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Registered Userd2frette

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Comments Made by d2frette
Showing 31 - 40 of ~40
Image Comment
Urban Landscape
10/08/2003 09:39:00 AM
Urban Landscape
by Dim7

Nice colors/saturation. Crop the top..bad glare. Where is the center of attention? It almost feels like the almost hidden church, but since it's out of focus, it then feels a little like the orange tree on the bottom left.
Give the image a better title to help our eyes. :)

Good shot.
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Wow...Some Great Security Measures!
10/06/2003 11:20:48 AM
Wow...Some Great Security Measures!
by Simplicity

Could have gone with a better angle (closer to ground, closer to a rail) to help pull the eye's focus between the "beware of dog" and the open gate.
Not a bad idea though.
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Sunglasses at Night
10/06/2003 11:16:44 AM
Sunglasses at Night
by BobsterLobster

overexposed. get creative on subject placement to avoid the harsh light throwing off your metering.
What does it mean?
10/06/2003 11:10:29 AM
What does it mean?
by pcody

The photo is too busy. There is no real point of interest to the eye. Weak composition, no real intersting angles, lack of subject matter, poor DOF.

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Baltimore. The City That Reads
10/06/2003 10:53:00 AM
Baltimore. The City That Reads
by brianeden

Blue tint to the piece of paper - use Levels if you have them in your photo program.
Paper looks too dry
Shot looks like just a snapshot with not much creativity.
Perhaps you could have used the hood of the car to give an element of depth.

I give you a 2.
Slipped in the Tub the Day He Won the Lottery
10/06/2003 10:48:27 AM
Slipped in the Tub the Day He Won the Lottery
by magnetic9999

FYI - No need for the lengthy title.

It's not an Iron. :)

Should have the date on the lottery ticket, instead of the "10,000,000 Winning Ticket".
It's an off balance shot (much more white) with the only real element of contrast being the soap dish.
The ticket is in the center of the image (why would he have it in his hand?)

Overall, I think it's a 3. Better placement and cropping would have yeilded you a higher score.
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Do As I Say, Not As I Do
10/06/2003 10:39:12 AM
Do As I Say, Not As I Do
by WildflowerJoy

The tag is hard to see, and it's 1/2 the subject (the ticket being the other half). It's a great idea. In fact, it looks almsot fake but I give you the benefit of the doubt.
The B&W helps this photo - helps our eyes to pay attention and not wander off.

I give you a 5...had the tag been easier to see (perhaps bump the contrast a little?), I'd have given you a 6.
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"The Iron Knees of Life"
10/06/2003 10:34:23 AM
"The Iron Knees of Life"
by tfarrell23

I think it's an overused idea - the iron - for this challenge. But it fits the challenge, so I'll grade on how well the photo really is. :)

I like the lighting. It does create a mood to this photo that the other irons don't have.
I like the placement of the iron.

The iron came out overexposed and out of focus.
The tag adds an unwelcome contrast.

Most people don't iron their jeans :) but I won't count it against you.

Overall, I give it a 5.
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Bad Move
10/06/2003 10:27:11 AM
Bad Move
by vtruan

The title is a pun, and it works.

Effective use of B&W to help remove any color distractions that exist on a busy image.

DOF - Use a smaller DOF with focus on the OK piece to force our attention to the irony. The small DOF will make things out of focus, which is required with such a busy picture.
Cropping - Should have cropped this just to the left of the man. This would have removed some of the busyness and the vignetting along the corners (notice the image gets darker towards the corners).

I give it a 6.
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10/06/2003 10:16:14 AM
by AMac

DOF - less would be even better, but this is good.
Idea/creativity - are these candies or something?
placement of the point of interest

Boring subject matter (I can get over that though) - what are they anyway?
Harsh lighting (the green object has a strong glare) - use a warmer light.

I hope this image gets a ribbon!!
Showing 31 - 40 of ~40

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