Author | Thread |
12/26/2005 06:27:44 PM · #76 |
12/26/2005 07:23:47 PM · #77 |
I love the theme idea, if only because it will definitely give me focus, (no pun intended). Maybe if we all agreed on something for certain days of the year, or just maybe holidays? I think that would be great. |
12/26/2005 09:37:41 PM · #78 |
Too many //'s in each link, hehe :)
Here's the right code, with the code for snazzy titles too (not sure if it works on other templates but it works on the one I use) I also added a link to each person's DPC profile for easy reference, and made the links open in a new window for convenience :)
See later post for updated HTML
Message edited by author 2005-12-27 12:59:33.
12/27/2005 02:39:08 AM · #79 |
Originally posted by android9: I love the theme idea, if only because it will definitely give me focus, (no pun intended). Maybe if we all agreed on something for certain days of the year, or just maybe holidays? I think that would be great. |
Well, I've still got three months of themes to fill out!!! I just KNOW there's stuff I'm not thinking of, but for the life of me I can't come up with it.
I had kinda arranged the months to go with the weather here in the Midwest US, but it can be altered as people see fit.
What other big techniques/styles am I missing? |
12/27/2005 10:20:40 AM · #80 |
Originally posted by ladyhawk22: Well, I've still got three months of themes to fill out!!! I just KNOW there's stuff I'm not thinking of, but for the life of me I can't come up with it.
I had kinda arranged the months to go with the weather here in the Midwest US, but it can be altered as people see fit.
What other big techniques/styles am I missing? |
January-Black and White
April-Portrait/Self portrait
May-Flowers/nature (yeah, this might be my favorite month)
August-Digital art/art filters
September- Landscapes/Wide Angle
November- Sunrises/Sunsets
December- Frost/Snow/Coldness
Just a few thoughts for your missing themes :)
12/27/2005 10:29:23 AM · #81 |
Very good idea, the theme will make it more interesting as the year wears on. I put mine together this weekend HERE, hopefully it last.
Originally posted by ladyhawk22: I'm kinda considering trying to give every month for the PAD a theme....not that I'll HAVE to stick to it, but something to give the project cohesiveness and let me practice different techniques. If anyone's done a PAD before and thinks this is a horrible idea, I'd love the input.
Also, I've got a couple months that I can't think of a theme for, so any help with that would be great!!
January-Black and White
April-Portrait/Self portrait
May-Flowers/nature (yeah, this might be my favorite month)
August-Digital art/art filters
December- |
Message edited by author 2005-12-27 11:23:01.
12/27/2005 11:35:18 AM · #82 |
Originally posted by james_so:
January-Black and White
April-Portrait/Self portrait
May-Flowers/nature (yeah, this might be my favorite month)
August-Digital art/art filters
September- Landscapes/Wide Angle
November- Sunrises/Sunsets
December- Frost/Snow/Coldness
Just a few thoughts for your missing themes :) |
Interesting idea on the themes. I would suggest swapping the B&W (Jan) and Frost (Dec) [if you are in the right part of the world] since it might be interesting to be forced to do B&W during Christmas and most northern places tend to get more frost/snow in Jan. |
12/27/2005 11:43:29 AM · #83 |
The nice thing about blogspot blogs (and my one, lone non-blogspot blog) is that they all have rss feeds. If you've not used an rss reader before and want to keep up with this list of blogs, I'd suggest taking a look at one now. I use Bloglines but there are plenty of other on and offline readers available.
Message edited by author 2005-12-27 11:43:42. |
12/27/2005 11:46:34 AM · #84 |
Question: What is the point or benefit of doing a PaD?
Couldn't the fact that you are forcing something to happen, potentially make it an unpleasant experience?
I'm not pissing on the idea, mind sounds interesting but I've been curious for some time, as to why people do it.
Message edited by author 2005-12-27 12:16:36. |
12/27/2005 12:05:23 PM · #85 |
OK... Y'all have shamed me into it.
I still have a lot of editing to do to the template, but there's a sample placeholder photo there for now. :)
This should be fun. On another note, anyone up for trying the "Human Scavenger Hunt" again in 2006? I missed it the first time, but it sounds really interesting and it would help me get over my fear of photographing strangers.
In case you have no idea what I am talking about, here's the thread from back in April... //
If there's enough interest I'll start a new thread for it.
Message edited by author 2005-12-27 12:05:56. |
12/27/2005 12:29:58 PM · #86 |
12/27/2005 12:59:06 PM · #87 |
Updated HTML for links :)
Message edited by author 2005-12-27 20:13:31.
12/27/2005 01:48:40 PM · #88 |
Originally posted by pawdrix: Question: What is the point or benefit of doing a PaD?
Couldn't the fact that you are forcing something to happen, potentially make it an unpleasant experience?
I'm not pissing on the idea, mind sounds interesting but I've been curious for some time, as to why people do it. |
Certainly, it COULD be an unpleasant experience!! I know lots of people start one and never finish it, lots of other finish with a triumphant cheer marked by relief.
But I thought I'd give it a shot :-) If I hate it, no one will come after my kitty cat...I just will have something I didn't finish. For me, personally, I hope it will get me in the habit of seeing interesting things that my mind passes over every day. I suppose it's like running....if you're serious about it, you do a little bit every day, so at the end of some time you can do a marathon. |
12/27/2005 05:18:43 PM · #89 |
Well, I guess ya'll can count me in on this too.
// |
12/28/2005 01:01:44 PM · #90 |
Originally posted by james_so:
BTW Wavelength your code has too many '//'s in it :P |
That's what I get for going too fast. :D
12/28/2005 09:04:40 PM · #91 |
OK, I'm in. This sounds incredibly challenging but it will be so good for me to have some discipline and motivation from others. Here is my blog: // and on hello I am emily424. My template is really ugly but I will fix that soon. |
12/28/2005 09:07:09 PM · #92 |
added you to my Hello friends list. Good luck on the PAD - this is my first also.
12/28/2005 10:08:19 PM · #93 |
Originally posted by ShutterPug: added you to my Hello friends list. Good luck on the PAD - this is my first also. |
Thanks!! Good luck to you too. I'm excited to see what everyone else comes up with. I think it will inspire me to think more creatively. |
12/29/2005 06:23:34 AM · #94 |
Anyone else?
Message edited by author 2005-12-31 09:13:03.
12/29/2005 09:31:58 AM · #95 |
OK.. I'm in too..
This is such a bad idea =P
Zorbas PAD 2006 |
12/29/2005 10:32:05 AM · #96 |
Cool, some new padders have been added. I'll get them on my PaD blog tonight.
I am just starting to learn Photoshop so some of my PaDs will be new editing rather than new photos. I have to send my camera in to have the auto focus fixed so I will be cameraless for however long that takes.
I agree Zorba, this is so not a good idea for me too. lol I am not a follow through kinda person. And now I have family, friends and a world of strangers who can watch me fail!
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....
12/29/2005 10:42:11 AM · #97 |
I'm 3 days away from completing my 2005 Photo A Day..Been fun and frustrating all at the same time. The trick is to not be afraid to post crap....I have posted plenty of crap...but once in a while you try new stuff and get results that make you go wow. So I'm continuing my PAD for 2006.
PAD for 2005
12/29/2005 11:33:25 AM · #98 |
I abandoned my 2005 PAD a few months into it...hopefully if I attach myself to a lot of other people who are also doing it I might be more inclined to stick with it.
I'm also on Hello as modgethanc, and I've been adding a few of you here and there...
Message edited by author 2005-12-29 11:59:00.
12/29/2005 12:28:09 PM · #99 |
My hello is mavrikdpc as well but I won't be using it for chat and such.
This is Sarah's blog - please add us both to the list. :)
12/29/2005 01:04:06 PM · #100 |
Also added the list of themes to my blog, here's the code to make it line up like mine if anyone's interested.
these are rough--i may not follow them exactly
january | | | black and white |
february | | | emotive |
march | | | patterns, texture |
april | | | portrait |
may | | | nature |
june | | | macro |
july | | | light and shadow |
august | | | art filters |
september | | | landscape, wide angle |
october | | | color |
november | | | sunrise, sunset |
december | | | frost, snow, cold |
The default font size broke the tables a little bit, so I also added this to the CSS:
font: small "Trebuchet MS";
Which I guess you can modify for your own blog or something.
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