Author | Thread |
07/25/2002 10:21:38 PM · #26 |
Terry I'm really sorry you feel that way. I'll be the first to tell you your wrong. I 've entered 16 times, won zero, I don't know any of these people personally, email wise or any other way. I think only one other lives in Oregon. There is not a conspiracy here and if so>>>>>>>I'm well out of the LOOP. Give everyone a chance these are nice folks. :) Jump in and make some friends here, people will respond, maybe they are more like you then you realize.
07/25/2002 10:28:11 PM · #27 |
Kee - Thanks so the encouragement . That is what I was hoping when I started, it is just that over the week I have read so many things that I was beginning to wonder. Everyone has their own way of voting. Everyone has their own way of commenting. The people who flip out at one "bad" comment should not bother to be here as far as I see it.
07/25/2002 10:29:55 PM · #28 |
Originally posted by kee: There is not a conspiracy here and if so>>>>>>>I'm well out of the LOOP.
No one told you about the conspiracy yet? Opps, probably shouldn't have said that... Nevermind.
07/25/2002 10:31:21 PM · #29 |
Originally posted by Cheetah:
I wrote t(he critique referenced). I am sorry that you were offended. I am sorry if anyone else was offended. I'm a newbie here. I don't have 6 months of experience in writing critiques for DPC, nor do I have ANY experience writing critiques for any photos. In fact, I have very little technical background in photography...Hopefully I haven't totally alienated you and everyone else. I would like to try again.
Here's what I should have said:
Each of these items has some sort of texture quality to them. In that respect, the picture does meet the challenge. However, I would not have chosen to compose a photographic representation of texture in this fashion. Perhaps the shot could have been better by zooming in on the steel wool pad or the sandpaper itself, to show the detail of texture that the items possess. This picture looks like it was taken with flash lighting only, and there may have been less glare from the flash with an alternative choice of color in the lighting. An example might be to shine a red light on the steel wool or use alternate light and take the shot without flash. Additionally, to score high in a challenge, I believe that images should be very crisp in focus, unless you are softening for effect.
I'm really not the villain that I'm being made out to be. I made a bad judgement in choice of words.
Look how fast you can learn! Although it would be hard to write that much for every photo, each of your statements is an effective and constructive one, and would be considered (by me) to be appropriate criticism. The fact that you can take in everyone else's opinion on this and come up with a way to improve your writing proves to me that you are not a "villain" (although I don't think anyone really thought that).
I helped my son Isaac comment on photos last week so he could submit a photo. When each photo popped up, I asked him "If the person who took this picture were sitting right here, what would you say to them?" I think that's a pretty good way for all of us to approach it. |
07/25/2002 10:35:14 PM · #30 |
But then won''t we only get -" nice shot " I think sometimes people are going to be too nice.Thats not what I want. I want honest. How will I improve otherwise?
OK Kee I''m checking - if no one answers I''ll know it''s that newbie rule
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/25/2002 10:36:52 PM. |
07/25/2002 10:41:38 PM · #31 |
Originally posted by TerryGee: But then won't we only get -" nice shot " I think sometimes people are going to be too nice.Thats not what I want. I want honest. How will I improve otherwise?
Sometimes we can learn from those as well. For example, last challenge, my picture had three basic colors with a little of a fourth. I got several comments saying "nice colors." this week, I also tried using a simple color scheme, and I'm getting "nice colors" again. So, I look for commonalities. Both pictures were simple (two or three main colors) and both had at least one color that was very bright. Hmmmmmmmm, wonder if people like simple colors? See what I'm getting at. yea, it would have been a whole lot easier for me to understand, "hey I like the bright colors and the simplicity." but that would take longer to type.
You can learn from positive feedback, sometimes it just takes a little longer. :-)
07/25/2002 10:44:53 PM · #32 |
been off-line for a while, just read through this whole thread, here are my thoughts.
thx for those that thought i don't deserve ones. i may very well deserve them. i'd just like to know why...
about knowing that i got a rating of 1: i'm addicted to this site. i check my score every hour if i can. from one hour to the next i had one additional vote, from there it was easy to do the math and realize that it was a 1.
hello, my name is franziska and i'm a dpc addict. *grin* and i wouldn't want it any other way. one or no one votes. comments that i agree and disagree with. it's all a learning experience. and fun!
and, cheetah, it takes guts to go into this forum and say 'i made that comment', i commend you for it. hang in here, too. you'll make good friends with us.
terrygee, we do talk to 'newbies'. really. welcome to dpc! :) |
07/25/2002 10:46:38 PM · #33 |
Originally posted by TerryGee: But then won''t we only get -" nice shot " OK Kee I''m checking - if no one answers I''ll know it''s that newbie rule
No, I don't think that's all you'll get. But you should get something respectful; something that recognizes there's a real person with feelings who will be less likely ignore your comments if you aren't cruel or insulting.
Folks should remember that their comments are "open to the public" once the challenge is over, even though relatively few people go back and review the results in detail. |
07/25/2002 10:47:11 PM · #34 |
My point is that sometimes when we are trying to please someone - even if we don't know who it is, we are not honest. We say nice things to be nice, instead of what we really feel. |
07/25/2002 10:53:56 PM · #35 |
I agree about respect, but i think that everyone has a different style of writing comments. I'm sure people are going to take mine the wrong way, but should I stop saying what I feel, that won't be better, will it? Cheetah was able to change it around but that doesn't mean that everyone can I know for me putting my thoughts into words is quite difficult. Writing is just not a strong point of mine. |
07/25/2002 11:00:13 PM · #36 |
I don''t think I''m trying to "please" anyone. I''m just suggesting that constructive criticism can be couched in terms which don''t alienate the recipient to the point they ignore the useful part. I''m not saying it''s easy -- far from it. To tell someone what you don''t like about their picture without making it seem like it''s what you don''t like about them takes practice! I''ve been working on it for over 25 years and still make "mistakes."
The basic tenet is to criticize the action (picture), not the person. And remember that smart people sometimes say/do stupid things; good peple sometimes do bad things -- that doesn''t make them a bad person..
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/25/2002 11:02:29 PM. |
07/25/2002 11:01:40 PM · #37 |
Originally posted by Tracy: What did you have in mind for Texture?My @ss! text[/i] I find your reaction and response far worse than the comment actually made. The comment wasn't tactful but honest and it did contain some technical advice. When you vote on a session of say 30-40 pics, you do get a bit stale and tired after a while. And instead of saying something diplomatically in 10 sentences you shortcut it into 3-4. Mind too, that not everybody's native tongue is English (I'm in that category myself)and even though their command of English may be excellent, sometimes they say something that comes across as less tactful in English.
I'm a newbie here, too. It seems that in the last two days a lot of [yawn] whining [/yawn] is going on. That's not a tactful comment either but I just happen to like making it! Of course, that's IMHO and I may be wrong and that's just me and never mind me and all other meaningless qualifiers.
07/25/2002 11:03:31 PM · #38 |
I think what you will find happens is as you read various comments on your own picture or others (which I highly recommend), you will learn how to say it. To be honest, very few of the comments I write are completely original. After each challenge, I go through and read the comments that others left on pictures that I had a hard time verbalizing on. Then, on the next challenge, or later, if I see a picture with a similar problem, I can remember how to change. Over time, I have developed a "style" to my comments. I have gotten a few thank yous after the challenge was over (something I want to start doing), and I have never been called into question over something I've said. (Raises arms over head to prepare for onslaught)
07/25/2002 11:03:52 PM · #39 |
General I''m not saying you personally, but I''ve been reading many of the comments made and some people only comment on the good ones, or if it is bad they just mention "what a cute dog". I think those are the ones afraid to tell what they really feel about the photo.
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/25/2002 11:05:05 PM. |
07/25/2002 11:16:11 PM · #40 |
Originally posted by TerryGee: General I''m not saying you personally, but I''ve been reading many of the comments made and some people only comment on the good ones, or if it is bad they just mention "what a cute dog". I think those are the ones afraid to tell what they really feel about the photo
Terry, what a "cute comment" ;)
I have gotten a few "polite", well-constructed comments that made me wonder what they REALLY meant to say. Know what I mean? :)
07/25/2002 11:18:35 PM · #41 |
Journey Thank you, for once someone gets my point! |
07/25/2002 11:21:06 PM · #42 |
Well, heck if all you wanted was someone see your point why didn't you say so? (Grin, that was intended to be ironic)
07/25/2002 11:32:34 PM · #43 |
Originally posted by TerryGee: General I''m not saying you personally, but I''ve been reading many of the comments made and some people only comment on the good ones, or if it is bad they just mention "what a cute dog". I think those are the ones afraid to tell what they really feel about the photo
Terry-- Not feeling picked-on, and I probably do write some comments which may be/seem somewhat flippant. I know I have a hard time writing a useful comment on something which is OK -- maybe no major problem, but doesn't really "move" me either. But I think telling someone what I like about a photo can be a useful comment. In fact, unless somene is giving a photo a 1, I think "criticism" should include positives (as well as negatives) -- to know what "works" can be both helpful and encouraging. |
07/25/2002 11:49:06 PM · #44 |
funny. or ironic, rather.
i frequently feel no one reads my posts because there's no reply to them .. for example the one earlier in this thread. i made some points in there, and then later in the thread, some other people said stuff along the lines of 'doesnt anyone else in this whole site feel this way, too?' Yet I had already written that I did. LOL.
Guess it's a two way street, isn't it ? ;) |
07/25/2002 11:52:41 PM · #45 |
timing is everything, mag. you were just before your time.
i've got to go ot bed. goodnight everyone!
07/26/2002 12:10:31 AM · #46 |
Originally posted by magnetic9999: haha
funny. or ironic, rather.
i frequently feel no one reads my posts because there's no reply to them .. for example the one earlier in this thread. i made some points in there, and then later in the thread, some other people said stuff along the lines of 'doesnt anyone else in this whole site feel this way, too?' Yet I had already written that I did. LOL.
Guess it's a two way street, isn't it ? ;)
Did someone say something? Hmmm... must've been the wind. ;-)
07/26/2002 12:28:25 AM · #47 |
Originally posted by magnetic9999: haha
funny. or ironic, rather.
i frequently feel no one reads my posts because there's no reply to them .. for example the one earlier in this thread. i made some points in there, and then later in the thread, some other people said stuff along the lines of 'doesnt anyone else in this whole site feel this way, too?' Yet I had already written that I did. LOL.
Guess it's a two way street, isn't it ? ;) Often times I enter in the middle of the thread - Not having gotten myself up to speed as to what has already been said. Then when I go back to read all the missed posts....I look pretty stupid for making the same comment as the previous guy. Cheetah, thanks for communicating here, no harm done - We all have a lot to learn about critiques without offending, It is a constant problem here. Everyone wants honest feedback, but all too often the truth hurts. (some of us). There are many different personalities on a sight that reaches the entire world. DPChallenge etiquette is constantly evolving.
07/26/2002 12:29:23 AM · #48 |
Well said, at least there were comments about what the viewer did not like, and things to improve upon. Not just a comment like "Cute"
We need to learn to take what we can get. A critique always hurts at first if they are negative.
Originally posted by magnetic9999: no offense, but I don''t see what the ruckus is about. It just seems like an honest critique to me, which is what we all actually want on this site! :) (Although the statement about the ''demonstration of photography skills doesn''t really make any sense).
none of us get better if all people tell us is how great our picture is when they''re secretly thinking it''s not that great. You should be happy that someone was honest. I would be :).
But from lots of internet experience, it really didnt seem that they were going out of the way to be mean. After all there''s no way the person voting could even know who took the picture. They just seemed to be telling you some elements they picked up on.
This may be your first time getting feedback online that''s honest, and maybe it''s startling and seems harsh. But honestly, this is what we''re all here for!
I hope that you can find something to be gained from this experience :) And don''t give up
07/26/2002 04:02:17 AM · #49 |
I first want to say sorry for saying anything about my @ss, And thank you to everyone for being supportive,And truthful My picture I put here was for fun nothing I''m keeping or hanging on my wall,Not even my @ss will be hanging on any wall soon. HAHA I just think the next pictures out there get comments on how it would look this way or this is what I would try things like that. I did thought quit my day job for Photography,(Really) But I still have lots to learn, I know that so.Any comment that is constructive help,Not a bad experience. Thats all I had to say.
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/26/2002 3:49:59 PM. |
07/26/2002 07:43:14 AM · #50 |
Originally posted by magnetic9999: haha
funny. or ironic, rather.
i frequently feel no one reads my posts because there's no reply to them .. for example the one earlier in this thread. i made some points in there, and then later in the thread, some other people said stuff along the lines of 'doesnt anyone else in this whole site feel this way, too?' Yet I had already written that I did. LOL.
Guess it's a two way street, isn't it ? ;)
Magnetic I was the one saying that all last night. Sometimes I talk and it seems that it is ignored. But half way down the page people discuss the same thing. I feel like yelling "hay I said that already". I guess some put the thoughts into words more effectively than I do. |