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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Good-bye party for posthumous
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04/01/2010 11:14:58 AM · #1
Yes, I'm throwing my own party. I know that's tacky, but I'm under duress.

If you're interested in why I'm leaving, check my profile. Just rest assured that I don't want to go. I like it here. I even like the numbnuts that I knock heads with. And so, as with anyone who is pained to leave, I'd like to stretch it out a bit.

Think of this as an Irish Wake slash New Orleans Funeral. I'm ready to hear your eulogies, toasts, roasts and last requests. No sentimentalism, please! Tell it like it is.

And I realize the unfortunate timing, but this is not an April Fool's joke.

Okay, let's break out those lampshades and disco balls!!

04/01/2010 11:20:09 AM · #2
04/01/2010 11:20:56 AM · #3
I hope you change your mind, we all are inspired by how you see images and have learned so much through your thread!

Here's to you and all you have taught us, cheers!!
04/01/2010 11:24:40 AM · #4
I guess I will bring the beer to the party.

Thanks for teaching us to look outside the box at what may still be a good entry, alothough may not be all that DPC friendly and therefore not score as well.
04/01/2010 11:27:25 AM · #5
*Raises glass in your honor*
Sadly realizes he has to cross of one of his profile goals.
04/01/2010 11:38:03 AM · #6
One time you mistook me for pointandshoot...if only you had more vote misfires like that, there would be no stats now to track your devious ways. I should have tried harder to impersonate Pointy more often - alas, I have failed to protect you.

*falls on sword*
04/01/2010 11:38:27 AM · #7
*standing with mouth hanging open*

What?! But what will become of your legacy, of Team Suck and the posthumous ribbons? :-(
04/01/2010 11:40:12 AM · #8
Originally posted by posthumous:

Yes, I'm throwing my own party.

Not tacky, but maybe a little premature. Why is everyone making pronouncements and saying things that are going to be hard to take back later? Has it been 24 hours yet? Maybe you should give the SC time to consider the fallout. I don't want to see you go, btw.
04/01/2010 11:40:13 AM · #9
It seems that yours was always a fools errand, Don. My one posthumous ribbon is my crowning achievement here, so thanks for that.
04/01/2010 11:47:35 AM · #10
and that's the name of that tune.

bon voyage, and thanks for the two ribbons that meant the most to me, especially for this one
04/01/2010 11:54:46 AM · #11
I think the military might call this being a victim of "friendly fire". I agree that there is no way of changing your voting if it is already your honest opinion. I don't always agree with you as to what makes a good image, but you do always make us think. I've found myself more and more voting for the semi-abstract imagery that you tend to like. Sorry this happened, but I understand.
04/01/2010 11:56:17 AM · #12
Yes, down with this sort of thing.
04/01/2010 11:59:21 AM · #13
"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself"
04/01/2010 12:01:08 PM · #14
Originally posted by posthumous:

Yes, I'm throwing my own party. I know that's tacky, but I'm under duress.

Who is forcing you to have a party in the forum again? (sorry, I'm a bit slow) And what are you trying to accomplish by having a party? Are you trying to instigate a mass resignation?

With all respect for all the awards you have given out and your initiatives, I'm not for all the noise when someone is leaving. I have not been for submitting blue when the challenge is yellow either and have really never understood the thrill or motiv for you doing this. But hey, each to his own and your voting/entry habits have never hurt me AFAIK- just confused me.

I sincerely hope you won't regret your rather rash & loud exit. But then again, I guess it's easy to come back next week with another alias. Adios amigo :)
04/01/2010 12:02:14 PM · #15
Originally posted by eqsite:

My one posthumous ribbon is my crowning achievement here, so thanks for that.

As is mine. I am sad.
04/01/2010 12:03:54 PM · #16
is that "the Dead Guy" propped up in the corner? Christ, he never looked so good...

04/01/2010 12:05:16 PM · #17
Seriously, you are just a little too full of yourself. First you start a forum storm over your suspension instead of dealing with L and the SC in an adult manner as you were invited to, then you feel the need to generate even more negativity under the guise of a "party."
My response to you is "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."
04/01/2010 12:13:02 PM · #18
well dang! My one mention in the posthumous ribbon thread was like gold to me! And as Yo-Spiff said, you made us think. And because of you I've embraced the kinda of kilter images and learned to appreciate them. I'm just kinda like WTH is going on?
04/01/2010 12:20:42 PM · #19
Don, damn-it. I hate that you feel this way and are exiting, stage left! The whole voting "investigation" has done some major damage to this site in addition to helping it. Sadly, there was no damage control, so I'll drink a glass of wine and toast you...or eat toast to honor...wine...never mind. I was never privileged to get one of your ribbons, but I loved the fact that you did your best to get people to "see" things differently than the status quo. Should you honestly decide to leave (as a few others are contemplating due to the same "investigation", the site will have lost a valueable asset and photographer (IMHO). Ok, now get out!!! :P
04/01/2010 12:22:30 PM · #20
Ahhhh Don, This sucks. One of the reasons I was drawn to Team Suck was by your vision. I like how you did not enjoy every image the way the "others" did. You looked deep into the image (no two second view from you).
I will miss you greatly. DPC has just hit rock bottom.
Damn, I may have to travel up the road in Jersey to get a reality check now and again.

Message edited by author 2010-04-01 12:24:01.
04/01/2010 12:25:33 PM · #21
Originally posted by JerseyGenie:

Ahhhh Don, This sucks. One of the reasons I was drawn to Team Suck was by your vision. I like how you did not enjoy every image the way the "others" did. You looked deep into the image (no two second view from you).
I will miss you greatly. DPC has just hit rock bottom.


I hope you & your lovely wife are still coming to the NYC gtg. I'm looking forward to meeting quite a few of my fellow TS'ers.
04/01/2010 12:29:54 PM · #22
Originally posted by kirbic:

Seriously, you are just a little too full of yourself...

You may see it as bad form BUT if the guy is 100% innocent of the accusation he has a helluva point to make, that IS worth making...publicly. As longstanding member and a pretty serious, respected force on the site this is not something I would take with pride or quietly...if I were NOT guilty.

I certainly don't know for sure but there may be a deeply serious flaw in the process here that actually does affect every single member and especially the ones on the fringe or subculture of the site. But I ask if you were innocent would you just slip away quietly, given the great degree of energy you have put into the site...as I know you have?
04/01/2010 12:33:36 PM · #23
People, the beer is free. Lighten up!
04/01/2010 12:36:25 PM · #24
Originally posted by posthumous:

People, the beer is free. Lighten up!

Free beer and free speech! I LOVE open source!
04/01/2010 12:39:08 PM · #25
hey, you still owe me 5 bucks!
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