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Registered UserJTHermansen

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Comments Made by JTHermansen
Showing 1 - 10 of ~77
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The Trees
04/03/2004 12:32:09 AM
The Trees
by mariomel

would make a beautiful postcard, might have looked better with a longer exposure
Found Art #27
02/10/2004 03:16:23 AM
Found Art #27
by Catherine

Beautiful. My only 10 in the entire contest. Well done, you deserve a ribbon for this shot.
Photographer found comment helpful.
11/09/2003 03:41:33 AM
by neenee1999

Hmm, this doesn't work for me. While the picture is composed well, is well lit, is centered well..... the subject seems to feel too boring to me. Nothing really jumps out and says, HEY! Look at this! Maybe a different angle would help?
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Infinite Chinese Soldiers
11/09/2003 03:15:30 AM
Infinite Chinese Soldiers
by Cam

Hmmm, I like this one a lot. Though, for my tastes, I think I'd like it more if you'd made the far left wall a little more parallel to the edge of the photo. I guess I'm saying this so you could convey the infiniteness to the sides more so than you have already. I like the depth of this, and the focus fading out as the soldiers get more distant. good job. 8
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Endless sunshine and water?
11/04/2003 10:03:43 PM
Endless sunshine and water?
by Jean

beautiful colors, very creative, nice angle, altogether well done. I like that the background isn't just static. 10
Photographer found comment helpful.
Vines... grapes... wine... raisins... jelly... juice... ...infinite possibilities
11/04/2003 10:00:03 PM
Vines... grapes... wine... raisins... jelly... juice... ...infinite possibilities
by DiamondPete

feels a bit too dark to me, considering the possibilities of colors in a vineyard. nice angle though
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Under the Bridge to Has Been and Always
11/04/2003 08:23:41 PM
Under the Bridge to Has Been and Always
by JPR

I get what you're going for here, but it doesn't feel very infinite to me. The photo composition is outstanding though, the water is soft, and the support beams are all very crisp. the shadows are outstanding, and i like the angle you shot this from. hmmmm, 9
11/04/2003 08:11:09 PM
by zeuszen

I like seeing trees to represents infinite. I like the colors, this picture came out well. I can't think of anything really to change, maybe a view of these trees from behind the roots of another one? that would probably look really good 8
Photographer found comment helpful.
On the road
11/04/2003 08:03:21 PM
On the road
by puya

this certainly fits the challenge, but wow, i feel bored just looking at this. Hmmm, maybe level the horizon, go forward past the telephone wires, and take the shot from ground level.
I Lost My Watch
11/04/2003 07:53:25 PM
I Lost My Watch
by ellamay

I feel bummed for you that that was all you got for clouds that night! Well composed shot, very dark though. that long grass is very nice and turned out perfectly for this photo though
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~77

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