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Soles Of Freedom
Soles Of Freedom

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Footwear III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-450D Rebel XSi
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Location: My Foyer
Date: Feb 15, 2012
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/13
Date Uploaded: Feb 17, 2012

I was instantly inspired by this challenge. My husband served in the Army (Infantry Division) for 15 years. He was put in the line of duty many times, and fought for our freedom.

I thought this would be a perfect entry.

***Just to add***
This the the actual boot set. They are the same. I just couldn't get the front boot to "sit properly", so I folded the outside of the bottom one inside itself.

Those are the real dog tags as well. Guess I went a little overboard with the saturation of reds and greens in the photo.

Place: 53 out of 117
Avg (all users): 5.5316
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 5.1897
Avg (non-participants): 5.7300
Views since voting: 703
Views during voting: 297
Votes: 158
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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04/16/2012 02:19:14 AM
I gave you 7 for this. The boots with dog tags definitely gave me the sense that the owner wore them with pride in the service of his country. Great effort for a first entry.
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04/14/2012 02:18:31 PM
Not bad on a first entry. Love the idea! You could really continue to play on this with the processing, set up, etc.
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04/13/2012 09:45:57 AM
Distracted by the line across the mid bottom (a large piece of card or paper makes a great seamless BG for smaller set-ups), but otherwise a nice shot, hadn't noticed the folded boot until I read the description..
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04/13/2012 03:15:01 AM
Nicely done. I was one of the 6's. Crop is a little tight, would be my major crit.
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04/12/2012 11:36:33 PM
Might be nice in B&W - show off the textures on the worn boots.
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04/12/2012 08:14:03 PM
I like this... 6 from me. Tight crop maybe, but I love the details and the interest is there. Great job.
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04/12/2012 07:13:45 PM
ahhhh the first entry, and a 5.5+ to "boot"! very nicely done here, feel free to inspect my first entry, a paltry 3.4.....this image and it's score are a great achievement for a first entry (my only criticism would be to agree with previous posters that the crop is a touch too tight)
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04/12/2012 05:47:41 PM
You has essentially the same idea that I had for this challenge. The crop is slightly off but still a decent shot.
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04/12/2012 05:43:41 PM
I agree with Jon_H about the tightness of the crop. I like the clarity on the boots, but agree that the dog tags clutter it up a bit.
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04/12/2012 04:01:49 PM
A good idea bit the framing is a little on the tight side.
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04/12/2012 03:51:15 PM
Wow, i don't know what i can say about this photo that hasn't already been said. I'm committed to commenting on 100% of your images to give you a little distraction (along with a few others) and take up the mantle while you're on hiatus. I hope your son is getting better and I wish him a speedy recovery.

On to the photo: I do think the color being what it is takes something away from the boots and what they've been through, but i think you did a great job with the setup and capture. I might've tried getting the dog tags looped through the laces and hanging to the floor, but that's just me. I do think the current placement makes them feel more like the boots dogtags, which makes me wonder what kind of stories these boots would have to tell.
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03/05/2012 11:41:08 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club!

Hmm seems like most post-challenge commenters have already given you plenty to consider. Seeing that they are actual and well-worn military boots, I would have liked to see them in a grittier setting, or in use - even a shot of someone wearing fatigues and marching in them outdoors, in rain/mud/dirt to give that air of authenticity. I love Deb's ( Melethia) boots for that reason alone, she was posted overseas in warm sandy places where things went boom at that time. Here I feel the boots themselves seem uncomfortable as though they know they're not meant to be in a nice clean hallway. I feel that the dog tags draw too much attention away from the boots; maybe just visible, hanging down to the side so they're just identifiable as dog tags but so front and centre.

The comp is a little distracting, as they're soldiering boots I'd expect to see them a little more at attention and ready to go, despite the obvious level of wear. A couple more stops down may have helped with your dof issues. Overall though a decent shot and a good finish. Please keep on shooting and entering!

Feel free to PM me

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03/02/2012 08:30:12 PM
Originally posted by tanguera:

For me it's always about the story. I may not like the story, but if it tells a story, to me it's a good image. This image has too many conflicting elements that the story is murky. What are you trying to tell us? If it's of all the blood and sweat and sacrifice, this image is too clean. If it's about military, it's too "posed" and fashiony. If it's about style, it's not "pretty" enough. If it's "freedom", it's too constricted. Etc., etc. Technically, this is a decent enough image, but it doesn't tell me anything.

This is hitting the nail on the head, essentially.
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03/02/2012 02:15:43 AM
I guess my first impression is the image is rather pink! Without the dogtags, I would not think of military footwear with these - probably due to the toning. Still, you have a good grasp of the basics!

And just for fun - these are my boots:

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03/01/2012 02:50:54 PM
For me it's always about the story. I may not like the story, but if it tells a story, to me it's a good image. This image has too many conflicting elements that the story is murky. What are you trying to tell us? If it's of all the blood and sweat and sacrifice, this image is too clean. If it's about military, it's too "posed" and fashiony. If it's about style, it's not "pretty" enough. If it's "freedom", it's too constricted. Etc., etc. Technically, this is a decent enough image, but it doesn't tell me anything.
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03/01/2012 02:34:35 PM
wrong thread

Message edited by author 2012-03-01 15:20:17.
03/01/2012 02:14:46 PM
I like your many comments on my entry, it's great comments. Pls allow me to have my chance to give my opinion which I might not be always correct.

1. I like this image for its originality.

2. I'm guessing the scratch looking shoe should not place on beautiful wooden floor and clean wall. Maybe on staircase.

1. I agree with sempermarine. it's a bit tight because one of the shoe lace is running too near to the border.

2. I agree with Tiny giantmike Giles_uk cosmicassassin deeby about the focus. I view this image something like product shot and should be in sharp within focal length. Probably smaller aperture and placing the boot further away from wall will be better choice.

3. The tags. I view the image as shoe and the tags confuse me. Is that those tags should be hang somewhere at proper place.

Sorry for bad grammar and I give 6 for this image.

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03/01/2012 01:53:53 PM

Message edited by author 2012-03-01 16:24:34.
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03/01/2012 01:29:58 PM
I agree with most of what's been said. Little things bother me -- such as the boot on the left of the picture is drawing my eye out of the picture instead of into it. It may have been stronger with the lower boot on the other side. The focus is a bit wonky, and so is the color. I still probably would have given it a 6, because none of these things makes that big of a difference.

What you'd need to do to get a higher score from me is to make me more interested. Tie it into something. As giantmike said, perhaps a more gritty setting. Or even some mud attached to the bottom of the boots with some bits coming off on the floor. Make me think of the work and sweat that happens in these boots. Context other than a front hall will have more meaning.

Also, did you try a different angle? Laying down on the floor and shooting straight in at the boots? It can be a little more personal point of view. Here's a different perspective with sempermarine's shot:

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03/01/2012 01:02:50 PM
Originally posted by hahn23:


i was wondering if your praising fawning eulogy was sarcastic or serious.....
03/01/2012 12:50:10 PM
Not a bad pic, not offensive anyway. It didn't excite me either though. The title indicates a personal point of view, but the reference to military stuff is too strong politically and overpowers the personal sentiment. Technically, the left toe is out of focus which bugged me. I didn't look at it long enough to realize the right one's leg part was turned down. I gave it a 5. And I'm glad you entered the challenge.
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03/01/2012 12:05:05 PM
I agree with the already said.
I think the use of actual military combat boots would match the feel better. Those look like work/hiking boots. The red tag is an allergy identifier and the green is a tag of army values, both of which could've been left out.
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03/01/2012 11:32:57 AM
What Giles_uk about the dog tags. I feel like they're what I'm supposed to be looking at, but they're out of focus. If dog tags and boots were more synonymous, maybe it wouldn't be a problem, but they are two things which aren't normally associated together. Add the fact one of the them is red/pink, it draws your eye there immediately.

Now that you asked for an in depth critique, what I don't like is both boots aren't the same. One is clearly over the ankle, about four inches, and the other looks like it's been chopped below the ankle. I'm starting to wonder where the rest of the boot went, and more importantly, why. I gave this 5, which was above average for this challenge, but looking at the lack of boot is driving me nuts now.

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03/01/2012 11:18:35 AM
i gave it a 4, no noticeable choice of focus. i.e on the dog tags the main element of the photo, i disliked the darkness of the tongue, everything is cream not white, the skirting board and the wall etc . the focus seems to be on the front of the right shoe and the broken lace. just looked like another pair of worn boots to me, am i meant to associate them with military boots? are they dog tags or makers tags i dont know? compositionally it looks like 1 boot and one shoe and its titled "soles of freedom" yet i see no soles really? and they dont look very free.

harsh maybe but thats how i vote im a love it hate it kinda guy although that equates to my average vote being Avg Vote Cast: 5.1352 which seems like im overly harsh but my standards have got higher 67 challenges into my dpc career :)
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03/01/2012 11:13:48 AM
I gave you a 6. It's a pleasant image, that could use some work to bring out the wow factor (these are of course personal opinions):
* The light floor and wall seem out of place. I would like a more gritty setting
* The depth of field seems to be a little bit shallow, throwing the toes out of focus a bit
* The colors of the tags seem unnaturally washed out somehow
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02/29/2012 08:14:44 AM
Not too bad for your first entry. My first entry on DPC was for the "shoes" challenge, and I too used my husbands military boots. I am sure you will do very well here.
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02/29/2012 04:46:27 AM
Three now.
Nice start ,in a midway position,can,t be bad.
I would have liked to see the more prominent boot in more focus to the other one.
But that,s just me.
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02/29/2012 12:35:35 AM
what?only 1 comment
now you have 2
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/24/2012 05:51:38 PM

Message edited by author 2012-03-01 16:25:04.
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