Author | Thread |
06/13/2003 01:46:28 PM · #1 |
Wow, I just finished voting on Magazine Cover and found my voting was much different this time: Instead of my usual couple 3's, and a couple 8's, with mostly 4's, 5's, and 6's... Instead I found myself giving several 1's, a lot of 2's and 3's, but also a lot of 8's, 9's, and even 3 10's! Voting was really fun this time!
Did you notice any difference in YOUR voting at all for this one? |
06/13/2003 01:59:30 PM · #2 |
Yes, I noticed the same thing. Fewer 'average' votes and bunches of both way above average and below average. It was definitely a fun one to vote on. |
06/13/2003 02:01:05 PM · #3 |
i really get the impression there are a lot of 'fake' magazines. lol.
06/13/2003 02:07:15 PM · #4 |
Originally posted by ChrisW123: Did you notice any difference in YOUR voting at all for this one? |
I noticed that I just plain didn't vote for a lot of middling things, not feeling qualified to judge their magazine-coverness. THerefore, most of my votes will be either pumping someone high or smacking 'em.
06/13/2003 02:07:55 PM · #5 |
Did anyone alter their voting at all based on some of the shots having text added to them??
06/13/2003 03:28:43 PM · #6 |
Originally posted by magnetic9999: i really get the impression there are a lot of 'fake' magazines. lol. |
How you can talk like that. How you can know some magazines from other countries than yours? It is very funny & unprofessional to talk like that! And if you voting is based on that, then that means that you gave lower scores to some photos because you're not well informed! |
06/13/2003 03:30:50 PM · #7 |
Actually I found out that a magazine that appears in most doctors offices and every hospital waiting room in the U.S. is one that many people don't know, and its hurting me....hmmmm I should have added two words to the title....but then at the same time those who know the magazine well are leaving wonderful comment. |
06/13/2003 05:08:49 PM · #8 |
Originally posted by gaja_tz:
Originally posted by magnetic9999: i really get the impression there are a lot of 'fake' magazines. lol. |
How you can talk like that. How you can know some magazines from other countries than yours? It is very funny & unprofessional to talk like that! And if you voting is based on that, then that means that you gave lower scores to some photos because you're not well informed! |
One word for you, dude: Google. |
06/13/2003 05:20:18 PM · #9 |
My voting was different on this challenge. And I have to admit, I was kinda harsh on some shots. In addition to my regular guide for grading (general stuff - lighting, exposure, asthetics, etc), I added some other guidelines. I figure if the challenge is magazine covers, it should look like a magazine cover. I didn't care what the magazine was. I was more concerned with cropping (or the ability to crop it like a magazine - which helped some landscape-oriented shots) and how the proportions would look with a title at the top or possibly text around the picture. Also, if someone chose a certain magazine that is very specific in how their covers look, I was a lot more critical. The other difference was how I thought about the pictures. I tried to look at each picture and think, "Would this image pull me in if I was actually interested in the subject?" And that actually helped some shots that I usually wouldn't look twice at if it was on a magazine rack. |
06/13/2003 05:42:50 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by rickhd13: Did anyone alter their voting at all based on some of the shots having text added to them?? |
If you think text was added illegally, request a DQ and vote as if it is legal. Some shots will surprise you. You never know, it COULD just be a shot with a transparency in front of it. Always vote as if the shot is legal, and if you have suspicions, request DQ and leave it up to us.
06/13/2003 06:18:55 PM · #11 |
Originally posted by magnetic9999: i really get the impression there are a lot of 'fake' magazines. lol. |
I just want to point out something to you that have responded to mag's post.
1) He never said if it affected his voting, IF it does.
2) lol = laugh out loud, which i took to mean he was having fun with this
Back to our regularly scheduled forum thread. . .
06/13/2003 06:46:18 PM · #12 |
My griping will be limited since my score has crept above 4, but for a change I took a straightforward shot, met the challenge head-on with a literal and accurate interpretation of a "real" magazine, and look what happens.
You're all gonna pay with my "Off-Center" entry (still suitable for small children!). |
06/13/2003 07:21:26 PM · #13 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: My griping will be limited since my score has crept above 4, but for a change I took a straightforward shot, met the challenge head-on with a literal and accurate interpretation of a "real" magazine, and look what happens. |
I think we are going to see a wide range of scores with really low for some and really high for others. I'll admit that during voting if I didn't recogize the Magazine title, I deducted at least one point because it was hard to tell otherwise if someone was just taking a shot of anything (such as a sunset or wave) and then calling the magazine "Sunset World" or maybe "Wave World". You know what I mean?
I also deducted some if the picture was Landscape instead of Portrait, and if the subject was too large to make a good mag. cover.
Originally posted by GeneralE: You're all gonna pay with my "Off-Center" entry (still suitable for small children!). |
LOL, can't wait to see it. I've got a good idea I think... if I can just get time to do it and pull off the lighting correctly. :)
06/13/2003 07:50:28 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by ChrisW123: I'll admit that during voting if I didn't recogize the Magazine title, I deducted at least one point because it was hard to tell otherwise if someone was just taking a shot of anything (such as a sunset or wave) and then calling the magazine "Sunset World" or maybe "Wave World". You know what I mean? |
INCREDIBLE... that you deducted ONE point just because you don't know if the magazine exists!!! I did not submit in this challenge but what you're saying is one of the silliest thing I've hear since I visit this site. Specially because maybe you haven't notice it, but not everybody here are from US (I'm not even I live here). Plus maybe someone submit a great picture with a title of an US magazine you don't know, that means one point less!!!! don't you think it is kind of narrow minded?
Well, with this kind of reasoning I wish good luck to all the participants!!
06/13/2003 08:20:32 PM · #15 |
.. and I thought I was harsh. |
06/13/2003 08:20:40 PM · #16 |
I have been told that I used a fake magazine in the comments on my entry. That is absolutely false. The challenge states that we are to use our favorite magazine which I did. I really think it is horrible to vote people down because you do not know the magazine and then add LOL after your comment. So you seem to be having fun because you say such things to someone.
If I sound angry I am.
Message edited by author 2003-06-13 20:37:46. |
06/13/2003 08:21:11 PM · #17 |
Pretty funny, one word for you.... google. I think I'll use that some time. |
06/13/2003 09:28:22 PM · #18 |
There are Gazillion magazines around the world,(for some WORLD means state they live and maybe Florida,they heard off on Oprah show),so what is fake is the question?
06/13/2003 09:29:58 PM · #19 |
I just look at photos. It's nice when things come together, title, topic and capture.
If in doubt (or hurry), I either refrain, research or return to the photo. Why sweat the small stuff?
06/13/2003 09:33:22 PM · #20 |
I thought that there were a lot more really well done photos in this challenge. I didn't take off for landscape shots or shots that didn't leave room for text or whatever because I just looked at them based on whether or not I'd want to see them on a cover. There were some interesting magazine titles, a few of which I looked up because they seemed so bizarre and didn't find anything, but I didn't vote down for that (so don't you all come after me with your rage). |
06/13/2003 09:34:41 PM · #21 |
Some magazine titles sound fake. That's just the way it is. There's pretty much a magazine for everything. I mean, when I first saw one of the titles, I thought for sure it was fake. My hunch was backed up by the fact that the picture looked VERY amateur. But, you know what? I was wrong. It IS a magazine. You just gotta remember ... truth is far stranger than fiction. And those Italians take the cake. ;) |
06/14/2003 05:21:42 AM · #22 |
Originally posted by qachyk:
Originally posted by gaja_tz:
Originally posted by magnetic9999: i really get the impression there are a lot of 'fake' magazines. lol. |
How you can talk like that. How you can know some magazines from other countries than yours? It is very funny & unprofessional to talk like that! And if you voting is based on that, then that means that you gave lower scores to some photos because you're not well informed! |
One word for you, dude: Google. |
DUDE, you can not find everything on the Google. There is some countries where Internet is still expensive, where companies does not do a lot of internet marketing. Give me a few magazine names that you mean they are fake, dude!?!?!?!? |
06/14/2003 08:54:04 AM · #23 |
ChrisW123 like some others here I think you voted too narrow-minded. There were lots of magazine titles that I didn't recognize; maybe that's because I don't live in the US. But this wasn't for me (and shouldn't be for anyone else IMHO) a reason to vote pictures down.
About Google: like gaga_tz says in many countries magazines still don't have a website because they don't think it is important or too costly. Or they do have one but it is just very hard to find with Google.
I think some people here should realize that the world is a bigger place than just their own town, state or country.... |
06/14/2003 10:17:52 AM · #24 |
I think for me, it was to the voters' advantage if I've never heard of the magazine the photo was for. Knowing the magazines that the photos were supposed to be shot for, kind of gives a little better basis for comparison, where not knowing the magazine doesn't allow for that comparison. But mostly it came down to the photos themselves more than anything. I don't think in retrospect I even took into consideration the orientation of the photos. I'll have to remember to not let that weigh into the photos that I haven't voted on yet, in the spirit of fairness.
I am giving generally higher than average scores (for me anyway). There are lots of good shots, more than the last few challenges where there have been a handful of good ones and a much larger number of average ones. Keep up the good work people. Carry on - Bob |
06/14/2003 10:24:27 AM · #25 |
I hope that anyone who gets the "never heard of your magazine. lol" message sends the commenter a PM with the url for the magazine. And, hopefully, that joker with the lack of information and imagination will go back and fix his scores on the images he voted down just because HE was ill-informed. I'm not holding my breath, though.
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