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Registered UseriMichel

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Comments Made by iMichel
Showing 51 - 60 of ~93
Image Comment
05/08/2009 12:13:23 PM
Inyanga3rd Place
by MAK

Dark Beauty in "The Village" would be a nice title too

Suggestion?...a little less light would have been interesting to see so the shimmer of light around the eyes and lips would be more prominant, while the figure is in shadows.

Very pretty though...
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05/08/2009 12:06:37 PM
by sandyman

Ohhhhh, I think we have a challenge, lol. I saw a photo with the same concept Last rays of hope before darkness, I think. I still remember it 'cause it was nice, but this I'm afraid is nicer. The contrast of light and dark is shaper...literally. The light cuts through and is battling to remain.
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dark days
05/08/2009 12:00:06 PM
dark days
by timfythetoo

Subject form....check. Composition....check....The gradation from black to white....priceless.

Hopefully it is not implied that in marriage there will be days of darkness such as this, lol. Nice shot.
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05/08/2009 11:51:23 AM
by Louisa

Awwwww, so sad. Why do I hear music from beauty and the beast?...lol.
The .75 border line is a nice touch; very subtle...
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Moonlight's shadows
05/08/2009 11:47:54 AM
Moonlight's shadows
by carljacquemyn

Quickly, in the shed.THE SNAILS ARE COMING!!! Nice.
Suggestion though...try tweaking the levels of the photo; it helps when there's a nice gradation from black to white. Rev up the levels to get areas of pure black in the photo. Interesting photo.
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Behind the Boathouse
05/08/2009 11:42:57 AM
Behind the Boathouse
by DistantColours

Oh My......I don't even know if that qualifies as a comment, but it really sums up what I think, lol. My score for this photo supports my response. I won't be suprised at all if this photo gets "tied" up, lol. Wonderful.

Can I take a guess and say this final result is a combination of multiple exposures, 'cause if it's not....motion sickness but in a good way, lol. What makes me think so, are the trees that are very well lit to the left...they look suspect. Nevertheless, well done.
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Last rays of hope.. after that its all dark
05/08/2009 11:32:27 AM
Last rays of hope.. after that its all dark
by yjoshi

Love the silhouette and title.
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Dark Knight
05/08/2009 11:14:32 AM
Dark Knight
by project365

Nice spin on the title, however, using a black night would have been interesting to see. There may have been enough light to get the contour of the black knight within the darkness. Still, I like it with the crystal knight too...see I'm not racist or anything, lol.

oooooh, and another request/suggestion...having no border would help too, so the darkness is not constrained in that area alone, but infinite. The boundaries of shot become your border. Ok, I'm shutting up, lol.
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Where's Waldo?
05/08/2009 11:00:25 AM
Where's Waldo?
by sgauria

Lol. Nice. If this shot ceases to get an 8, people are just haters, lol.
I was tempted to do the same...

Although dressing up as waldo and letting just enough light to hint that there is or was Waldo in this shot would've taken this pic to the next level. Nevertheless an 8 for being a smart ass, lol. Awesome.
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Still Morning his Lost Love
05/08/2009 10:51:18 AM
Still Morning his Lost Love
by kaiser_chief

Seems he doesn't realize he too has passed....I can see through him.
The shot is nice, though I wish there was more darkness.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 51 - 60 of ~93

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