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Comments Made by mcrochip
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Showing 441 - 450 of ~792
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P O W E R   under   C O N T R O L
06/03/2003 08:54:35 PM
P O W E R under C O N T R O L
by bosniak

*Critique Club*

FIRST IMPRESSION: Kind of like the scrolling numbers at the beginning and end of Matrix. Natural colors, OK lighting, good level of detail.

CHALLENGE: The green helps, though this photograph meets the challenge just from it's form (shapes and such).

COMPOSITION: I like the perspective here, looking down over the heat sink towards the motherboard. The sticker visible on the memory/bios chip at the back is somewhat distracting in this photo.

TECHNICAL: Depth of field is good - just enough detail to get the point across without being too busy.

CONCLUSION: Well executed shot, with just minor imperfections.

Thanks for sharing and good luck in future challenges!
The Portal
06/03/2003 08:49:59 PM
The Portal
by bil99

*Critique Club*

FIRST IMPRESSION: Green. Very, very green. Quite bright, and I knew before I even saw the challenge title that this is for "The Matrix" challenge.

CHALLENGE: Given that, it meets the challenge quite well. I can envision the scene from the movie that this shot may be based upon.

COMPOSITION: Framed OK, maybe a little high at the top. The door position within the frame works well, as does the tunnelling effect of looking down the hallway.

TECHNICAL: Seems a good bit blown out on the right side, and through the doors. Because of this overexposure, the floor is washed out, and the contrast between light and dark on the two sides of the photograph is too pronounced.

CONCLUSION: A good interpretation of the challenge, with some technical issues that detracted from the shot. The color adjustments you did to make it green may have been a bit better with a slightly darker color, given the overly bright side of the photo.

Thanks for sharing and good luck in future challenges!
Photographer found comment helpful.
A small piece of home
06/03/2003 12:28:45 AM
A small piece of home
by paynekj

With the plants there, this doesn't seem quite right in B/W - the plants look kind of like a mangled plastic bag or something to me. Sorry, but this would have worked better in color.
06/03/2003 12:27:24 AM
by greenem2

Good color capture. My house has one of those chimneys too - I'm just not sure if I'd see it as a representation of home. If you see it that way, I'll go along with it.
Murder By Dart
06/03/2003 12:25:34 AM
Murder By Dart
by wayne9232

Not to be too picky here, but that's a plastic dart. I don't know that this would actually pop the balloon, or just bounce off. That said, it's a good idea - but a metal dart (with scotch tape or liquid skin over the hole) might make the point a bit better. 6-7 if I was voting.
you QUACK me up!
06/03/2003 12:23:12 AM
you QUACK me up!
by TerryGee

The title of "AFLAC" might also have worked, except for the overseas folks. This duck was very kind to allow you such a photograph - I didn't know ducks had tongues. 8-9 if voting.
06/03/2003 12:17:35 AM
by Ruchart

I can hear it, and I think that's the best comment I can give for a "sound" competition entry like this one. Well framed and well executed shot. Would be a 9 if I was voting.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Snap, Crackle and Pop
06/03/2003 12:15:35 AM
Snap, Crackle and Pop
by mariomel

European Rice Krispies? This photograph captures both the sound of S,K,+P, along with the milk that you're pouring as it splashes on the cereal. Good lighting, staging, and even cropping (the frame works well on this). Probably an 8-9 if voting.
Photographer found comment helpful.
A Splash Of Sound
06/03/2003 12:12:59 AM
A Splash Of Sound
by gilesletheren

Very hard to look at, as I'm very much into sound engineering (hobby), with water going into a speaker. It's kind of dark, and took me a bit of time to determine that it is indeed a speaker.
Not so loud
06/03/2003 12:10:44 AM
Not so loud
by Crafty Sue

First thought, sign language hush request. If that's the point, the challenge is met. It seems a bit snapshotty, I'm unsure if the blur (motion?) of the hands adds or detracts. Would rate at 6 if I was voting.
Photographer found comment helpful.
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Showing 441 - 450 of ~792

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