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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> something i noticed about this site
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 52, (reverse)
06/25/2003 10:44:31 AM · #26
dang you, mag! you're too fast for me!
06/25/2003 10:50:58 AM · #27
Watermelon junkie, maby you ar a little disappointed!
My photo
06/25/2003 11:02:01 AM · #28
I don't worry too much about the score and TRY to submit things that are "creative" and offbeat whenever it suits me. This is probably the best score I've gotten for a non-standard approach ... it may not be great art but I thought it was funny.

I think the initial point of the thread may be SOMEWHAT applicable to the highest-scoring photos, but I think any time you have a collection of 200 interpretations of a topic you can expect the same bell-curve type distribution of intrepretations as you do in quality, or score, or almost any other parameter.

Somewhere in that challenge are two or three really offbeat and creative interpretations If you want to see more, seek them out and give them high votes and leave a comment that it is the "creative" aspect which attracts you. I assure you that will engender more creative shots than telling people they are boring and have no imagination.

Don't get a job as an art editor--you will get sick looking at all the "stock" shots, and your publisher probably won't let you print anything REALLY "creative."
06/25/2003 11:03:51 AM · #29
i see an incredible amount of creativity on this site. I won't bother to provide links since most individuals have their own idea of what creativity is though...
06/25/2003 11:09:15 AM · #30
Watermelonhead have freedom to surf the web for better site,this is My way of creativity!
06/25/2003 11:11:01 AM · #31
The variety on this site is amazing. There may not be (much) "darker side" creativity . This type usually evokes a very strong feeling one way or another and would be expected to receive extreme rating by its very nature.

Although i have not had time to enter many contest I love to review the pictures (at work) and have seen so many pictures that make me look at all things diferently which is how you grow

06/25/2003 11:17:35 AM · #32
I struggle with creativity..... I am, by nature, a practical person. I can admire a certain amount of creativity in others, but I rely more on technical skills than creativity. It's a curse but at least it's better than having no technical skills either.
I don't know how to be more creative, or even what more creative is. To be honest, I look at what some people call creative and see it as something else starting with 'c'. Sometimes it looks more to me like a mistake which has been relabeled 'creative'.
Anyway, not really sure what my point is other than everyone has a different view of what makes an interesting and appealing photo.
06/25/2003 12:00:33 PM · #33
I don't quite understand people who complain that websites don't suit their tastes. It's kinda like standing in the liquor store, saying that you don't like a particular beer, and then demanding to nobody in particular that it be changed. Submissions to this site are constrained by the weekly challenge, thus true artistic vision is chucked out the window almost immediately. If you don't like what you see out there, make something yourself! That's the beauty of this internet thingy.

Message edited by author 2003-06-25 12:10:09.
06/25/2003 12:00:34 PM · #34
Originally posted by watermelon_junkie:

these photos i see are all too cliche. i feel that creativity isn't welcomed here. i looked at past challenges and see the same old thing.

I agree with you to some extent, although the problem seems to be that the winners are sometimes not the most creative shots - rather than that there are NO creative shots. The Self-Portrait challenge is an example. However, Liquid and Primary/Secondary Colours delivered results.

The best way to remedy the prevalence of clichés is to try to change people's minds by presenting your own creativity to them. Eventually you may succeed, otherwise you'll have to remain in the minority and be content that you're a bit diffrerent!
06/25/2003 12:08:24 PM · #35
I really look forward to your creative photography. Maybe you're second shot will be creative. One out of two wouldn't be bad.


Originally posted by watermelon_junkie:

these photos i see are all too cliche. i feel that creativity isn't welcomed here. i looked at past challenges and see the same old thing.

06/25/2003 12:42:08 PM · #36
Slapping a strange effect on a shot does not make it automatically creative in my opinion.
06/25/2003 11:22:19 PM · #37
If it's creativity you want, then give those images your best scores, with comments saying so. I think it was a good idea to post to the forums, too.

I personally don't mind seeing images of flowers, or kids or anything else that is photographed often, and feel that they can be creatively done. In fact I feel that the winners who have won with such photos have usually displayed such creativity.

I like to think that I take creative shots, but who knows? My creative shots may show cliche techniqe to someone else. My boring shots may show creative techniques to others. Just vote and be vocal and be friendly!
06/26/2003 12:15:27 AM · #38
I think Watermelon means "...uncreative" because filters, edits, etc. aren't allowed in the challenges. But since the site rules don't allow it, you are going to see some repetitive shots like flowers, pets, etc. sometimes. Like others have said, there's probably a marketing reason behind this. It's a mainstream, "no pressure", "beginning to intermediate" site which appeals to a broad range of people.

Personally I'd like to see a new type of challenge added that allows full and unrestricted use of your editing software. This would be the "advanced" user challenge (only for members) and for people who are interested in that. This could attract a whole new (additional) set of people that would get into it and contribute to the site. I think it would be great. :)
06/26/2003 12:22:02 AM · #39
Originally posted by ChrisW123:

I think Watermelon means "...uncreative" because filters, edits, etc. aren't allowed in the challenges. But since the site rules don't allow it, you are going to see some repetitive shots like flowers, pets, etc. sometimes.

The use or not of filters and editing has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with creativity. These tools can enhance an otherwise creative image, but no amount of manipulation will make a bad shot any good.

And to claim that shots of "flowers" or "pets" are, by definition, uncreative shows a deep lack of understanding and, perhaps, a limited knowledge of some of the finest photography ever taken.

"Personally I'd like to see a new type of challenge added that allows full and unrestricted use of your editing software. This would be the "advanced" user challenge (only for members) and for people who are interested in that. This could attract a whole new (additional) set of people that would get into it and contribute to the site. I think it would be great. :)"

As you are aware we are having a poll about this at this very moment. You should perhaps take a look at what the users are saying (or perhaps they don't count?).

Message edited by author 2003-06-26 00:24:28.
06/26/2003 12:28:17 AM · #40
Originally posted by Jak:

The use or not of filters and editing has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with creativity. These tools can enhance an otherwise creative image, but no amount of manipulation will make a bad shot any good.

Yeah, I know that. Obvisouly you don't need a filter to make a creative shot. My point is... never mind. :p

Originally posted by Jak:

As you are aware we are having a poll about this at this very moment. You should perhaps take a look at what the users are saying (or perhaps they don't count?).

No I wasn't aware but I'll look. And yes Jak, I do think other opinions count. Do YOU?

Addendum: Hmm, just found the poll on the main page (never noticed :), and it doesn't fit my point which was to ADD a new challenge each week. I would checkmark the choice (if it were there) that says "Add a new all-edit challenge, and allow additional minor edits to the normal weekly challenges".

Message edited by author 2003-06-26 00:36:36.
06/26/2003 12:45:36 AM · #41
Since the very nature of this site is by vote it is by nature not a very safe atmosphere to experment. I think watermellon has a point. Just think of how many complaints we hear about pets, children and flowers. And how many versions are we going to see the "glass" and "water" trick ,jmsetzler brought to the site, where one large image is refracted into several smaller images. //www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=2892 But i think this site is bound by the fact the we're all trying to compete and thereby trying to "wow" the masses. Ground breaking photos with new angles probally won't do so well here.

Let the man have his opinion with out attacking him.

Message edited by author 2003-06-26 00:46:38.
06/26/2003 04:44:44 AM · #42
I long ago decided I would go crazy if I judged my "results" from this site based on the score. I'm here to be challenged to think of a way to execute a photo every week, but I don't expect a perfect result within that time. There are lots of shots I've thought of, inspired by the challenge topic, which were completely impractical to do at the time, but which I may do later. I like to go back and try new versions or interpretations of old challenges, or use specific techniques we've tried. I have no hesitation about trying something "creative" or offbeat, and willingly trade the average score for the comments and feedback.

I shot the following yesterday. It uses tone curves, but no filters. Comments welcome.
Dreaming of a Sapphire Sea
06/26/2003 05:00:26 AM · #43
Ditto GeneralE, I take part in the every challenge as a process of learning - whether or not I actually submit an entry is a different matter entirely.
06/26/2003 06:21:50 AM · #44
I think watermelon junkie has a point but he just didn't phrase it all that well. I don't think he was talking about any individual photographers, but more about the way the site influences a lot of people to stay within the norm. The short nature of his post may have caused some people to take offense and comment negatively on his photo which wasn't even mentioned in his post. It doesn't really matter though, this discussion pops up all the time. Whoever made the comment about the beauty of the internet was right on. If you don't like it, that's fine, move on and find something that better suits your taste. Personally, I love creative stuff, and being able to express my opinion about what I like and don't like. This site, however, is all about challenges and preparation for real photography competitions, in which there are judges and galleries of a wide range of people. I'm finding the education I'm getting on here invaluable as well as fun and addicting.

PS. Liked that art GeneralE, left a comment on it.
06/26/2003 07:52:32 AM · #45
i like watermelon.

reminds me of summer time ... :)

Message edited by author 2003-06-26 07:54:58.
06/26/2003 07:54:08 AM · #46
oh, I thought getting off my behind and taking a pic was being creative, and now I have to be all arty too....-:p

well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
06/26/2003 09:55:52 PM · #47

Message edited by author 2003-06-27 00:04:40.
06/27/2003 09:28:41 PM · #48
New to the site...

Just been through and voted on Country Life.. Watermelon has a point... a lot of the shots are samey.. I voted on how well the brief was met and how good technically the shot was..

Most photographers dream of getting things in magazines.. to do this you have to be on brief OR have an idea which way the photo editors creativity works.. The challenge works the same way..
06/28/2003 05:34:44 PM · #49
Althoug I am new to this site and postd all but one photo, I too would lik to reply to these statements. The people that take and post their photos here are undoubtedly proud of their work and seek critique from their peers. I know that's why I am here. If we are lucky we all learn something from one another by being a part of this site, however, that's no reason to tell someone that they are not creative. The fact that they got out and took a photo in itself is creative, even if you don't like the photo they took. Cliche? Look at some of the most renowned photographers galleries, do you not see some sunsets, flowers, waterfalls? These things are pleasing for most to look at. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and maybe a viewer of an artists work can be touched the same way the photographer was when taking the photo. Is that not a reason we share our photos. And though I dont agree with the way the statement was made I'm sure some will have it mind in the next photo they take and maybe this too will be a tool for us to use.

My Website
06/29/2003 03:29:58 PM · #50
For those of you who think that there are too many mainstream images and that other shots can't do well, have a look at Dr JOnes Black on Black shot which got 4th place. I don't think that a black latex fetish suit is very mainstream, do you?

On the other hand, his Magazine Cover shot got hammered because of a bit of nudity, which, imho, was more mainstream than the Black on Black suit.

Why? I dunno. Smaller challenge numbers among the members? More open minded participants? People didn't know enough about Black on Black to score properly?

I just found it amusing :)

Message edited by author 2003-06-29 15:31:11.
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