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Registered Userozaibak

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Comments Made by ozaibak
Showing 1 - 10 of ~22
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and 13 birds in the distance
03/24/2004 12:17:14 AM
and 13 birds in the distance
by jjbeguin

This should of definately placed much higher. The scores some people give are just ridiculous.
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Conflicting Colors
02/25/2004 12:13:20 AM
Conflicting Colors
by jonpink

I've been going through several pages of submissions and this is the first one that struck me. Wow!

Incredible lighting, colors... everything! Well done, I see absolutely no reason this doesn't deserve a 10. This will be a winner for sure.
My Last One
01/14/2004 12:05:37 AM
My Last One
by Spanish_Grease

Sorry to say it but you got robbed. This definately deserved to be in the top 3 in my opinion, unfortunately the majority of people's tastes on this site seem to be a little strange...
Photographer found comment helpful.
01/08/2004 11:02:19 PM
by crabappl3

Ah carrion. Excellent focus, interesting subject. The only thing this picture lacks is interest though. The subject is excellent, but the background takes away the majority of points from a perfect picture. I give this a 6, a change of background could of earned it upwards of a 9.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Learning to Simply Walk Away
01/08/2004 11:00:49 PM
Learning to Simply Walk Away
by dharmeson

I really like the setup for this shot. The colors contrast beautifully, and good overall focus. What I thought could be improved upon however was the lighting. The reflections off the coin were a bit distracting, and perhaps a stronger light/contrast could have drawn even more attention to the differences in color. Good job! I give this a 7. Improvement in lighting would move it up to an 8.
Photographer found comment helpful.
01/07/2004 04:10:10 PM
by Sieruken7

Beautiful icture, but don't really see how it relates to the challenge.
Breaking The Bank
01/06/2004 09:42:06 PM
Breaking The Bank
by EddyG

I don't know how you did this but the shot is damn cool. The issues I have with this are the reflections of the light, and the lighting of the overall photograph is too low in my opinion.

But for creativity, 10/10. Looks really cool, congratulations.
Photographer found comment helpful.
3D metal ladder
03/18/2003 10:20:25 PM
3D metal ladder
by eikidigi

Excellent in every aspect of the word. Well done, I think this might win a ribbon! A perfect 10, what more do you want?!
SkyLight ^ 2
01/27/2003 09:00:36 PM
SkyLight ^ 22nd Place
by myqyl

Very trippy image, a perfect 10.
The I-5 Killter
01/22/2003 11:16:46 PM
The I-5 Killter
by tfarrell23

You artistic talent is amazing. Simply incredible. Best photograph of the competition. 10.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~22

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