spidermanComment by kandyj: Critique Club:
Meeting the challenge: Excellent! This is definitely identifiable as milk or cream and you certainly "got" it!!
Composition: Good use of thirds, use of dark background to contrast against the milk (although it would have been nice to have been a little more solid) The chain is a little bit distracting but not a major problem. It would have been nice to see one eye to enhance the expression, but I certainly understand pouring milk over oneself in the middle of winter might not justify 100 shots of the moment ;)
Technical Quality: Again, I would like to have seen the background more solid. The capture of the moment is excellent, the skin tones good and the focus is very good. It appears you used a perfect shutter speed to stop the movement of the milk, and I love the splat on the nose! I would also like the background to have been a less speckled in addition to being a solid color. You might have been able to improve on this with a levels adjustment. Good focus and depth of field, also.
Creativity: Excellent, I think I might have called this "human sacrifice ritual for DPC", but the the satirical title fits well, too. Unlike some other comments, I think there is enough of your face showing to communicate a feeling of "arggh" during this shot.
Overall: Nice shot, fits well with the challenge, with background change, would have been at least an 8 for me.