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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> To whom ever wrote this?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 52, (reverse)
07/25/2002 04:56:50 PM · #1
(I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like you wanted to capture a quick shot of stuff you were selling on E-bay. While these items represent texture, this shot doesn't demonstrate photography skills that I use as criteria to rate pictures. The image is not in focus, and your lighting/flash created glare on the objects.)

Well I just started taking pictures and I know that this is not Pro. work or anything but fun, People like you write thing like this MUST be professional.P.S What did you have in mind for Texture?My @ss!
07/25/2002 05:18:56 PM · #2
I'm really sorry you've had this experience. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but if you go back and look at some of my pictures, they stink, and I 'm really sorry you got such a comment. I hope other comments you receive are more constructive and help you in the way that you want. Take them with a grain of salt, and consider the source. I know those kinds of comments don't help you a lot, but when the week is over, you can find out who it was and communicate with them personally.

hang in there.
07/25/2002 05:26:14 PM · #3
don't worry, it happens to all of us. my photo is doing pretty well so far this week. :) but i just got a '1' w/out comment on it. now, i didn't get a frustrating comment like you, but it's just as frustrating because i wish that person HAD left a (constructive) comment as to why he/she thought my photo was THAT bad...

but when it comes down to it ... much of the feedback you will get is well meaning and contains praise and/or constructive criticism. try and ignore those stupid comments (and votes). when the names get put next to them you will notice that long-term and frequent participants in this site (the people who's comments i value) didn't leave that comment, but someone who wants to stir things up.

don't stop submitting photos and participating because of one bad apple ...
07/25/2002 06:40:10 PM · #4
Originally posted by gr8photos:
don''t worry, it happens to all of us. my photo is doing pretty well so far this week. :) but i just got a ''1'' w/out comment on it. now, i didn''t get a frustrating comment like you, but it''s just as frustrating because i wish that person HAD left a (constructive) comment as to why he/she thought my photo was THAT bad...

I don''t think there could be a reasonable comment supplied with a vote of 1 for one of your photos. Hopefully this is one of the votes that will be filtered out.

* This message has been edited by the author on 7/25/2002 6:41:55 PM.
07/25/2002 06:45:16 PM · #5
Originally posted by Tracy:
(I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like you wanted to capture a quick shot of stuff you were selling on E-bay. While these items represent texture, this shot doesn't demonstrate photography skills that I use as criteria to rate pictures. The image is not in focus, and your lighting/flash created glare on the objects.)

As a new member here as well I know that comments like this can seem a bit harsh - but try to read between what was written and see if you can come up with some better constructive comments from it for yourself.

reading the comment, here is how I would turn it around (I don't know what picture is your's so I may be making assumptions here!)
1)apparently the person did not like your set up shot because it looked perhaps too casual. One thing that I have learned from a lot of my comments is to really look at what is in the viewfinder or on the lcd screen - is something getting cut off in the picture? Are there any distracting objects in the background? Am I using the rule of thirds? Keep those things in mind when taking the picture.
2)Image is not in focus - ok - pretty clear there. Can you play with the adjustable settings and try and remedy this? - Of course if it was meant to be out of focus or with a soft focus and was intentional the voter will not know that unless it is implied in the title.
3)lighting/flash created a glare on the ojects. Also pretty straight forward. You might want to play with using the flash on and off - and changing the lighting conditions when doing a set up shot and just take lots of different pictures until you get the look you want. The great thing is you get instant results of how you are doing after making little tweeks.

So - if you can step back from the initial comment and break it down to the elements of what the person had to say you might get some constructive feedback on how to better this picture and ones in the future. I know it is hard to not take the comments personally when they are about a picture that you like - but try and turn them around to advice that will help you going forward.
07/25/2002 06:56:06 PM · #6

Hang in there. Some twits have no sense of tact; you've just gotta let it slide off your back. For example, this week I'm not doing to horribly, but someone commented: "fairly boring at represented.....As is, would you want this on your wall?" As it turns out, I did put it on my wall, and a guy delivering stuff and a couple friends saw it and bought prints. At the end of the week anyway, you'll know who graced you with his experience:) By the way, a true professional would mention things to help you, not just throw you to the wolves.

07/25/2002 06:57:08 PM · #7
Originally posted by gr8photos:
but i just got a '1' w/out comment on it. now, i didn't get a frustrating comment like you

How do you know you got a 1? Did they just leave a 1 in the comment section, or is there a way to see you vote breakdown that I am not aware of? (other than keeping track of votes and scores and recalculating after a vote is entered)
BTW, having seen your pictures, anyone who gave you a 1 should be disqualified from voting - personal opinion.
07/25/2002 07:02:15 PM · #8
Originally posted by Tracy:
(I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like you wanted to capture a quick shot of stuff you were selling on E-bay. While these items represent texture, this shot doesn't demonstrate photography skills that I use as criteria to rate pictures. The image is not in focus, and your lighting/flash created glare on the objects.)

Well I just started taking pictures and I know that this is not Pro. work or anything but fun, People like you write thing like this MUST be professional.P.S What did you have in mind for Texture?My @ss!

Umm, Tracy, I didn't make this comment but I have to defend the person who did. They did say they were sorry to say this...I assume meaning sorry to potentially be hurting your feelings. If the photo looked like a 'quick shot of stuff you were selling on E-bay' to him/her...that's exactly the kind of feedback you want if you really want to improve your photography skills. Honest and constructive is what I would call this...not offensive. A lot of people here know how to critique a photo using somewhat professional criteria...that doesn't mean they know how to get their cameras to take a professional looking photo. Also, when we're voting we have no idea who you are or what your level of skill is...how are we supposed to know you're not say...jmsetzler trying out a new thing on us?!

Bottom line...relax, don't take it so personally. If you keep at it and improve over time, you'll look back at that photo and comment and probably think...'he/she's got a point.' Good luck with this weeks challenge! :)
07/25/2002 07:12:06 PM · #9
also dont forget that at the end of the voting week all of the comments get named. They are only anonymous during the shooting. The comments are like free advice too. they just give you somethingto consider. It is your choice to ignore. and like one place I hang out the saying is, "Ignore all you want, we will make more."
07/25/2002 07:19:28 PM · #10
Originally posted by Tracy:
(I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like you wanted to capture a quick shot of stuff you were selling on E-bay. While these items represent texture, this shot doesn't demonstrate photography skills that I use as criteria to rate pictures. The image is not in focus, and your lighting/flash created glare on the objects.)

Well I just started taking pictures and I know that this is not Pro. work or anything but fun, People like you write thing like this MUST be professional.P.S What did you have in mind for Texture?My @ss!

This is definitely a comment that is worthy of being ignored. Whoever wrote it has no sense of tact. Whoever wrote it also needs some help with critique skills. This particular critique seems to indicate that the voter was taking a stab at you as well as the photograph. Make a note of this comment and see who wrote it after the challenge is over.
07/25/2002 07:36:04 PM · #11
Tracy, first, it wasn''t me!!
Please remember this is a global community. Not long ago, there were complaints about the use of the American Flag for "getting votes". I might like Steak and Potatoes, while the next person could feel "You''re an Animal, eating other creatures!" I say potato, you say patota, etc.
Once the Challenge is over, you can see their name. PM them and have a long, extended chat. If that doesn''t work, forward a virus to that person. (evil grin) or whatever pleases your fancy!

* This message has been edited by the author on 7/25/2002 7:37:00 PM.
07/25/2002 08:04:57 PM · #12
Maybe if enough people write in here that "it wasn't me" you could narrow it down! :-)

07/25/2002 08:09:40 PM · #13
It doesn't really matter who wrote it... what matters is that it was poorly written...
07/25/2002 08:11:59 PM · #14
Sorry, John. I was just kidding.
Chalk it up to being bored... kids are down with the flu today - too house bound!
07/25/2002 08:15:13 PM · #15
I agree, it lacks a little tact and diplomacy, But I would love some feedback like this on my submission this week. The internet is open to every walk of life - timid beware. If you weed through the harshness of this critique - perhaps it has some merit. BUT DON'T LET IT GET YOU DOWN.
07/25/2002 09:22:03 PM · #16
I am also interested in how you know you got a one during the voting??
07/25/2002 09:27:22 PM · #17
no offense, but I don''t see what the ruckus is about. It just seems like an honest critique to me, which is what we all actually want on this site! :) (Although the statement about the ''demonstration of photography skills doesn''t really make any sense).

none of us get better if all people tell us is how great our picture is when they''re secretly thinking it''s not that great. You should be happy that someone was honest. I would be :).

But from lots of internet experience, it really didnt seem that they were going out of the way to be mean. After all there''s no way the person voting could even know who took the picture. They just seemed to be telling you some elements they picked up on.

This may be your first time getting feedback online that''s honest, and maybe it''s startling and seems harsh. But honestly, this is what we''re all here for!

I hope that you can find something to be gained from this experience :) And don''t give up!

* This message has been edited by the author on 7/25/2002 9:47:02 PM.
07/25/2002 09:47:47 PM · #18
I feel it''s harsh and lacks tact. There is a way to express your thoughts without being so rude.

If someone has something that makes sense that will help me I''m all for it. However, I totally ignore that type of comment so they have wasted their time even typing it.

* This message has been edited by the author on 7/25/2002 9:47:34 PM.
07/25/2002 10:00:53 PM · #19
I''m not sure I get this whole site.
All I have read all week is about what everyone does wrong.
If you don''t comment it is bad.
If you do comment it is bad.
I left comments that I think I am going to remove because I may have said the wrong thing and pissed off the wrong person.
Everyone complains about the newbies. Well at some point everyone was a newbie, right.
When I talk on a thread I usually don''t get any response. Is there an unwritten code - don''t speak directly to the newbie?
As far as the comment the someone had left, get over it, because your answer back "P.S What did you have in mind for Texture?My @ss!" is far worse and shows immaturity on your part.

* This message has been edited by the author on 7/25/2002 10:06:06 PM.
07/25/2002 10:02:42 PM · #20
Originally posted by Tracy:
(I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like you wanted to capture a quick shot of stuff you were selling on E-bay. While these items represent texture, this shot doesn't demonstrate photography skills that I use as criteria to rate pictures. The image is not in focus, and your lighting/flash created glare on the objects.)

Well I just started taking pictures and I know that this is not Pro. work or anything but fun, People like you write thing like this MUST be professional.P.S What did you have in mind for Texture?My @ss!


I wrote this. I am sorry that you were offended. I am sorry if anyone else was offended. I'm a newbie here. I don't have 6 months of experience in writing critiques for DPC, nor do I have ANY experience writing critiques for any photos. In fact, I have very little technical background in photography. Period. However, I have come up with my own criteria for evaluation. Until DPC removes the comments field, and goes to a standardized method of scoring, there is no truly OBJECTIVE way for all of the photos to be analyzed. I don't think that we want this anyway. Part of the learning process is to get the SUBJECTIVE feedback.

In retrospect, my comments weren't the right words to say to you, or to anyone. I made a mistake - I wrote my gut reaction to what I saw, without offering CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, and hopefully I won't make this mistake again. However, I won't apologize for how I rated your pic. It's my opinion. We don't all win this challenge because we all see things in our own way.

I have an example of what I called a perfect shot and I rated it a 10. When the voting is over, I would be happy to share it with you.

Hopefully I haven't totally alienated you and everyone else. I would like to try again.

Here's what I should have said:

Each of these items has some sort of texture quality to them. In that respect, the picture does meet the challenge. However, I would not have chosen to compose a photographic representation of texture in this fashion. Perhaps the shot could have been better by zooming in on the steel wool pad or the sandpaper itself, to show the detail of texture that the items possess. This picture looks like it was taken with flash lighting only, and there may have been less glare from the flash with an alternative choice of color in the lighting. An example might be to shine a red light on the steel wool or use alternate light and take the shot without flash. Additionally, to score high in a challenge, I believe that images should be very crisp in focus, unless you are softening for effect.

I'm really not the villain that I'm being made out to be. I made a bad judgement in choice of words.

07/25/2002 10:08:46 PM · #21
Originally posted by TerryGee:
I''m not sure I get this whole site.
All I have read all week is about what everyone does wrong.
If you don''t comment it is bad.
If you do comment it is bad.
I left comments that I think I am going to remove because I may have said the wrong thing and pissed off the wrong person.
Everyone complains about the newbies. Well at some point everyone was a newbie, right.
When I talk on a thread I usually don''t get any response. Is there an unwritten code - don''t speak directly to the newbie?
As far as the comment the someone had left, get over it, because your answer back "P.S What did you have in mind for Texture?My @ss!" is far worse and shows immaturity on your part.

Terry there is NO code not to talk to newbies. If there is then I didn't get the memo.
Whatever you posted that didn't get a response _hey_ maybe one wasn't called for. Try repeating it and someone will answer ya.
07/25/2002 10:12:13 PM · #22
I appreciate finding out that my words are showing up in the forum, I was beginning to wonder.
07/25/2002 10:15:20 PM · #23
You all do seem to have some kind of buddy buddy thing here though, do the others fade in and out , while a certain number always participate?
07/25/2002 10:16:56 PM · #24
Cheetah -- thanks for responding. I think you're right. your second response says the same thing, but much more tactfully. I know it would take longer to write, but would be a lot easier to receive. When I write a "critique" I always try to include words like "to me," "in my opinion," etc. Also, i ask how I would feel if I got this comment on my picture. Of course, I probably have ticked some people off, 'cause I really don't know what I'm talking about.

About being alienated: I'm sorry. I am completely sure there was nothing intentional. As a matter of fact, a few weeks ago, I felt like I was the voice that killed all threads. it's just a matter of timing. I now try to have the last word (which I succeeded in yesterday: hahaha Hokie).

Tracy: We've all learned from this. Someone hit the nail on the head when they said we complain with comment, we complain without comments. We are going to get some that make us say, "Gee, I hadn't thought of that." and we are going ot get some that makes us say, "Is this person an idiot or what?" Take what you can learn from and ignore the rest.

Dang, I'm starting to sound like my mother!
07/25/2002 10:19:30 PM · #25
Originally posted by TerryGee:
You all do seem to have some kind of buddy buddy thing here though, do the others fade in and out , while a certain number always participate?

I think so. Like other internet things, some people cruise through, stay for a while, then move on. For others of us, this site is like the "Hotel California." Such a beautiful place . . . . .

Or a roach motel. We check in, but we can't check out.

But hey, I like it, and until I'm told to leave, I think I'll stay. My husband has even registered and is one of "those" who votes but doesn't submit. He won't vote on mine though, probably afraid I wouldn't talk ot him or something 'cause he'd be honest!

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