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Registered Userarronrod

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Comments Made by arronrod
Showing 1 - 10 of ~14
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Not Good Enough
05/25/2006 08:21:54 PM
Not Good Enough
by xXxscarletxXx

The overexposure makes it really pixilated around outlines.
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Deserted Tunnel at Dusk
05/25/2006 08:19:41 PM
Deserted Tunnel at Dusk
by Mes84

:( It's so little.
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Confederate Failure at Fort Pocahontas
05/25/2006 08:19:18 PM
Confederate Failure at Fort Pocahontas
by Plachoochi

I think it's a little washed out.
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05/25/2006 08:17:29 PM
by xantangummi

I think the blue is a touch too vivid, but very nice none the less.
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Despite Years of Sweat Equity
05/25/2006 08:16:08 PM
Despite Years of Sweat Equity
by TomMMD

It would be better if I could read the sign.
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OK, I give up, gimme a fork!
05/25/2006 08:13:40 PM
OK, I give up, gimme a fork!
by tazza

Ok, this acually made me laugh out loud.
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Shooting Star (All Spiced Up)
05/04/2006 11:18:10 AM
Shooting Star (All Spiced Up)
by Rebecca

I agree with Rikki.

But I DO like the idea and composition.
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Memories from the Farm
05/01/2006 11:42:27 PM
Memories from the Farm
by dsidwell

I see things like this sometimes when I'm out driving and I want so much to pull over to take a few shots.
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The Juggler
04/27/2006 09:36:25 PM
The Juggler
by liebe

Is it me, or is there a funny black fingerprintsmudge looking thing right at the top of the building?
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04/22/2006 04:49:41 PM
by BeeCee

shouldn't the whole egg glow blue?
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~14

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