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Registered UserHotshot132

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Comments Received by Hotshot132
Showing 1 - 10 of ~56
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Coal Mining Car
07/05/2005 10:43:17 PM
Coal Mining Car
by Hotshot132

Comment by graphicfunk:
Very neat capture with lovely low key colors. 7
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Coal Mining Car
07/03/2005 01:37:04 PM
Coal Mining Car
by Hotshot132

Comment by kawhona:
flat lighting ... needs to be taken in more flatering light ... the little bit of grass in the foreground is also distracting from the subject. You might be able to play with the lighting curves to create a more appealing set of lighting conditions.
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Coal Mining Car
06/29/2005 07:28:12 AM
Coal Mining Car
by Hotshot132

Comment by Falc:
This fits the subject perfectly, however the execution just falls flat. What you have ended up with is a simple 'record' shot of a coal truck.
It looks to me as though you took this at the height of midday in bright overhead sunlight. Now just imagine if you had taken this in low evening or morning sun and maybe kicked up some of that dust. That would have been very atmospheric.
I hope that explains why I can't give it more than a 5.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Candid Shoe Tie
02/15/2003 10:45:44 AM
Candid Shoe Tie
by Hotshot132

Comment by inspzil:
Greetings from the Critique Club
by Inspzil

Composition - My first impression is that this is a candid snapshot. The background is really cluttered and the light is probably coming out of a window near a table. The light is very nice and soft. If she wasn't hunched over her knees, her expression and the lighting provided would have made an outstanding portrait. Actually it is a very nice picture, but I don't really think its challenge material. That's just one person's opinion though. Where are the shoes she's tying? I guess we'll just have to take your word for it.

Technical - Not a badly taken photo aside from the arm that is probably moving to tie the shoes. Its nice and clear and properly lit. Exposure is good. Processing stuff really isn't too much of an issue

Overall - A nice snapshot, but not really challenge worthy stuff IMO. Actually not that far away from it though. The background is really a killer on this photo. Sorry I don't have too much to say about this. Honestly I think its not far away from being really good. - Inspzil
Photographer found comment helpful.
Candid Shoe Tie
02/09/2003 11:58:38 PM
Candid Shoe Tie
by Hotshot132

Comment by DennisF:
Wonderful skin tones. Nice big eyes. I know this was candid, but the background detracted from the face and hair and lighting.
Candid Shoe Tie
02/08/2003 01:46:40 PM
Candid Shoe Tie
by Hotshot132

Comment by Ricky Cleave:
cant really be candid if the subject is looking at you, cant it?
Candid Shoe Tie
02/06/2003 02:33:54 PM
Candid Shoe Tie
by Hotshot132

Comment by Becky:
The colors of this photo are nice. The subject dosen't look too thrilled.
Candid Shoe Tie
02/05/2003 07:06:08 PM
Candid Shoe Tie
by Hotshot132

Comment by KimInNB:
But where's the shoe??
Candid Shoe Tie
02/04/2003 07:50:06 PM
Candid Shoe Tie
by Hotshot132

Comment by LindaLee:
Um, I seem to be unable to actually see the "shoe tie". Pretty nice clear shot of a lovely young lady, but a very distracting background. And the title refers to something I can't see, so that kind of takes away from the experience for me.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Candid Shoe Tie
02/04/2003 03:57:35 PM
Candid Shoe Tie
by Hotshot132

Comment by blurry_image:
ahhh yeah i can hear it now " COULD YOU PLEASE PUT THE CAMERA AWAY FOR A LITTLE WHILE?" hahaha
Showing 1 - 10 of ~56

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