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Registered UserMeridian Sage

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Comments Made by Meridian Sage
Showing 11 - 20 of ~33
Image Comment
D'oh Christmas Tree
12/23/2005 10:18:06 AM
D'oh Christmas Tree
by chozenfrozen

I do not understand how this image in any way represents a shallow Depth of Field.
Eggs-press yourself
12/23/2005 04:33:51 AM
Eggs-press yourself
by jsas

This image makes me so hungry, and the fact that the egg face looks scared makes it even better
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12/23/2005 04:30:42 AM
by cadbike

Finally someone who knows what they are doing, thank you.
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" EggStatic "
12/23/2005 04:20:48 AM
" EggStatic "
by soup

Cute, I love images that don't try to hard to be humorus. They end up being the most hysterical.
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Talk About Sex Appeal
12/23/2005 04:18:55 AM
Talk About Sex Appeal
by oOWonderBreadOo

I different color shirt would have made the banana stand out more.
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Ice Cream
12/23/2005 04:14:47 AM
Ice Cream
by bertiebasset

You can actually see the tention in his face, I love it!!!!
Lettuce Spray
12/23/2005 04:13:41 AM
Lettuce Spray
by Faye Pekas

Good idea, Bad execution
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Christmas Belle(s)
12/23/2005 04:13:13 AM
Christmas Belle(s)
by librodo

I love the color you chosse to use around her eyes, I would have liked to see the red in the tinsel brought out some more by the color of her lips though. It would unify the image a little more. Besides that I like it, very beautiful.
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what a fine pair...
12/23/2005 04:10:22 AM
what a fine pair...
by idemaerschalk

With your choice of backround color, bra color and the size of the pear, the pear appears dwarfed. Considering that the pear is part of your subject matter it should have more wieght in the photo don't you think. A smaller bra, a different backround, change just one element and I would have voted higher.
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12/23/2005 03:56:56 AM
by soccerdad

It seems almost over thought and in the end so busy and simplistic that it become boring. Please take no offense as I can see that this image took some time to produce but the images are so small, there are so many, and then with the angle and the perspective it's all just too much. Sorry
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 11 - 20 of ~33

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