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Registered UserStefanJSimons

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Comments Made by StefanJSimons
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Showing 171 - 180 of ~190
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Wise Beyond Her Years
01/05/2013 09:23:58 PM
Wise Beyond Her Years
by pixelpig

Nice framing. Out of focus so none of the aging of what I asume is a lovely old bear can actualy be seen. The treatment is flat and the title suggests emotional attatchement and a hint of many years as a loved possesion, that isn't coming thorugh in the black and white. (4)
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lego on patrol
01/05/2013 09:20:59 PM
lego on patrol
by caba

Lighly armoured scout on a bike in the snow, it is out of context, without irony. Lighting of the subject isn't very dynamic and the spot on the wall is distracting without any possitive result in the overall image. (4)
01/05/2013 09:15:22 PM
by rockyrajan

I can't work out what the object on the stairs is, it doesn't look very interesting so there isn't much of a story in it being abandoned. focus look sto be in the right place and the treatment gives me the feeling of an old discarded photograph so in part these elements are working. (4)
Photographer found comment helpful.
Cookie Monsters at play
01/05/2013 09:13:10 PM
Cookie Monsters at play
by Lawton

The pink is so bright, vibrant and attention grabbing your toys are secondary to your background. (3)
Time for the Stuff Animals makes money
01/05/2013 09:12:24 PM
Time for the Stuff Animals makes money
by whiterook

Too busy, out of focus and over processed. (2)
the cardboard tube from grandpa
01/05/2013 09:10:01 PM
the cardboard tube from grandpa
by jmritz

The idea is Ok but composition, treatment, focus, and attention to detail all need some work. As captured here it looks discarded and unloved, so there is no irony or story here worthy of a picture. (1)
Photographer found comment helpful.
01/05/2013 09:04:50 PM
by jzmuda

Without the heading this image doesn't work for me, but with it: cool! (7)
01/05/2013 09:03:45 PM
by DistantColours

Nice ballanced assymetry. very interesting lighting. I'd think the distribution of colours in the marbles could be improved it offeres a chance for some subtle message through selection of marbles in the image. (7)
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The Old Wooden Top
01/05/2013 08:58:24 PM
The Old Wooden Top
by vawendy

Cool idea. I understand the darkening and low focus is to push the boy down the visual hierachy but I dont think he needs to be both out of focus and darker, if in focus his gaze could drive the attention back onto the top, as it is once my attention shifts from the top there is nothing to bring it back. (7)
Photographer found comment helpful.
01/05/2013 08:56:24 PM
by UrfaK

Those eyes, that attatude! (8)
Photographer found comment helpful.
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Showing 171 - 180 of ~190

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