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    User Profile
    Name: Guy Montag
    Username: montag
    Type: Registered User Location: Dallas, TX
    Cameras: Nikon D200
    Canon PowerShot A620
    Lenses: Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro for Nikon
    Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
    Registered: Jun. 23rd 2006
    Contact: Private Message
    Biography: I enjoy photography, because in a way, it allows me to show others the world as I see it. (which tends to be in a slightly different fashion than most, from what I gather).

    Currently in college, almost done (after nearly 8 years). Most people would have a PhD by this point. Of course, you sort of have to stick to one thing for that to work out. Pure math and CS for two and a half years, Art (sculpture) for another three and ATEC (arts and technology) for the most recent two. Almost tried to tack on a minor in philosophy, but couldn't find the time. So yes, over-educated and no idea what to do with it all.

    Aside from photography, I read a lot. Like 'A book a day' a lot. Mostly sci-fi / fantasy stuff, but every now and then it's actually something worthwhile like 'The Nicomachean Ethics' or 'A Critique of Pure Reason' and it's the mental equivalent of snorting a line of coke. More or less because you're up at terrible hours, and afterwards, you're asking yourself 'Oh god, why did I just do that?'

    My prosaic background (also known as 'actual money-earning talent') consists of knowing far too much about computers, and doing VoIP-related nonsense and network fixing / building things with an eye towards moving into computer security. But that stuff is very boring to the vast majority of people, so I do my best to not talk about anything related to the topic.

    I've got a flickr page; //www.flickr.com/photos/mapper-montag/
    And a journal; //sir-montag.livejournal.com/
    Hopefully neither is terribly boring.

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