Author | Thread |
03/12/2007 03:15:02 PM · #1 |
My average vote received is under a 5.0, and I'm happy with that. Would I like to score better? Well sure. Would I like to improve my photographic skills and ability? Definitely. But I'm also comfortable with my photography and happy that it is where it is right now. Sometimes I enter challenges with an entry I'm not content with, but most of the time I'm happy with my entries. And when I'm happy about them, it takes a lot to get me down. Most importantly, I don't want to conform to anybody else's idea of good or high scoring photography.
If you share the above things with me, post here and become part of the AU5 club! :-)
If your average is above 5 you can still be a "supporter"!
---AU5 Members and Supporters---
please let me know if I miss anyone
Team Suck
Message edited by author 2007-10-03 18:28:56. |
03/12/2007 03:19:26 PM · #2 |
I do, though my average has gone over five since the TIME challenge started. (It was 4.999 before)
I'm always happy with my shots when I enter them. Generally I look at the scores and think "hmm, how odd" when they don't score better. I like the shots I enter, otherwise I wouldn't enter them (with the exception of PEAS which was a bit of an off-moment.)
hu-la-la |
03/12/2007 03:26:18 PM · #3 |
4.69.. Yep its Under.
This site isn't my audience. But I am still here, and still getting under five images. Needless to say, It doesn't look like I will be conforming to anyone else's ideas of photography any time soon.
It seriously bums me out at times. Low comments if any, low scores without much to say why... Don't live in Iceland I guess. 6-;
I took a month of the site.. no one noticed, came back.. two in challenges now and they are under 5.0 hmmm....
03/12/2007 03:57:25 PM · #4 |
Originally posted by littlegett: It seriously bums me out at times. |
I get this; it can be frustrating when this site isn't the audience you're best suited to presenting for. But "comfortable", "happy", and "content" are important parts of this thread!
I think a lot of times we just have to decide whether or not we are going to be comfortable with ourselves, no matter what other people think. To learn from what people tell us can be immensely valuable but life really is more awesome when we're happy with who we are and what we do first.
03/12/2007 04:08:55 PM · #5 |
Originally posted by klstover: but life really is more awesome when we're happy with who we are and what we do first. |
and even more so when there is someone to share it with.
... I need more friends L()L
03/12/2007 04:09:39 PM · #6 |
Originally posted by klstover: I get this; it can be frustrating when this site isn't the audience you're best suited to presenting for. But "comfortable", "happy", and "content" are important parts of this thread!
I think a lot of times we just have to decide whether or not we are going to be comfortable with ourselves, no matter what other people think. To learn from what people tell us can be immensely valuable but life really is more awesome when we're happy with who we are and what we do first. |
amen sista! i love the majority of the pics (three out of four) that i have entered here, and despite what i could have done better, i'm still attached to them. besides, averagish on this site is still above average in the real world!
03/12/2007 04:11:25 PM · #7 |
I had a brief run a couple of weeks ago where I had three photos in the voting column all at 5 or over ... this week I'm compensating with a couple of 3's ... |
03/12/2007 04:23:02 PM · #8 |
i am under avg of 5. what i find most amazing is that i never hardly pick any of what turn out to be the top 10. so not only are my submissions out of sync with dpc my voting is also...???
03/12/2007 04:24:44 PM · #9 |
Originally posted by jfwolpert: i am under avg of 5. what i find most amazing is that i never hardly pick any of what turn out to be the top 10. so not only are my submissions out of sync with dpc my voting is also...??? |
It simply means that you have tastes that differ from the majority. Which is not only perfectly fine, but can be a really nice thing at times.
03/12/2007 04:43:04 PM · #10 |
Avg Vote Received: 4.8190
Hey, another place I fit in to! Though the scores don't bother me, I'm not really that happy with my pictures lately. I just haven't been in my happy place for a while. I'm hoping to get back to it soon. ;) |
03/12/2007 05:01:02 PM · #11 |
I'm in! Ave vote = 4.8366
My current Circle entry is hanging around 4.7 and my Red at 4.5. I absolutely love each shot too because they are a bit "out of the box". It seems I have a quirky eye for subject matter.
I am new here with 12 challenges entered, so scores are still of interest - must be that update button that has me so facinated. LOL Even better is the fact that I am already getting better as a result of comments and dedicated participation.
klstover, will there be cards for our signature as part of this WPL? LOL |
03/12/2007 05:02:55 PM · #12 |
Originally posted by Kelli: Though the scores don't bother me, I'm not really that happy with my pictures lately. I just haven't been in my happy place for a while. I'm hoping to get back to it soon. ;) |
Yeah, I think this happens to a lot of people at some point.. hang in there - you'll make it :-)
03/12/2007 05:04:32 PM · #13 |
Originally posted by dsterner: I'm in! Ave vote = 4.8366
My current Circle entry is hanging around 4.7 and my Red at 4.5. I absolutely love each shot too because they are a bit "out of the box". It seems I have a quirky eye for subject matter. |
Yay quirky and out of the box! :-D
Originally posted by dsterner: I am new here with 12 challenges entered, so scores are still of interest - must be that update button that has me so facinated. LOL Even better is the fact that I am already getting better as a result of comments and dedicated participation. |
Awesome! I love how I have improved from the people here. It's a great feeling.
Originally posted by dsterner: klstover, will there be cards for our signature as part of this WPL? LOL |
There can be!!
I'm about to shower so I'll think of something while I'm in there :)
03/12/2007 05:31:39 PM · #14 |
I have a slightly different outlook on my entries, most are not good. That is why my average is 4.6ish. I really don't like most of my entries, why? Cos I hate deadlines and when I see a new challenge I wrack my brains to come up with a good idea to fit.
When I just take my camera out and about, I get some kewl a load of junkers. But, I enjoy taking them and going through them when I get home. Time is limited, yet I like Macro and there is always something to photograph at all times of the year.
Biggest problem is a challenge always comes up to suit a photo I took two weeks earlier. But I just keep plugging away :) |
03/12/2007 05:34:09 PM · #15 |
4.7295 and still having fun. |
03/12/2007 05:44:22 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by formerlee: I hate deadlines and when I see a new challenge I wrack my brains to come up with a good idea to fit. |
I feel the same way at times, but I have learned to brainstorm for ideas LOTS of them - none rejected. Then I narrow the selection to suit my abiltiy and shoot various interpretations. Naturally, once I am ready to submit - the killer idea comes along and I have to start all over again. ~~grin~~ |
03/12/2007 05:50:03 PM · #17 |
To use, just replace the { } with [ ]
Message edited by author 2007-03-12 17:54:43.
03/12/2007 05:55:41 PM · #18 |
I don't know how to make a nice happy transparent gif.
edit: Well I made it transparent but it shows up bigger than it should.
So if anyone else wants to take a stab at it go ahead.. ;)
Message edited by author 2007-03-12 17:58:34.
03/12/2007 06:10:31 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by klstover: My average vote received is under a 5.0, and I'm happy with that. Would I like to score better? Well sure. ... I'm also comfortable with my photography and happy that it is where it is right now. ... |
Kelly... you are to be commended for at least two important reasons:
1-You are happy with your images despite their treatment by voters. This is important.
2-You don't let your average voter recieved drag down how you score others. This is divine.
DPC voters tend to be very harsh in their assessments of other's work. That is because, on average despite much discussion and fanfare, voters tend to vote like everyone else. You don't. It takes fortitude and integrity on your part to assess images your way. Good for you!
03/12/2007 06:52:15 PM · #20 |
FINALLY!! A voice from lucidity world!!
Thank you for saying those wonderful words, Kelly! I feel the same way! I have PM'd you.
I started getting pretty bruised about some of the comments, and I, too, decided that I liked my photos and so what if they just make a 5...No worries! I have arrived! ha
Keep clickin'!
Message edited by author 2007-03-12 18:52:54. |
03/12/2007 07:13:02 PM · #21 |
A big thank you to stdavidson and you're welcome to Bosborne :-)
03/12/2007 07:18:45 PM · #22 |
And to think that I thought I was the only one ; )
I have to admit though, sometimes I get ideas for a picture, and it doesn't come out the way I'd like, but I do enter it anyway. I learn a lot from others comments, even though there are very few comments given with the low scoring images. Go figure. Or no figure, in my case! |
03/12/2007 07:55:22 PM · #23 |
My avg is 4.9985, so I'm just squeaking in. I've been on both sides of the line lately. One of my favorite things to do is to submit a brown ribbon contender that gets great comments. |
03/12/2007 07:57:22 PM · #24 |
Originally posted by dcnfarrell: And to think that I thought I was the only one ; )
I have to admit though, sometimes I get ideas for a picture, and it doesn't come out the way I'd like, but I do enter it anyway. I learn a lot from others comments, even though there are very few comments given with the low scoring images. Go figure. Or no figure, in my case! |
I'm in with an Avg Vote Received: 4.8954
That's taking into account my wild fluke of a 6.75 and the fact that my profile page's lowest score is a 5.4648.
The pic I had the most fun with, I obviously loved my ribbon, but the plain FUN pic was my B&W entry which stirred up so much.
I really liked that entry and I was having so much fun I didn't care what the score was at all!
The 30 Day Where-You-Live project and my friends at Team Suck have done more for my being comfortable, and happy, with the photographer that I am than anything else.
The only reason I'm still here is because of Team Suck and ya know.....
Team Suck commands an awful lot of respect because we are decent, considerate people who are all about the combined art, science, and passion of photography.
I don't need the Aurora, I don't need the Serengeti, I don't have Tahitian sunsets every night, and I don't have $5000 to wrap up in camera equipment.
I have an entry level DSLR, Photoshop, a computer, and the support of my friends who I share with and learn from.
Even stuff that for years bordered on snapshots have that extra flair that make them special since I've been here.
The 30 day WYL project showed *ME* that!
That I have the ability to take shots of everyday life around me and project the simple loveliness of my world is why I started photography in the first place.
And the special moments?
That decrepit old truck is so much me you have *NO* idea!
That truck is me on so many levels......and I learned how to show you all that here.
So.....I'm an AU5 member.....and just fine with that!
03/12/2007 08:51:41 PM · #25 |
Can't claim membership with a current 5.1. But I know the feeling. Lovely thread. I like the optimism shown to honestly, always seek ways to learn, process, express & present your own vision. |
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