Canon EF 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 II
Lens Owners (194)
justine, ayshih, sher, rhamernik, jimmyn4, mabu, mediamst, nathaliedoo, JCDean, ronak, txdell, maelms, arpboy, tenere, Anjella, fridjo, bon_sai, mikasi, racerraul, dahved, debitipton, jccminty, Gaberm1972, ddng, arngrimur, axkelly, prh1966, Mstarkey, YoungCool, KrisChill, Tommy 2 Tone, sigrun_th, VictoryJohn, hfresneda, fsemarine, insaneshow, DrewLong, chloeclogs, CookieJar, judy_dalmer2, BlkNgt84, jrsnow, peanutbutterguitar, ugge, roxystar, lauraodom, guilotal, Feeprints, pintaric, vistisen, andrerusso2, ttibby, msimaging, Mummi, babu, loriprophoto, cheriherron, fotohalde, jatcom, pepitoid, debischoeman, rvigo, Kevin Tucker, Power, Kamara_nabil, huitzilopotchtli, Nathanael, MaggiElvar, unterwasserphotograph, idemaerschalk, venomoussvt, wolfsta, antonv, man2bird, tkerby, Kitty B, ddoss, OzShadow, geekgirl717, BWills, redsunphotography, mjfphoto, Arch-Angel, jabucket, spoonzor, thewizard71, Gerrry, thextoe, tkarr, chill, staab, drewbowser, Voltagain, lzbeth, jgranberg, jimgill, skyshadows74, Pinhead, failedguidedog, fillinn, pmihaichuk, XoXs, tpough, Mille, RazorsEdge, SeekingFocus, RevMike, xingchenstar, xcgsailor, cb_wawa, lucho, PhotoVixxen, Justeen, girisriniv1, Jcorrea, andrask, asu55y, boxers, picguy08, picturehappy, FMonteiro, tparkaz, Cwbywz, ricokim, hafler06, purplepengu, raghu75, cyberfoto1, faina, TheIkonx, szone, dtremain, chardy, theflop, cjhoffma45, bbc, dcrooks, neversummer155, obiqui, NorthernCanuck, Ruslan124, cabbiinc, dJCL, blkphoto, nmankikar, garym, phokas, CanonPhoto87, rabdog, gr33nphoto, jslinker, pace1958, kristensen20, musical1806, wrldtrvlr13, Frederic_45240, shutterbliss, Ryan133, Hagin, nickadeedoo, vrodkaraf, gurayu, mphotography, be-holder, otarhan, JimmyZ, wildhog, hymir, cadman, lifetints, buggy4shutter, Davo, squonk, astriske, progressive_paul, dali_lama_2k, but1non, ness1474, addimav, prasad, Patrick_D_Harrington, wandat, m3lodym4ker, morrisdj, kingcrew5, jnlaf, Andreola, danjama, noahhendlish, nzsunil, m2e2, DonRoberto, Tragikmagik72, CWells |
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