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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Talent? What's That?
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01/26/2012 02:05:02 AM · #1
What̢۪s the Score? Marketing-13 Talent-7

It is becoming more evident to me, the longer I am in this business, that it has become more of a marketing game than that of talent, for those wishing to succeed in any "Artistic" venture.

I am reminded, that in the last decade and even more so prior to it, if you wanted to get an assignment for a magazine or an Ad Campaign, you had to always pass through the Art Director or Creative Director. Once doing so and if the response was positive, you would be introduced to the Fashion Editor on that particular assignment or the traffic coordinator at the ad agency. You basically were hired because you either had talent, or your work had been seen in a competing magazine or on some billboard and you thoroughly impressed the Art Director or who ever turned you on to them to call you in. So either way, someone recognized your talent. In that environment the score would be closer to Talent-21 Marketing-3.  Not taking in to consideration a great agent.

Today, in most cases, the Art Director has been assigned a more pragmatic and cursory role as a layout artist for the major magazines out there. The decision for hiring the photographer, is in the hands of the Fashion Stylist and Editor more often than not. That has changed the dynamic dramatically and as a result the criteria for choosing talent has changed. It is not only talent that matters, but the celebrity or top model that was used in the image, as well as the recognized Fashion Designer that is featured in it. If you do not have any of these key ingredients, in most cases, it doesn't matter how incredible your image is, it may be passed over due to that glaring over sight.

As a result of this new dynamic, what is more important than ever is NOT talent, (which I believe has taken a back seat role in this scenario) and given rise to the importance of Marketing. Now this in it's own right is another form of creative talent, that must be taken in to consideration as well, when embarking in this or any of the other Media oriented forms of expression. I am not saying that talent does not count. What I am saying is that talent has been re-calibrated so to speak, to reflect the social landscape of our culture. Thus, talent is not only equated by the perceived beauty of the imagery, music or art form, but by the way it has been marketed. The marketing has become an integral part of the art form, thus the art form.

So the next time you observe an image in VOGUE, Harper's BAZAAR, ELLE, Marie Claire, Numero Magazine, or what ever and say to yourself, "I could have done that..." Just be reminded, that you probably could have. So what's the problem then? I suggest you go ahead. But just remember, that having Talent is only around 10% of the formula. The rest is a highly guarded secret.

So what's the score? I'll give you a play by play update as it comes in. But the gap is widening and as of now, it is Marketing-26 Talent-7...

01/26/2012 03:47:53 AM · #2
I think it is no different to music industry and, probably, many others.
01/26/2012 04:55:35 AM · #3
Originally posted by benjikan:

...having Talent is only around 10% of the formula... it is Marketing-26 Talent-7...

Math: 0
01/26/2012 06:14:40 AM · #4
Why doesn't my medication make me think like that. Ben, can I have some of yours?

01/26/2012 11:41:51 AM · #5
Talent alone will never buy you a ticket anywhere. You have to have the drive and willingness to continue to push forward with everything that you have.....hard work, determination, and in some cases, even luck. I see work on a regular basis out there on shelves, walls, in bins, that I know I can do better......but am I out there pounding the pavement trying to get my work in these p0laces? No.....I don't want it badly enough. Most of the photographers in this area, (and I mean the pros as far as regular folk go, weddings & pro studios) spend the time and money to get business. Yes, there will always be some sort of side door antics at the top......there is in any industry, but at the "regular" end of the food chain, it is always a balance.....
01/26/2012 11:57:31 AM · #6
Wherever there's competition there's going to be marketing. Even if everyone was talented, they'd have to stand out from the pack somehow. Yes, it's frustrating when the one that gets rewarded isn't always the most talented, but I'd say that applies to everything, not just photography.
01/26/2012 12:01:02 PM · #7
Even in the work-a-day world of non-artistic ventures, talent is only the most basic expectation. You are being hired because you have a particular skill and no matter the skill you are expected to be talented at it.

You may call it marketing that gets you ahead and perhaps for a fashion photographer, that is true. I would say there is also a need to be politically savvy, whether it be office politics, or art-world politics, whatever the case may be. A person needs to have several things going for them: Others need to speak well of them (buzz), they need to have leadership/people skills, and as NikonJeb noted a determination or a drive to get the job done.

So you are right, talent is lower on the totem pole because it is expected that a person be qualified, but talent is just the first item of many that are on a persons hire/not hire check list.
01/26/2012 12:17:27 PM · #8
To quote my other favourite photography website's slogan (www.youarenotaphotographer.com) 'Just because you own a camera, you are NOT a photographer. You can't buy talent.'

Message edited by author 2012-01-26 12:18:07.
01/26/2012 12:51:00 PM · #9
EL-ROI pretty much nailed it.

Perhaps technology is improving the marketing tools faster than talent-enabling tools.
01/27/2012 02:12:28 PM · #10
Don't get me wrong, Ben does excellent work & his blogs etc are treasure troves and he works his butt off staying there. I take exception to the quarterly spamming which is his marketing machine in action. Maybe I would not of known about him and his world if he didn't work this site, but I think perhaps I would have found him eventually because of his profile.
02/01/2012 05:56:11 AM · #11
Talent is something I apparently don't have. As a science teacher, I like to quantify things, and finally I have ABSOLUTE PROOF that I am an average photographer. View the evidence and see if you don't agree with me! ;)

02/01/2012 06:17:50 AM · #12
Originally posted by benjikan:

the longer I am in this business

the more likely you see that business is business?
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