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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Disqualification notice?
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09/23/2003 11:56:13 AM · #1
I received a notice stating that my submission for the macro challenge had been recommended for disqualification by atleast one member, first of all I can't say which one is mine, but I do not understand how anyone would think that it was done outside the rules of dpchallenge, second, I feel that this is my best submission yet and I would hate to think of it being disqualified. I submitted the original with a brief discription as to what had been done (black and white, despeckle, sharpen, border) My question is how long does it take to hear back from them, and will they let me know either way or if my submission is not disqualified will I not be notified but it simply won't be removed.
09/23/2003 12:01:10 PM · #2
They are pretty quick to respond and usually its a nice note saying they verified the image and its ok and still in the challenge. Or im sure they will tell your pic has been DQ'd and removed from the challenge.

I would give them at least 2 days to respond before you get too worried.

If you followed the rules then you are doing ok.

09/23/2003 12:11:42 PM · #3
The new system probably still has bugs in it because I had a disqualification request on my Insects entry, but I never heard from anyone after I replied with my original photo. I was never DQ'd. So you may not hear anything unless it is DQ'd.

Message edited by author 2003-09-23 12:12:15.
09/23/2003 01:49:09 PM · #4
I also recieved a diqualification notice. This is only my second submission. I am pretty proud of the picture . No spot editing just got lucky!! My first challenge submission really stunk!! LOL!! I know the rules about no spot editing, and I wouldnt cheat to win!! ( Winners Never Cheat, and Cheaters Never Win) Everyones heard it. I also dont think I am any competion in this challenge. I still have a lot to learn. I submitted the form they sent me. I also hope I hear back soon, but in the mean time you kinda have a real dirty feeling like you have just been accused of plagerism, or stealing, or something like that.How do you defend yourself?? I submitted the original and explained how I got the shot. What more can you do?? I think if someone wants have a pic disqualified they should have to submit thier name also explain what it is about the picture that they think has been spot edited. I think everyone could behave like adults, and hey!! we could learn from one another some new techniques.Who KNows!!
09/23/2003 01:56:39 PM · #5
When a photo get a DQ request, we see it, and then we vote on weather or not to request proof. It could be something real simple. For example, the desaturation effect. Yeah, it's perfectly legal, BUT it CAN also be done by illegal methods. How are we to know which is which unless it's blatently obvious. A request for proof means nothing. We really don't DQ that many photos. Just submit your proof, and we'll handle it. If you're legal, don't worry about it.
09/23/2003 01:58:55 PM · #6
Originally posted by hbunch7187:

When a photo get a DQ request, we see it, and then we vote on weather or not to request proof. It could be something real simple. For example, the desaturation effect. Yeah, it's perfectly legal, BUT it CAN also be done by illegal methods. How are we to know which is which unless it's blatently obvious. A request for proof means nothing. We really don't DQ that many photos. Just submit your proof, and we'll handle it. If you're legal, don't worry about it.

Whoever validates the photo should send a note back to the photographer to let them know it has been validated. This hasn't been happening :(
09/23/2003 05:10:48 PM · #7
I have another question concerning the disqualification process...When a person hits the button to recommend disqualification on the voting page, is that the end of the process for them or do they have to fill out a form stating why the photo should be disqualified, if so it would be nice to have that information when you are notified because I just can't figure out what the reason could be or what they thought I could have done.
09/23/2003 05:53:59 PM · #8
Originally posted by Shannon:

When a person hits the button to recommend disqualification on the voting page, is that the end of the process for them or do they have to fill out a form stating why the photo should be disqualified

Once you click on the 'request DQ' link, a popup appears in which you must give your reason(s) for the request. Once submitted, the Site Council use this text (which effectively becomes the body of the DQ request) in order make their decision on whether to DQ, not DQ, or request validation from the photographer.

As for passing this text onto the photographer, I'm not too sure, since in my opinion the DQ system needs to be anonymous as much as possible. To give you a rough idea, about 95% of DQ requests are about photos being taken outside the time period, or about added text, or about illegal effects (eg certain filters or spot editting). Therefore, the original photo (with EXIF if the camera supports it) along with details of how you created the submitted image are all that we need in most cases.
09/25/2003 10:56:49 PM · #9
It has been over two days since I received the notification and submitted my original and I still haven't heard anything, is it safe to assume that my photo is not being disqualified??
09/25/2003 11:04:10 PM · #10
Originally posted by Shannon:

It has been over two days since I received the notification and submitted my original and I still haven't heard anything, is it safe to assume that my photo is not being disqualified??

I waited a couple of days on my nostalgia picture and there was no response. It's still there so I guess it was fine.

It would have been nice to know why a DQ was requested. I'm still assuming it was because of desaturation.

Message edited by author 2003-09-25 23:06:17.
09/25/2003 11:16:50 PM · #11
I agree it would be nice to know why the dq was requested, they could put that information in the email notice without letting you know who nominated you, I guess all that matters is that it is not disqualified but it has been driving me crazy trying to figure out why someone recommended it for disqualification. It's a basic black and white photo, just cropped, adjusted brightness and contrast, sharpened and despeckled and added a border. Anyway, it's still there so I am assuming that it is o.k.
09/26/2003 12:14:12 AM · #12
Originally posted by Shannon:

I agree it would be nice to know why the dq was requested, they could put that information in the email notice without letting you know who nominated you, I guess all that matters is that it is not disqualified but it has been driving me crazy trying to figure out why someone recommended it for disqualification. It's a basic black and white photo, just cropped, adjusted brightness and contrast, sharpened and despeckled and added a border. Anyway, it's still there so I am assuming that it is o.k.

I received a DQ request on my current entry as well, Shannon. It's a fairly straightforward shot, not unlike yours, I assume, and I have no idea why anyone would suspect it.

I've followed procedure, and haven't heard either. It's been barely a day though, for me.

It looks like these requests are made more frequently than they used to or, at least, a far as I can tell. I've never come across one before (myself) in any other challenge.
09/26/2003 12:50:53 AM · #13
I, too, received a DQ request.

It's too early to say whether DPC are being slow or not in processing my reply. But I wonder what's the average number of DQ requests a challenge gets and, of those, how many are actually illegal?

I'm wondering if someone is going around DQ-requesting for a lark, or if this challenge is unusual in that this thread has sprung up?

09/26/2003 12:52:57 AM · #14
09/26/2003 12:55:10 AM · #15
I'd estimate we typically get between DQ 3-8 requests per challenge, and that 1-4 get disqualified, MOSTLY for being out-of-dates or added text (not a date-stamp from the camera), and occasionally for being illegally edited.

This thread shows up every 2-3 weeks, as soon as someone who's never seen a version of this thread gets a DQ request.
09/26/2003 12:57:08 AM · #16
Also, the mechanism by which we put out the requests for verification and vote on the photos has been undergoing a major revamping over the last couple of weeks, so there are going to be some glitches in what was already an imperfect system.
09/26/2003 01:01:24 AM · #17
well, I'm ok with it.
09/26/2003 01:23:03 AM · #18
Originally posted by GeneralE:

I'd estimate we typically get between DQ 3-8 requests per challenge, and that 1-4 get disqualified, MOSTLY for being out-of-dates or added text (not a date-stamp from the camera), and occasionally for being illegally edited.

Thank you for your prompt answer.

Originally posted by GeneralE:

This thread shows up every 2-3 weeks, as soon as someone who's never seen a version of this thread gets a DQ request.

Maybe it's my mood, but I feel that the tone of this reply is either sarcastic or painly rude.

I've been a member here since June and reasonably active in the forums. I can't remember such an explicit thread, and, after a quick manual check of the past forums (there's no search facility), I couldn't find a relevant thread.

I'm sure that this topic has been discussed before. If it is so relevant to a lot of people, as you suggest, then maybe there should be a faq set up to answer it. That would be better than insult people's questions or their memories.
09/26/2003 01:35:00 AM · #19
Sorry, not at all meant to be insulting, but I'm pretty sure I've seen related threads recently.

I am inclined to be sarcastic at times, although I believe one reason most people are disturbed by it is because it does present an element of truth couched in possibly insulting terms. I'll try to reserve its use for those "truly deserving" moments.
09/26/2003 01:52:20 AM · #20
Here are some threads I found in the forums from the last six weeks:
09/26/2003 03:13:21 AM · #21
General, I accept your apology totally.

About the existence of dq-related threads, I only checked as far back as 3 weeks, per your original mail. I didn't have time to plow through everything, either.

Best wishes,

09/26/2003 06:04:44 AM · #22
I have also been sent a disqualification notice and hope to receive a receive some notification back from the validators. I am really surprised to receive a disqualification notice since I am such a stickler for the rules. But I suppose judging from some of the comments, folks have wondered how I achieved such an image without breaking the rules. I suppose it had to happen some or other time.
09/26/2003 07:46:27 AM · #23
Stuff happens. I've received DQ requests on 3 different images submitted in the time I've been here.

Anyone can put in a DQ request, and some people seem to go around really scrutinizing, looking for things to call other photos on. It doesn't really mean you're 'in trouble'. In some cases, a dq request is made out of ignorance of how a legal technique could be accomplished. Other times, someone 'imagines' they see some blurry or funny spot where they think spot-editing was done, and asks for a verification.

When I process a DQ request, all I do is put a note on the image that says 'this image has been validated by the administrators'. Since I'm doing this as a volunteer and there are usually many requests to deal with, I don't send an additional note.

09/26/2003 08:23:37 AM · #24
Is it not true that under general public law that the accused can face their accuser, and is also required to clearly understand the accusations against them? If yes, then why can not this sort of logic not be utilized here at DPC?

It seems to me that the laws of the land were established by many great minds over many decades of debate and they tend to hold up fairly well to scrutiny, do you agree?
09/26/2003 10:28:59 AM · #25
Part of the reason, as I understand it, for keeping the details of the DQ request "hidden" are to prevent the photographer from coming up with steps/story/whatever specifically to address the DQ request.

By requesting "the steps to create the submission", it can be up to the Site Council to determine if those steps address the DQ request or not.
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