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07/06/2002 03:44:37 AM · #1 |
Many of the inhabitants of DPChallenge have interesting usernames. I̢۪m just curious as to how these names came to be. GeneralE?? Is the E for Eclectic? What is the meaning behind the unusual names?
07/06/2002 07:35:02 AM · #2 |
My guess was it was a phoenetic of "generally". I didn't have an idea for a username, when I signed up, and didn't know it would show up as is in the forums. Now I'm sorta jealous of the creativity. Ah, well.
07/06/2002 07:56:39 AM · #3 |
Mine is explained in my bio. Short because I am 5 feet tall. Redneck because well it's sorta obvious. It all started out as a joke when I submitted for a new email address a few years ago and it's just stuck. My husband thinks I'm more "dirt road sport" than redneck.
Okay now you have to tell why you are a Gotcha. |
07/06/2002 08:22:19 AM · #4 |
Aelith Tourblanc was my midieval french name in the Society for Creative Anachronism. It is a complete personna with history, garb, and reputation for calligraphy and illumination. I'm too old for the midieval reinactment group (who tend to travel every weekend and do a lot of camping out) but aelith lives on as my only online persona. BT |
07/06/2002 08:27:36 AM · #5 |
My name comes from the 7th Card in the Major Arcana in a Tarot deck.
07/06/2002 09:28:35 AM · #6 |
well .. mine''s pretty self explanitory ... with the exception of the AYME part ... to really spell my name it''s Amy - but that''s boring and not really creative ... so while thinking of screenames for AOL way back when (umm a few years ago) i came up with CreatvAyme ... well - now the AYME stuck and for my art work and social atmotsphere i spell it that way :o)
OK .. that''s my 2 cents :o)
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/6/2002 9:27:50 AM.
07/06/2002 10:12:58 AM · #7 |
Dog Handler & Trainer of Guard dogs, either German sheperds or Belguim Sheperds. Occasionally we get the odd Rottie. Yes this could be useful for this weeks challenge, but, "How Cliche" ;-)
07/06/2002 11:11:24 AM · #8 |
= John M. Setzler... how lame :)
07/06/2002 11:29:13 AM · #9 |
i hate to have to remember a whole lot of usernames so i often recycle the same name on many sites.
magnetic 9999
the magnetic is from magnetic knife. i am also a musician and this is the name for my most recent project magnetic knife there is the URL if anyone is interested : )
the 9999 is something i got in the habit of putting on names to make sure that I got a version that wasn't taken by anyone else : _
07/06/2002 11:50:56 AM · #10 |
magnetic...that music is very damn good!
What do you do for magnetic knife? Musician, singer production, promotion?
07/06/2002 12:46:10 PM · #11 |
Sheyingshi is Mandarin for photographer. I needed a username for another site and that was taken. Eight is a lucky number in the Chinese scheme of things so I added a couple of them for good mesure. My wife is Singaporian Chinese is how I know:) |
07/06/2002 12:53:01 PM · #12 |
positive reinforcement for myself :)
07/06/2002 01:12:09 PM · #13 |
Well, my name is Jennifer, and my favorite animals are penguins. soooo.. Jenguin it is! :) |
07/06/2002 01:12:55 PM · #14 |
sjgleah: my initials and my 9yo daughter's first name.
Stephen J. Ginsky |
07/06/2002 01:42:58 PM · #15 |
First name, middle initial. It's kind of a nickname. Several years ago, I was working in a bookstore, and had signed my name: Karma T. For some reason, it was all caps, and run together. The manager's daughter saw it and asked if "CARMAT" was my real name. It stuck. Now, I'm Karmat to friends and family, and it is my user name for any online functions. Used to be amrak (karma backwards) but I thought it sounded too much like the train. |
07/06/2002 01:50:38 PM · #16 |
John, I think you should switch to alka. Alka Setzler.
Zeissman because I have a 28 Zeiss lens for my Contax, the lens on my Mavica and a point and shoot Yashica I bought my wife are also Zeiss lenses. I really picked it for the similarity to iceman, the zeissman cometh.
Originally posted by jmsetzler: = John M. Setzler... how lame :)
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/6/2002 1:54:22 PM.
07/06/2002 02:32:55 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by Gotcha: Many of the inhabitants of DPChallenge have interesting usernames. I̢۪m just curious as to how these names came to be. GeneralE?? Is the E for Eclectic? What is the meaning behind the unusual names?
"Gotcha" is right -- I started using the name General Eclectics as my "umbrella" business name in the early ''80s for my freelance design, consulting, or whatever...around the same time we had sort-of a couple of bands: Eclectic Shock (everything electric from The Ventures to Jello Biafra) and The Children of Paradise (acoustic, more originals than covers) I also use the name (or varant) Paradise Park for the music side of things, named for the tract-name on the original town survey map which contained the street I lived on at the time.
Tom (our lead guitarist) also wrote/played some classical guitar; we managed to put together one short CD. I''ve designed a few books, including photography books and one on Chiropractic Anatomy which had over 200 photos to prepare.
Tom and I also went through a Physician Assistant program togeher, after meeting while volunteering at the Berkeley Free Clinic; he now runs a rural clinic in Orleans (in the Trinity Alps of far northern California), I work at a drug-treatment program in Berkeley, and at a commercial printer in Oakland.
Originally posted by aelith: Aelith Tourblanc was my midieval french name in the Society for Creative Anachronism. It is a complete personna with history, garb, and reputation for calligraphy and illumination. I''m too old for the midieval reinactment group (who tend to travel every weekend and do a lot of camping out) but aelith lives on as my only online persona. BT
I was a member of SCA for a while in the mid-70s, but I''m too shy to have really gotten into the role-playing part; I liked making costumes and the cooking and other arts, and did register a heraldic device which I suppose I still could use should I decide to take up the broadsword again...
Isn''t this stuff supposed to be on the profile page? Maybe I''ll copy some of this to there...
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/6/2002 2:35:26 PM. |
07/06/2002 02:50:18 PM · #18 |
MyQyl is just Michael with an accent. I started using it as a college student in 1977 for D&D games.
To the gentle Lady Aelith Tourblanc;
You''re never too old for the SCA :)
Your''s in Truth Iamys Heut Sexton of the Barony of Gyldenholt Kingdom of Ciad
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/6/2002 2:51:40 PM. |
07/06/2002 02:51:10 PM · #19 |
Drewmedia is the name of my design company I started a couple years ago. Most of my friends call me that... it just sticks. :)
Drew |
07/06/2002 04:54:59 PM · #20 |
AquaGoddess12880 is the name I use on the internet always. I love water[it's my element:) ], and spend most of my time in the pool during the summer. My friends and family began to call me it and it stuck. As for the 12880, it stands for a birthday, January 28, 1980, and I use it in case the name is already taken without numbers. Jessie |
07/06/2002 04:55:59 PM · #21 |
Amphian is an anagram of parts of my name IRL and my idea of the feminine form of Amphion - the Greek mythological figure whose name means "native of two worlds". I find that there are a lot of opposites in my life. I'm a logical, scientific, practical programmer and an creative, mystical, idealistic artist. It seems perfectly natural to me to be both, but it often confuses the heck out of the people around me.
07/06/2002 07:03:53 PM · #22 |
Mine's simple: Top Gun
At net parties with my friends I needed a good name to wage combat in Unreal, Quake, etc. against names such as Iniquity, Ubiquitous, and others. Maverick was the best that I came up with, and I pretty much use it for any online stuff.
07/06/2002 07:07:46 PM · #23 |
To the gentle Lady Aelith Tourblanc;
You''re never too old for the SCA :)
Your''s in Truth Iamys Heut Sexton of the Barony of Gyldenholt Kingdom of Cia[/i]
Greetings my Lord Iamys. In truth I will never leave my beloved Kingdom of Calentir in my heart. Alas once you gaffiate, its like going on a space ship. When you return your Compatriots are Ledgend; their children are masters; and your voice is unknown. And time is cruel, if I sit on the floor or ground I can't get up. May honor always light your steps, Mistress Aelith, Shire of Standing Stones.
07/06/2002 07:21:58 PM · #24 |
Greetings GeneralE from Mistress Aelith. I too have a registered device. One of the first things I did when I got my computer was to look it up in the College of Heralds online. Alas there is no picture so I'll try to take one of my banner. BTW the SCA was my liberation from shyness and self pity. God Speed. Aelith |
07/06/2002 08:02:54 PM · #25 |
Digipixer----Digital picture taker,and its easy to type. |
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