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06/28/2002 02:28:12 AM · #1
Why is this week so painful?!

I'm *dying* to know where I placed (well, if its anything like last time, pretty much the same area.. but still, curious, i know mine isn't good but still CURIOUS!) plus i wanna put my outtakes up.. PLUS i want to see the other transparency submittions.. which this is probably my best so far. I'm just.. itching.. AND we get to find out the next challenge!!


oh yeah.. normal things for a few days... hee silly me

- Jen
06/28/2002 07:28:08 AM · #2
well, let's see... what's your score up to right now?

06/28/2002 09:50:38 AM · #3
hey Jenguin .. i know what you mean about the anxiousness ... me too with the transpanrancy submission .. i cant wait to get some feedback on it and actually be able to respond to my photo in this weeks challenge :o)
Have a great weekend .... monday will come soon enough!
06/28/2002 10:26:52 AM · #4
My city shot isn't doing so hot. I'm hoping my transparency will rate a little better. For the first time, I actually went out and purchased materials to set the shot up. I used to read other's posts and they would talk about going out and buying stuff and I thought...wow, they are really into this. But I guess this week, I've graduated to actually wanting to make my photos better. My kids are constanting asking me what the challenge is this week and coming up with ideas. They are really into it too.
I've already submitted this week for the transparency but I'm thinking I'm going to have to make it better...I'm just not that satisfied with it. (even though I tried for about 3 hours last night to get it right) Stayed up too late, got to work late....but on the bright side..if I lose my job, I'll be able to take more photos :)



06/28/2002 10:32:08 AM · #5
Originally posted by KDJohnson:
My city shot isn''t doing so hot. I''m hoping my transparency will rate a little better. For the first time, I actually went out and purchased materials to set the shot up...Stayed up too late, got to work late....but on the bright side..if I lose my job, I''ll be able to take more photos :)



We sound like we''re in much the same boat here. I have a "fallback" photo ready, but I hope it will become an outtake instead. I think I know where to buy the prop I need...

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/28/2002 10:32:07 AM.
06/28/2002 10:44:32 AM · #6
i just hope you guys will do better with your props than i do with mine. i buy one for almost every challenge ... and that photo never gets submitted. lol. i do have a shopping list for tonight though ... another outtake will be created, i'm sure! :)
06/28/2002 11:22:28 AM · #7
I shoot mine in reverse order.... I have my fallback photo ready but haven't started on my main idea yet.. :)
06/28/2002 01:44:23 PM · #8
So far I seem to submit the first one or one from the first try at the challenge. I took.. hmm. Let me count..120 photos. There was one that I liked a lot, so I submitted it. But from the 120... i had 13 to choose from. And from those.. 6 were good enough to submit. So I put 'em up on my site and had a few friends (who know of my newest obsession) tell me which they think is best. Turns out, they voted for the one I had already submitted!!

I can't wait to put up my outtakes and tell you guys what I did for 'em. I mean, I burned my thumb for this people! hee

- Jen

Originally posted by jmsetzler:
I shoot mine in reverse order.... I have my fallback photo ready but haven't started on my main idea yet.. :)

06/28/2002 03:43:00 PM · #9
... ?

Originally posted by magnetic9999:
Why is this week so painful?!

I'm *dying* to know where I placed

oh yeah.. normal things for a few days... hee silly me

- Jen

Originally posted by magnetic9999:
well, let's see... what's your score up to right now?

06/28/2002 04:06:50 PM · #10
At least you guys have ideas for the transparency challenge, I am still sitting here without a clue. This week is painful for me because I have NO idea what I am doing for next week. ARRGGGHHHHH!!!!!
06/28/2002 04:09:08 PM · #11
Oh yeah. heh.

Ummmm its 5.408. Around what I had in the On The Road. So I'm not expecting to be high. Buuut. It is higher than my OTR submission.. So hey i'm going up right? ;)

Originally posted by magnetic9999:
... ?

Originally posted by magnetic9999:
[i]Why is this week so painful?!

I'm *dying* to know where I placed

oh yeah.. normal things for a few days... hee silly me

- Jen

Originally posted by magnetic9999:
well, let's see... what's your score up to right now?


06/28/2002 05:24:12 PM · #12
very respectable score. definitely in the top 30-40% going by where it would be in the results for this challenge. : )

has anyone else noticed that after the first couple days your score may adjust slightly but usually stays pretty much around the same spot? or is that just me???

06/28/2002 05:55:31 PM · #13
Originally posted by magnetic9999:

has anyone else noticed that after the first couple days your score may adjust slightly but usually stays pretty much around the same spot? or is that just me???

nope--you're right...I have figured out that whatever my score is after about day two--it will stay within that average--literally within a few 10ths of points! Humph.
06/28/2002 06:34:06 PM · #14
alecia, i wonder if sonic youth ever join digital photography websites? : )

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/28/2002 6:35:28 PM.
06/28/2002 07:46:06 PM · #15
Originally posted by amitchell:
Originally posted by magnetic9999:
has anyone else noticed that after the first couple days your score may adjust slightly but usually stays pretty much around the same spot? or is that just me???

nope--you''re right...I have figured out that whatever my score is after about day two--it will stay within that average--literally within a few 10ths of points! Humph.

Just the rules of averages. For example say 75 people have voted on your shot in the first few days (which isnt unusual) and you''re getting a very good score of 6. To go up to 6.5 if you got all 10s on the next votes would take about 11 votes. If as is more likely lets say your pic is a little under rated at the beginning and is getting a 6 but really will end up at 6.5, but the voters are averaging a vote of 7 at this point, then it would take about 75 votes to get it to 6.5.

At 200 votes the most effect each vote can possibly have in the end is about .044 points (thats if everyone voted it 1 or 10, except the last vote which voted the opposite extreme)

The effect of each vote (and conversely the vote itself) can be determined by -

The new score after the unknown vote
multiplied by the number of votes after the unknown vote
minus the value of
Your score before new vote
multiplied by #number of votes before new vote

or -

[(New score)*(new # votes)] - [(Old score)*(old # votes)] = Average vote between samples.

Forgot to mention that if for one vote you don''t get a whole number thats because the values reported on the website are rounded.

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/28/2002 7:46:38 PM.
06/28/2002 08:56:15 PM · #16
wow, puppet! I knew that it was basically averages cancelling out the effects of individual voters, but thanks for putting it into specifics.

: )

Originally posted by puppet10:
Originally posted by amitchell:
[i]Originally posted by magnetic9999:
has anyone else noticed that after the first couple days your score may adjust slightly but usually stays pretty much around the same spot? or is that just me???

nope--you''re right...I have figured out that whatever my score is after about day two--it will stay within that average--literally within a few 10ths of points! Humph.

Just the rules of averages. For example say 75 people have voted on your shot in the first few days (which isnt unusual) and you''re getting a very good score of 6. To go up to 6.5 if you got all 10s on the next votes would take about 11 votes. If as is more likely lets say your pic is a little under rated at the beginning and is getting a 6 but really will end up at 6.5, but the voters are averaging a vote of 7 at this point, then it would take about 75 votes to get it to 6.5.

At 200 votes the most effect each vote can possibly have in the end is about .044 points (thats if everyone voted it 1 or 10, except the last vote which voted the opposite extreme)

The effect of each vote (and conversely the vote itself) can be determined by -

The new score after the unknown vote
multiplied by the number of votes after the unknown vote
minus the value of
Your score before new vote
multiplied by #number of votes before new vote

or -

[(New score)*(new # votes)] - [(Old score)*(old # votes)] = Average vote between samples.

Forgot to mention that if for one vote you don''t get a whole number thats because the values reported on the website are rounded[/i]

06/28/2002 09:23:29 PM · #17
that also gives you a new game to play every time your score changes -- see what the person voted for your pic :>
06/28/2002 09:49:57 PM · #18
All of the above is why I cast my votes early. As a matter of fact, I am probably the first to vote, therefore MY VOTE is worth much more than anyone elses. So much more, the rest of you need not vote at all.
All I need now is to figure out how to vote on my own photo so as to increase my position. As I have found, photo skill alone is not enough to raise me above center rating and at least once I was only one above bottom while clearly having presented the superior photo.
Puppet 10, would you re-calculate my scores to verify my awful finishes?
I just can't believe they are correct. Thanks
06/28/2002 11:31:44 PM · #19
Wow David if you are the first to vote, then thanks. My first vote was a 7. Since I'm at 4.9 right now, that 7 really meant something to me.
06/29/2002 12:15:20 AM · #20
I'm a slow voter... I spend too much time looking at each photo. I just finished voting today (friday). I try not to vote on more than 25 photos per day. I find myself getting tired of voting if I do. Since I leave a comment on every photo, it can get tedious. Unfortunately, I may have to stop leaving comments on all photos due to the amount of time it takes me.

I am finding that some of my comments are useless. If I think the comment I left is useless, I probalby should not have left it to begin with. I know I get lots of comments that are useless, but i guess it's a good thing that someone took the time to say something :)

Would *you* rather have useless comments than no comments at all? I don't like to say "nice shot" and leave it at that. I like to try to qualify why I think it's a nice shot.

I also still haven't found a great way to say that I don't like a particular photo either. I hate saying that "this photo doesn't inspire me" or "this photo doesn't grab my attention". I can point out technical and subjective problems that bug me (which are usually purely opinion). I try to be tactful and I hope everyone doesnt take my comments personally :)
06/29/2002 12:31:30 AM · #21
The quality of the photos really seems great this time. And actually, some of those that are lacking in high quality are still some of my favorites this time. I really had not clear tens, but there were no 2s or 3s either.

There were quite a few 4s because I feel alot of people did not meet the challenge. I put more emphasis on the Life part rather than City.

I really hope I will get something in this time. I have two ideas, and I hope I get off my ass and shoot them.

06/29/2002 03:27:52 AM · #22
Originally posted by magnetic9999:
alecia, i wonder if sonic youth ever join digital photography websites? : )

i dunno, but if they did, they could take their own picture and save us the trouble of trying to weasel into a club and get it ourselves!
06/29/2002 07:11:39 AM · #23
Originally posted by jmsetzler:
I'm a slow voter... I spend too much time looking at each photo....
I am finding that some of my comments are useless.... Would *you* rather have useless comments than no comments at all? I don't like to say "nice shot" and leave it at that. I like to try to qualify why I think it's a nice shot.

The comments you made on my submission this week were right on! Very thoughtful and sincere, and I really appreciated it. To make the extensive comment that you did took time. I would just as soon have no comments as useless ones. As long as you keep commenting jmsetzler, I know they will be comprehensive. Thanks.

06/29/2002 10:30:01 AM · #24
this is my first time entering a picture and I have appreciated the comments I received - even ones that didn't go very in depth about the pic. I don't mind people pointing out the flaws either - I have learned a couple of things just from this weeks comments and hope that people take the time to point out things in the future.

Originally posted by jmsetzler:
Would *you* rather have useless comments than no comments at all? I don't like to say "nice shot" and leave it at that. I like to try to qualify why I think it's a nice shot.
06/29/2002 02:22:28 PM · #25
Originally posted by pnicholls:
Originally posted by jmsetzler:
[i]I'm a slow voter... I spend too much time looking at each photo....
I am finding that some of my comments are useless.... Would *you* rather have useless comments than no comments at all? I don't like to say "nice shot" and leave it at that. I like to try to qualify why I think it's a nice shot.

The comments you made on my submission this week were right on! Very thoughtful and sincere, and I really appreciated it. To make the extensive comment that you did took time. I would just as soon have no comments as useless ones. As long as you keep commenting jmsetzler, I know they will be comprehensive. Thanks.


I think that even having a few useless comments are better than none, assuming there will always be a few well thought out comments. I say this because on a site with such varied opinion, you are always going to have people that disagree with you and if you are lucky, there will be a few that like what you do. Even the *useless* comments are ultimately helpful, because if nothing else they give us an idea of how an individual voter thinks (something we would never know based merely on scores). No matter what the comment is, they all still help us learn how everyone around here thinks and what to expect from certain people's opinion--whether we want to take the advice from people who's opinion we value, (perhaps something that we may have missed), disregard it (they think completely different than you, but thanks anyway, it is always good to get a variety of input) or even using the vague comments to be aware of which of the voters (if any) are just being obtuse and/or brief---and you will be aware of them the next time around.

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