Darren_WComment by snaffles: Greetings from the Critique Club!
This is a good macro, with nice use of thirds, and true enough there are no straight lines on the balls or letters. However, the b/w does little for what simply appears to be an underexposed shot of some golf balls. Your technicals are fine, but there's just a bit of a ho-hum factor here.
In terms of the challenge itself, I have to agree with
EL-ROI...this just doesn't look twisted at all. Many voters on this site tend to be very literal, and do want to see twisted items in this challenge.
Here's a trick that I share with many noobs. Go through this challenge (or any challenge for that matter) and review all the images, either as thumbnails or as full-sized images, doesn't matter...but start at the last page, with the DQs and others that finished at the very bottom. Then work your way up to the front page. As you do, you will notice what works, and what doesn't. It's not about who has the fanciest gear or best knowledge of Photoshop or similar programs; it's knowing how to use what you have, effectively, to create a compelling image.
Hope this critique has been of help, feel free to PM me. Please keep on shooting and entering challenges.