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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> I Just won a Nigerian Lottery !!!!!!!!!
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 111, (reverse)
12/08/2008 08:56:13 PM · #76
Well folks, here ya go! :-)
I still havn't figured out how to blow an attachment, so I just downloaded it. But when saw this pic I literally fell out of my chair laughing. I had to take a day to think about what to do because there is just so many directions to go at this point. I considered letting Mr. Mark know what a tool he is, and that he has indeed been my fool, but I decided to go for a little more amusement.
Check it out! -

From: Chevron Texacon Lottery
Subject: RE: For your Information
To: taterbugmi@att.net
Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 5:18 AM

Here is the pictur but i want to know that this is the last mail that i will send to you, if you dont make the payment now i am going to send you a disclaimer form.

And hey folks, check out those mad photoshop skilz!!!


Ahhh, Mark, my lovely little twinkie,

I was so happy when I got your message. It made my nipples feel like sweaty marines snapping to attention for their beloved Drill Sargeant. See now, that wasn't hard was it? I knew that when you stopped to think about all that PBR, plow-festing, and steamy gerbils and such, you would come around. I'm so sorry that we crossed harsh words, but all is well in our little fisting world now. Your plan is going wonderful now, and my heart soars like an eagle. I can't wait to see you. I've picked out a very special gerbil for you and I will be feeding him plenty of green jello so he will be good and ready when you arrive. You will have to let me know as soon as you can what flight you will be on and when it will arrive, so I can rent the hummer and be there to meet you. Did you have any trouble getting the $11,00 One Thousand One Hundred American Dollars that I sent ? I wired it out to you on the Western Union first thing this morning. I was wondering, because you did not respond to the email I sent to you after I got back from the Western Union Office. Of course I had to swing by the Taco Bell to see if there was any action going on by the dumpster. My wife's cousin was there blowing some attachments, so I just got some twinkies and went home.

Will see you soon,

your loving gerbil master,


Sooooo, now I wonder how much scurrying around these guys will be doing now, trying to find the email that they missed from me (that I never sent), and bugging their local Western Union guy looking for the $11,00 One Thousand One Hundred American Dollars that came from the american fool that they are scamming :-P

12/09/2008 07:10:39 AM · #77
Originally posted by taterbug:

Well folks, here ya go! :-)
I still havn't figured out how to blow an attachment, so I just downloaded it. ....

Ask your wife's cousin.

Well done Tater!
12/09/2008 07:28:57 AM · #78
Originally posted by taterbug:

Of course I had to swing by the Taco Bell to see if there was any action going on by the dumpster. My wife's cousin was there blowing some attachments, so I just got some twinkies and went home.

Absolute funniest line in this whole sordid affair. ;-Þ
12/09/2008 11:33:23 AM · #79
hehehe, yeah, I like that line myself :-)
12/09/2008 12:16:35 PM · #80
This is awesome! Serves 'em right.
12/09/2008 12:22:55 PM · #81
hahaha thats great!!!!
12/09/2008 02:30:55 PM · #82
This is the greatest thread that I have ever read. I admit as I reading it, my heart sored like an eagle also.

Maybe the justice system is going about fighting this type of crime in the wrong way. We could all ban together and begin wasting their time so much, that the few people they manage to ripoff, won't be worth all the time they spend weeding through the silly responses. And continue to improper english we wrote too them, then the worsten their writings will becomes.


12/09/2008 02:33:25 PM · #83
I love how he appears to be of mixed race. The hands are one color and the head is another lol.
12/09/2008 02:46:21 PM · #84
I bet he got that photo of some dating website, and didn't use his own. There was a show on Oprah about those Nigerian scammers and their victims. Take a look at this site...it is run by a former victim of a scammer, and the photos on it are the ones the Nigerian scammers have pilfered, to use.

12/09/2008 02:48:10 PM · #85
Holy crap.. you should seriously submit this story to 419eater.com. Or at least send that picture to their hall of shame. :)
12/09/2008 04:09:18 PM · #86
I sense confusion. :-P I think someone is scratching their head, wondering wether to be nice, pissed, frantic, or just say screw it, I've been played a fool, I'm going to buy my own gerbil.

From: Chevron Texacon Lottery
Subject: RE: For your Information
To: taterbugmi@att.net
Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 12:05 AM

We did not got any mail from ouy about the payment.

and also want to inform you that your winnnig certificate has only 10 days to be cancel.


Oh Mark my darling,

You did not get the email? Hmmm, that is strange. I sent it to you when I got back from sending the $11,00 One Thousand One Hundred American Dollars to you, while I was doing my twinkies. Maybe it just got lost somewhere in the wonderful world wide web. So is tht why you did not go pick up the money? I checked at the Western Union Office this morning (I needed to pick up some jello for these gerbils anyway) and they said the money had not been picked up yet. I thought that was weird, because I figured that you would want to get a flight right away and get here for all the fun. don't worry though, because your gerbil is doing just fine. I think he misses you. Anyway, I sent you the $11,00 One Thousand One Hundred American Dollars, it is still waiting for you to pick up at your Western Union Office. Is yours by a Taco Bell also? Do you have Taco Bells in Nigeria? You need to go down to the place and get the money. I sent it to you, Mark Adams, Lagos Nigeria. I just called my Western Union office here, and the man there is such a studly waffle maker! Not nearly as studly and handsome looking as you though. But he checked for me, he said that the Lagos Nigeria office said they have received it, and are waiting for the recipient to come pick it up. They said you just have to come in to the office, show Identification that says Mark Adams, and give them the secret question. You remember, "Excuse me sir, would you plow my hiney?" I don't understand why all the confusion, Is this the first time you have done this kind of thing? Please let me know as soon as you get the money.

your confused, loose, waffle making twinkie dude,


12/09/2008 04:14:11 PM · #87

12/09/2008 04:49:20 PM · #88
This is such a riot :P
12/09/2008 08:49:21 PM · #89
As classic as some of your replies have been, I fed them into Babble to see what it could come up with. It still needs a few more replies, I think, before it can refine the language enough to make a little more sense, but if you REALLY want to mess with his brain, cut and paste some of these gems in your next reply...

Courtesy of Babble, using only your messages to Mark for input analysis:


Hello my lovely little twinkie dude,

Mr. Adams,

As for was a case of live gerbils from Rod Stewart to dinner here. I said I would send you the hospitality of my dearest Mark Adams,

Please let me know if there will be the envy of my home. Do you the $89,74 One Thousand One Hundred American Dollars by Western Union Office. Of course I had big plans for us. I offered you the money before my pubes grow back. I can tell you the moneys via your gerbil is doing just fine. I think we may have a wonderful future together. Would you like to send to you. I can't wait for your arrival. I need to know that likes to drink PBRs and have a box of PBR's, we can blow each other, that would be enough, so please Mark, please let me know if the 9861 USDollars will be the envy of my compulsive disord disease, chair and plenty of PBR. And I'll warm up a picture. I got back from sending the $18,33 One Thousand One Hundred American Dollars that I sent you the secret question. You are such, you might find a photograph of you to pick up the good work.

It is against my religion to make fun of my compulsive disorder disease, I sent it to you. I know if the 2219 USDollars is enough, we can shotgun some PBRs and I think even after my brain. All you want to join in our little fisting world wide web. So is that why you did not get the money. I sent to you on the picture? I checked at the Western Union office is right down to the premium testicle surgery.

I was trying to follow the timing could stay in minutes.

Mr. Adams, my lovely Mr. Adams, Lagos Nigeria office said hey have received it, an remember, "Excuse me plowing would be a nice hotel an is going wonderful now, that when you stopped to think about all that PBR, plow-festing, and the man there is a lot of PBR there, to make my USDollars. The thought of being you gives her weeping sores time to stop weeping. You are you messing with me and shatter all my attention and are waiting for you too. Maybe while I am worried about is finding you at the airport, and plenty of green jello from you so badly need it. All I need of a company that names themselves after a couple of PBR's, we may have a very special connection brewing It is enough, a few cases of twinkies."

As for the personal service. Do you need to travel here. Plus a nice little twinkie, I think I love you.

It is still waiting for you?

With all my attention and loving fistly affection. I have a group fisting party.


12/09/2008 08:58:52 PM · #90
I actually lol'd at this... and I've been having a not-so-perfect day. Thanks for making me laugh.

Too funny!
12/09/2008 11:52:58 PM · #91
very entertaining..I get a new one of these almost every week..
12/16/2008 07:21:53 PM · #92
What happened? No more replies from Marky-Mark and his Funky Bunch?
12/16/2008 07:29:27 PM · #93
Darn, was hoping the bump meant an update.

I got my first Nigerian scam text msg on my phone yesterday. Aren't the emails enough??
12/16/2008 07:32:38 PM · #94
Originally posted by cdrice:

What happened? No more replies from Marky-Mark and his Funky Bunch?

Maybe it wasn't all a hoax and the nigerian lover really did come to deliver the million dollars to taterbug! if that's the case, he's probably laughing his arse off right now while sitting on the beach of some fiji island...LOL
12/22/2008 05:26:17 PM · #95
I'm guessing Mark went into the Western Union office, asked the worker to plow his hiney, and now he's mysteriously gone missing...
12/23/2008 08:41:33 PM · #96
Oh, LOOKEY!!! I feel so special...this came in my email today!!

12/23/2008 09:07:17 PM · #97
Originally posted by bergiekat:

Oh, LOOKEY!!! I feel so special...this came in my email today!!


notice the CAPS...
12/23/2008 09:21:21 PM · #98
Originally posted by crayon:

Originally posted by bergiekat:

Oh, LOOKEY!!! I feel so special...this came in my email today!!


notice the CAPS...

Erm, this is bogus, lol! It was cut and pasted directly from the email. Next time will retype to remove the caps.
12/23/2008 09:37:27 PM · #99
Originally posted by bergiekat:

Originally posted by crayon:

Originally posted by bergiekat:

Oh, LOOKEY!!! I feel so special...this came in my email today!!


notice the CAPS...

Erm, this is bogus, lol! It was cut and pasted directly from the email. Next time will retype to remove the caps.

no, i mean, those scammers always type in caps, do u notice that?
its like they have shortsightedness or something
12/23/2008 10:10:05 PM · #100
Gene, be careful. Just when you think you're very clever, you set yourself up for a fall. Haven't you seen the movie, "The Color of Money"? It is a prime ingredient of scams to make the "patsy" feel like they are the smart one taking advantage of the situation because of their superior intelligence and "street smarts". I certainly don't want to offend you, as I sense you are pushing this thread as a public service. For that, I thank you. But, please don't underestimate the people with whom you are toying. There are countries with thousands of hackers with abilities beyond my comprehension. "Nigeria" may be a euphemism for another hotbed of hacker activity. I wouldn't spit into the wind so much, if I were you. This is in no way a threat of any kind. I just sense that the old saying might have some validity.... "He who laughs last, laughs best." And, I think you were the one to laugh first.

I've enjoyed reading the thread, but it makes me worry for your safety in this very unsafe Internet world.

Message edited by author 2008-12-23 22:13:10.
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