Night Bean by Dayby
markwileyComment: Wow! I don't actually know where that is, but if it is what I think it is, then that's pretty cool
Update: I noticed what kind of looked like the Sears (oops, Willis) Tower in the background. So, at first, I was thinking maybe I would just take a look at the street view in Google Maps, and see if I could find this thing. However, it then occured to me that I might be able to find it by just doing a simple Google search.
So, I entered the following words with no quotes...
big silver reflective blob
To my surprise (but not really, cause I' already entirely sold on Google as a search engine), the first hit was a page on Yelp about this thing called the Cloud Gate in Mellenium Park in Chicago with a photo of the same object as in your photo above.
BLAMMO! Google earns its weight in gold again!
Anyway, very nice again. I really like your work here.