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Comments Received by mandyg5364
Showing 1 - 10 of ~17
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Don't Get TOO Close!
10/02/2003 02:22:13 PM
Don't Get TOO Close!
by mandyg5364

Comment by HBunch:
*Critique Club*
I think that the thought is here. The spider is definately interesting to me. I like that he's on a simple background.
The colors seem dull and muted to me though. By the harsh highlight on his back, i'm assuming that this is because of the lighting. Saturation and contrast adjustments could definately help to bring this out.
Ideally, a different time of the day might be a better decision, however, with live animals, you can't exactly ask them to come back at a different time, so sometimes you take what you can get.
The focus is a bit soft, which could be from the lighting, or it could also be that maybe it was moving slightly?
I think that the best way to get a great shot of something like this is to take LOTS of shots. It's digital, so we don't have to worry about wasting film. Just go crazy, take like 70 shots of the exact same thing. At least one is bound to be in focus, or have just the right angle. Then you can mess with color and contrast later in an editing program.
The angle is ok. Maybe a bit too head on, but still not bad. I do like how you have blurred the background, nothing distracting there. Overall, crispness, and color would have made this shot really good.
Don't Get TOO Close!
09/27/2003 12:06:26 AM
Don't Get TOO Close!
by mandyg5364

Comment by Gracious:
I like it! Focus is a wee bit soft...but still shows the markings well.
Don't Get TOO Close!
09/26/2003 01:23:01 PM
Don't Get TOO Close!
by mandyg5364

Comment by ChrisW123:
The contrast is off on this. Did you try raising the Brightness setting in PS to lighten it up? If so, try using Curves or Levels next time instead.
Don't Get TOO Close!
09/26/2003 09:54:50 AM
Don't Get TOO Close!
by mandyg5364

Comment by vonautsch:
The composition is a little boring and the contrasts could be enhanced.
Don't Get TOO Close!
09/26/2003 03:59:21 AM
Don't Get TOO Close!
by mandyg5364

Comment by faidoi:
With a bit more sharpness or contrast you could really bring out the spider. The blurring of the background helps, but the spider needs more to really make it pop out of the pictue.
Don't Get TOO Close!
09/25/2003 08:19:23 PM
Don't Get TOO Close!
by mandyg5364

Comment by Simplicity:
a bit grainy and overexposed for me..good subject choice, just needs to be a little sharper and clearer....
Don't Get TOO Close!
09/24/2003 10:22:42 PM
Don't Get TOO Close!
by mandyg5364

Comment by dr rick:
Nice focus, but a bit washed out; it needs a bit more contrast.
Don't Get TOO Close!
09/24/2003 09:09:59 AM
Don't Get TOO Close!
by mandyg5364

Comment by Gracechild7:
Too much negative space, not crisp enough. Maybe try a subject more abstract/artistic that you can manipulate. Because I know I sure wouldn't want to touch this guy. Eep!
Don't Get TOO Close!
09/22/2003 11:31:39 AM
Don't Get TOO Close!
by mandyg5364

Comment by Gordon:
could perhaps do with a touch more contrast to remove the cloudyness of the shot ?
Resting in the Shade
09/13/2003 09:03:57 PM
Resting in the Shade
by mandyg5364

Comment by quadangle:
Nice subject, horrible exposure and composition, though. The spiderweb and man-made objects could have been cropped out simply by moving over to the left and down with the camera. With a digital camera, there is no excuse for underexposure, since you can preview your images immediately.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~17

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