Lily Padby
Photogirl_in_VancouverComment by HBunch: *Critique Club*
The first thing that I notice here is what others have mentioned already is the centered flower. I think this would be better with some dramatic angle or by placing the flower off center a bit. This would create some added interest that might hold the viewer in for a bit longer.
Next thing I see is that while it's a good shot, it's not exactly high contrast either. There is contrast in the photo, but not 'high' by my personal standards. Everyone is different in that aspect, I believe, but this is just my personal opinion.
What happened here, is you took the photo and added the contrast in post processing. I think had you taken the photo with high contrast in mind, and then post processed to ENHANCE your vision, that this might have faired better.
Focus and clarity on the subject seem good and we get some great detail in the flower and lily pads as well.
The upper left area in the water looks odd. It's a distraction. Not sure if it's reflection, or what, but it looks quite odd there at the bottom of that upper left lily pad.
Overall a pleasing image that could benefit from a different crop/angle.