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Its all Natural!
Its all Natural!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude II (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Kodak DX4530
Location: Home
Date: Aug 22, 2004
Galleries: Family, Nude
Date Uploaded: Aug 22, 2004


Place: 84 out of 87
Avg (all users): 3.7428
Avg (commenters): 2.7037
Avg (participants): 3.3418
Avg (non-participants): 3.8614
Views since voting: 1879
Views during voting: 743
Votes: 346
Comments: 28
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/29/2004 09:48:26 PM
Baby is so cute. The red eye hurts this picture. So a little red eye correction will fix all.
08/28/2004 10:11:04 AM
Certainly a cute subject and you've got in nice and tight. The red eye is really unpleasant though and the lighting could really be improved a whole lot. Looks like you used the on camera flash which takes away any flattering, shaping shadows and doesn't add much back. (e.g., the dark shadow behind the head and so on. Low score.
08/28/2004 01:41:07 AM
The image quality here is rather low, with both blurryness and color blotchyness present.
The flash used also created a number of negative effects. The shadow outlines and the red-eye (even if it has been removed in post-processing) detract greatly from the shot. Try to use a different light source besides the flash and your results will probably improve.
08/27/2004 11:22:24 PM
eyes look fake.
08/27/2004 03:23:59 PM
The pose is perfect, just the red eye and focus let it down a little.
Great looking baby though, good luck.
08/27/2004 03:11:58 AM
Definitlley a snap shot photo.
red eye is not good. Using the cameras flash direct into the face is bad for that.
Also very grainy & or out of focus
08/25/2004 10:22:06 PM
gotta get rid of the red eye! next time, take the lamp shades off of a few lights, and turn off the flash.
you won't get the shadows or the red eye. red eye occures most often in blue eyed people. It happens much more often if the ambient light is dim. (red eye is caused by a reflection off of the retina, and the red is actually blood that nourishes the eye) do these few things and you'll have frameable photos for your walls!
08/25/2004 12:45:52 PM
Red is too strong a color to put with such a gentle baby. Consider a lighter color or all black next time.
08/24/2004 08:39:22 PM
This is a snapshot, I'm afraid. The baby is very cute, but the red eyes definitely should have been corrected.
08/24/2004 07:58:36 PM
Definately nude. There are a lot of things here that I think could use improvement. First, and most noticable are the red eyes. Use the red eye reducer if you have it, or use natural light and not the flash. Focus is a bit soft, and the lighting is very dim and dull. The baby is adorable, but I think the photo does not do him justice. ~Heather~
08/24/2004 06:01:20 PM
red eyes and blurry, poor lighting. Sorry for this lovely model.
08/24/2004 03:36:07 PM
a bit unsharp, red eyes and a very standard view, nothing special, sorry
08/24/2004 10:22:50 AM
The light here is not very flattering. Flash is rarely a good sole source of light for this type of photo...
08/24/2004 08:22:51 AM
Cute baby pic. The colour in the eyes and on the face disturb me though. It also appears slightly blurry to me. I'd experiment with some stronger lighting.
08/24/2004 05:50:42 AM
Seems like a snapshot with little though regarding light, position, or pose. the kid whilst cute has redeye which is easily fixed in an editing program. You have used the flash which really doesn't flatter people when used head on, try using some window light next time -on babys it makes a big difference.

08/24/2004 12:54:08 AM
Hopefully the eyes aren't natural. Definatly a snapshot at best. Sorry.
08/23/2004 10:36:13 PM
Should have removed the red eye. A bit more lighting would have helped.
08/23/2004 07:10:37 PM
A bit snapshotish... Red eyes don't work very well in challenges. Nice looking kid though.
08/23/2004 02:43:27 PM
Cute baby, but:
Unsharp, Red eyes! Distracting shadow behind head.
08/23/2004 02:41:41 PM
Lack of focus here along with red eye. Good luck.
08/23/2004 02:13:35 PM

nice family album shot - but thered eyes need to be fixed

08/23/2004 11:22:17 AM
hmmm - photoshop out the red eye - never cut off body parts - I think we nned the knee and the foward hand at least.
08/23/2004 09:17:05 AM
The focus is soft, and the direct flash produces an unflattering affect, along with red-eye.
08/23/2004 07:20:56 AM
The red eyes are a big distraction.
08/23/2004 02:54:08 AM
in advanced editing you could at least have removed the red eyes. The pose is verynice, but the picture is very out of focus and lost a lot of quality in the jpg-compression.
08/23/2004 12:56:51 AM
Very cute baby! I know the red eye was hard to control. You might try playing around with the flash or not use the flash at all.
08/23/2004 12:44:20 AM
The red eye, and harsh shadows lowers the quality of this a lot. Another light on the left, and a little editing to remove the red eye would have improved this a lot.
08/23/2004 12:11:57 AM
Blown highlights, red-eye easily eliminated in photoshop since this is an advanced editing challenge.

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