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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> OK... I admit... I cheated (Alfa going 230 km/h)
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07/09/2003 06:42:56 AM · #1

Well... when I saw that "speed" challenge, I absolutely HAD to try something.

You see: I've been working on my PhotoShop skills, and I wanted to know if I was good enough to trick just about everybody who looks at one of my altered pictures. :-)

The original can be found in THIS ALBUM. The modifications I made:

-The "open door" and "hand break" leds are switched off
-Changed the angle of the needles.

You should know: my PS skilles really sucked. Never thought I could do this...

Results are quite satisfying. A lot of people noticed that the car is brandnew (as the km counter is at less than 400). This made them worry about my car (LOL), and a few even said "if this is a real pic, you're nuts!" (or something like that). Judgeing by these replies, a lot of people have been looking for altered parts in the pic, but could find none, as nobody dared to accuse me of "breaking the rules". Mission accomplished! :-)

FYI: the car has 8000km by now, and I took it to 210-215km/h the other week (slightly downhill). I guess this is about the maximum I can get out of it. The engine was screaming, yet my girlfriend was topping the engine on the decibel level. Women, sigh...



PS. I promise to stick to the rules next time ...I think.

Message edited by author 2003-07-09 06:46:48.
07/09/2003 06:58:19 AM · #2

Message edited by author 2003-07-09 06:59:58.
07/09/2003 07:00:51 AM · #3
i recomend you get banned forever on this site for this ....

lol I think you would be surpriced how many of the pics in here are altered like this...
07/09/2003 07:10:07 AM · #4
Well, you can laugh about cheating, but I do not think it is very funny. It disrespects the entire DPC community and wastes everyone's time. I am disappoint in this person and also unhappy for wasting my own time voting on his submission. I gave it a 5, which is typically my lowest grade for a legitimate entry.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Think about it...
07/09/2003 07:17:58 AM · #5
I got DQ'ed for misinterpreting one of the rules once. For purposefully breaking the rules, I believe the penalty should be much worse.

It seems like you did this to prove a point and the fact that you admitted doing it, IMO, counts in your favour, but suggesting that you might not feel inclined to stick to the rules in future, since you managed to get away with it once, should get you kicked of this site for good.

Ps. I think this goes a long way towards proving the need for mandatory testing of top ten submissions.
07/09/2003 07:18:11 AM · #6
Originally posted by jochen:


You see: I've been working on my PhotoShop skills, and I wanted to know if I was good enough to trick just about everybody who looks at one of my altered pictures. :-)

You should know: my PS skilles really sucked. Never thought I could do this...

Results are quite satisfying. A lot of people noticed that the car is brandnew (as the km counter is at less than 400.

Judgeing by these replies, a lot of people have been looking for altered parts in the pic, but could find none, as nobody dared to accuse me of "breaking the rules". Mission accomplished! :-)

PS. I promise to stick to the rules next time ...I think.

I'm not so sure what are you trying to prove here. Really dissapointed that you tried it and brag about it!
07/09/2003 07:18:58 AM · #7
just more proof to show that people might already be editing pics and we dont have a clue.. no DQ request, etc... seems to bring up the old editing question again :)
07/09/2003 07:21:52 AM · #8
how are you to know if people here cheat or not?.....
07/09/2003 07:24:23 AM · #9
Originally posted by Nazgul:

how are you to know if people here cheat or not?.....

That's the point :). We need to test at least the top ten entries in every challenge to discourage cheaters from entering.
07/09/2003 07:24:52 AM · #10
Personally I don't think that admitting cheating on an entry here in the forums after the challenge makes the cheating any more acceptable.

I do feel the image should now be disqualified and removed from the challenge results as it has no right to it's placing above the other entries.

07/09/2003 07:26:48 AM · #11
It will be DQd as soon as an admin comes online. I also don't think its a very clever thing to brag about.
07/09/2003 07:27:18 AM · #12
Originally posted by Refracted:

just more proof to show that people might already be editing pics and we dont have a clue.. no DQ request, etc... seems to bring up the old editing question again :)

Correction, there IS now a DQ request, and it will be looked into.
07/09/2003 07:29:20 AM · #13
Originally posted by hbunch7187:

Originally posted by Refracted:

just more proof to show that people might already be editing pics and we dont have a clue.. no DQ request, etc... seems to bring up the old editing question again :)

Correction, there IS now a DQ request, and it will be looked into.

Thing is, if he hadn't been silly enough to brag about it, it would've slipped through...

What if it had slipped through unnoticed, and won?

Message edited by author 2003-07-09 07:30:25.
07/09/2003 07:36:34 AM · #14
Originally posted by Martus:

Originally posted by Nazgul:

how are you to know if people here cheat or not?.....

That's the point :). We need to test at least the top ten entries in every challenge to discourage cheaters from entering.

What do you suggest, a Urine Test like in the Olympics?

All kidding aside, it would be very difficult, if not impossible to test, other than to request the original with complete EXIF intact as DPC does if required.

The integrity of the community is still the best approach with a sanity check of the ribbon winners. There are many members, perhaps most members, who would never even consider cheating. So, trusting the community is still better than changing everything to react to this one person's actions. This guy has only hurt himself, twice in fact. Once when he cheated and again in this thread.

If he does not want to play nice, then he should take his bat and ball and go home.
07/09/2003 07:37:53 AM · #15
Originally posted by Martus:

Originally posted by hbunch7187:

Originally posted by Refracted:

just more proof to show that people might already be editing pics and we dont have a clue.. no DQ request, etc... seems to bring up the old editing question again :)

Correction, there IS now a DQ request, and it will be looked into.

Thing is, if he hadn't been silly enough to brag about it, it would've slipped through...

What if it had slipped through unnoticed, and won?

Honestly, can't catch them all...However, I personally have found a few shots that have finished challenges, to have not been legal. Including a few winners. (and they have been DQed) We don't just sit on our butts here, we DO look into things. Some people are stupid enough to make it obvious, and some just require a little more time to find. And some simply slip through.
I think what happens here is that we try to assume that people are honest and don't want to decieve their community who has helped them with their photography. Unfortunately, there will always be people who do not respect other people.
07/09/2003 07:42:59 AM · #16
DPC works on the honor system. A system of trust, to some degree.

If a person has NO HONOR, then they must live with that within themselves. Can you be happy knowing you got a good score by CHEATING? If you can, then there's something wrong with you.

On our end, if and when we discover these things, there WILL be strong consequences.

07/09/2003 07:47:54 AM · #17
I agree that catching everybody will be impossible, but by requesting the top ten finishers to submit their original digicam files this kind of thing can be greatly discouraged.

In fact the original probably wouldn't even be necessary. A resized version of the original (640x480) even without the exif info would most likely be enough to catch cheaters. Most of the time you need to do a lot of changes to contrast, brightness, sharpness etc. to make a spot edited photo look believable.
07/09/2003 07:52:58 AM · #18
Originally posted by Martus:

I agree that catching everybody will be impossible, but by requesting the top ten finishers to submit their original digicam files this kind of thing can be greatly discouraged.

In fact the original probably wouldn't even be necessary. A resized version of the original (640x480) even without the exif info would most likely be enough to catch cheaters. Most of the time you need to do a lot of changes to contrast, brightness, sharpness etc. to make a spot edited photo look believable.

I also would like to see proof requested for the top 10. I do know that D and L are really busy, and I would personally be willing to help review this exif and original photos if it would help make this a feature.
07/09/2003 07:58:57 AM · #19
but does it really matter any if ppl cheat or not .....

does this have any real value in the real world any way?
07/09/2003 08:00:24 AM · #20
I am also very much for testing the top places against cheating. It would be interesting setting up a poll to see the results.
07/09/2003 08:01:06 AM · #21

Can't believe what replies I get.
I thought this site was about FUN.

So I bent the rules one freakin' time. Big deal. I did it for a reason, and that reason was not winning (participating is much more important than winning), and certainly not "upping my score" (don't see why anyone would rate my pic higher because of more km/h on the rev anyway).

I only wanted one thing out of this for myself; get my spot editing techniques to top level. Nothing else.

Hence my pic, and hence this thread in the forum.

But judgeing from your replies, honesty is not appreciated at all. Seems it's much better to cheat, lie about it, and perhaps even win while doing so.

Unvoluntarily, I seem to have proven a couple of things here:
-There are a lot of people on this site who take themselves, their hobby AND this site waaaaay too seriously.
-There is no way for the admins to really know when someone is cheating.
-Honesty is not appreciated. Stretch your neck, and you get chopped.

Wanna ban me? Then ban me.

I am soooo dissapointed in this site right now.

Message edited by author 2003-07-09 08:19:48.
07/09/2003 08:04:49 AM · #22
you cheat and then complain about honesty not being appreciated? you're completely and totally insane :-D.

or maybe like 14 years old :P.

oh, and we're disappointed in you. you let us down big-time. what would your mother and father say?

Originally posted by jochen:

-Honesty is not appreciated. Stretch your neck, and you get chopped.

I am soooo dissapointed in this site right now.

07/09/2003 08:04:59 AM · #23
Being honest about being dishonest doesnt make you an honest person.
07/09/2003 08:07:49 AM · #24
Originally posted by Martus:

Originally posted by Nazgul:

how are you to know if people here cheat or not?.....

That's the point :). We need to test at least the top ten entries in every challenge to discourage cheaters from entering.

I think all winners need to take a urine and blood test as well as a breatherlizer and make sure that any illegal steroirds were not used.

07/09/2003 08:08:18 AM · #25
i dunno.. but seeing a top 3 entry being DQ'ed is becoming a regular thing around here.. I WANT to trust other memebers to do whats right and not cheat.. but half the time the mistake is because of a misunderstanding of the rules (dodge and burn?) and whatnot.. i think we've caught more unintentinal rule breakers (where the rules being broken are more obvious, like the date of a photo) compared to actual intended cheating, as those people will actually make an effor to hide it well. I dont know what my point to this response was.. maybe just to explain how these things seem to me.. For a top 3 finish, i can imagine the originals needing to be submitted (afterall, doesn't it say in the rules to keep the original handy?), and it WOULD be time consuming to test much more than that, maybe a random 5 photos from the challenge could be tested along with the top 3? that way, anyone could expect to be asked to send in the original.. as i'm sure most people never expect to fall in the top 10 and might not think they'd need to ever be tested, and might be inclined to continue cheating.. if only to get a slightly higher vote or for whatever reason one would do this. Whatever is dont though, would have to be in BOLD and Caps on the submission page.. we cant have anyone complaining that they didn't know.. this has to be obvious that their entry might need the original checked (also, i'd want to avoid someone getting DQ'ed because they didn't know the original might be asked for.. gotta hate those DQ's where the photo is OK, but no way to prove it.. kind of a backlash of the rules)

uh yeah, i'll stop my rambling now :)
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