck! :-)
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08/23/2004 06:27:18 AM
I wish I could get my lighting as good as this, it is sensational. Lovely pose by a truly lovely model. Great work.
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08/23/2004 02:00:54 AM
The pose of your model is wonderfully different. I like your light source set up as well as the cropping. good job!
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08/23/2004 12:59:12 AM
nice model, pose, light.. no wow factor... clean shot a9
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08/23/2004 12:55:59 AM
Good lighting and angles.
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08/23/2004 12:13:59 AM
This is a very nice nude shot. I love the lighting; the model is also very beautiful. great job.
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