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Showing posts 51 - 75 of 88, (reverse)
11/14/2012 03:54:23 PM · #51
Originally posted by beatabg:

"Save your comments[...]" is telling me what to do.
Oh yeah, I have a habit? That I really wanted to vote in a challenge I didn't participate in but couldn't find the original pictures to compare? Used a random word in search but didn't state any opinions about any pictures.
I see you have a habit of complaining, like in previous scores threads. If you feel like it just open a whole new thread where you can do that since this one is about the scores.
Btw. I never directly said you are frustrated or negative :)

I am simply making a plea for fair behavior.
"random word" ???? LOL!!!!!
11/14/2012 04:00:03 PM · #52
Originally posted by hahn23:

I am simply making a plea for fair behavior.
"random word" ???? LOL!!!!!

Yup, the first word I saw that I thought was the original picture title. Don't know every ribbon winner.
And like Denielle I see nothing unfair in quoting challenge description. Anyway this seems to go in circles.
11/14/2012 04:03:17 PM · #53
Originally posted by hahn23:

Originally posted by Denielle:

so people shouldn't abide by challenge rules, but we have to abide by forum rules?
doesn't make much sense to me.
restating challenge rules doesn't seem to "sway voters" IMO. if it does, they shouldn't be voting in the first place, because clearly they didn't READ challenge rules to begin with.

The forum (voting) rules are there for a good reason.

re-read the rules, AGAIN...
please, tell me exactly where in the rules that it states "you may not reinterate challenge rules in the forum while entries are in voting".

show me that rule, and I will GLADLY see the error in my ways. :)
11/14/2012 04:08:47 PM · #54
Votes: 44
Views: 80
Avg Vote: 5.2955
Comments: 1
11/14/2012 04:14:34 PM · #55
Originally posted by Denielle:

re-read the rules, AGAIN...
please, tell me exactly where in the rules that it states "you may not reinterate challenge rules in the forum while entries are in voting".

show me that rule, and I will GLADLY see the error in my ways. :)

I'm not the DPC police. I'm simply a member. However, I found this comment exhibiting a prejudice against the images which may have been creative interpretations. It is not grounds for DQ to not follow the challenge descripiton. It is perfectly okay to vote as one sees fit. It is not okay to urge others in the forum to vote down images which do not meet one's interpretation of the challenge, which is how I took the comment below.
Originally posted by beatabg:

Was it supposed to look like a newspaper photo though (halftone etc.) or just a b&w photo that might end up in a newspaper?

I just know it said "It must be black and white (and the grays in between)"......

excerpted from Voting rules
You may not:
recommend an entry for disqualification for not meeting the challenge.
discuss any entry in the forums while voting is in progress.
attempt to alter the point totals for any entry in any way.
11/14/2012 04:25:08 PM · #56
Originally posted by hahn23:

Originally posted by Denielle:

re-read the rules, AGAIN...
please, tell me exactly where in the rules that it states "you may not reinterate challenge rules in the forum while entries are in voting".

show me that rule, and I will GLADLY see the error in my ways. :)

I'm not the DPC police. I'm simply a member. However, I found this comment exhibiting a prejudice against the images which may have been creative interpretations. It is not grounds for DQ to not follow the challenge descripiton. It is perfectly okay to vote as one sees fit. It is not okay to urge others in the forum to vote down images which do not meet one's interpretation of the challenge, which is how I took the comment below.
Originally posted by beatabg:

Was it supposed to look like a newspaper photo though (halftone etc.) or just a b&w photo that might end up in a newspaper?

I just know it said "It must be black and white (and the grays in between)"......

excerpted from Voting rules
You may not:
recommend an entry for disqualification for not meeting the challenge.
discuss any entry in the forums while voting is in progress.
attempt to alter the point totals for any entry in any way.

guess we can agree to disagree.
I don't see the harm.
I didn't see her recommending any entry for DQ.
I didn't see her attempting to alter point totals.

guilty of discussing images while IN THE VOTING STAGE???
yes. but then again, so is ANYONE in this thread that is posting scores. right?
11/14/2012 04:29:10 PM · #57
Originally posted by hahn23:

You may not:
recommend an entry for disqualification for not meeting the challenge.
discuss any entry in the forums while voting is in progress.
attempt to alter the point totals for any entry in any way.

Didn't do any of the above. Didn't talk about any particular entry. Still don't see anything about not quoting challenge rules that are available to everyone under the challenge. So I will agree to disagree as well since I have other stuff to do. Good luck.

Message edited by author 2012-11-14 16:30:56.
11/14/2012 04:32:48 PM · #58
and ... wouldn't this comment be offensive in the button challenge, according to your interpretation of the rules:

"Well done for such a boring subject, if you haven't voted yet, there is some very sexy images that you may want to "unbutton", good job every one."

people KNOW which photos are being "grouped" in this comment, yet... no one jumped on the DPC RULE WAGON when this one was made.

and caba, I just used yours as an example. definitely did NOT offend me or sway my thoughts. :)

Message edited by author 2012-11-14 16:33:44.
11/14/2012 04:39:12 PM · #59
Originally posted by Denielle:

and ... wouldn't this comment be offensive in the button challenge, according to your interpretation of the rules:

"Well done for such a boring subject, if you haven't voted yet, there is some very sexy images that you may want to "unbutton", good job every one."

people KNOW which photos are being "grouped" in this comment, yet... no one jumped on the DPC RULE WAGON when this one was made.

and caba, I just used yours as an example. definitely did NOT offend me or sway my thoughts. :)

Good one.
11/14/2012 05:50:58 PM · #60
I think people are expecting to see huge stories in these images. Unfortunately we don't all have access to Obama or buildings getting blown up or war images. For the ones who live in big cities and are used to seeing that type of imagery on the front page of their newspaper, please remember that there are many who live in small towns. I remember our first front page newspaper story here was somebody's garden gnome had gone missing and then the next one was the police spotted a pushbike that had been stolen 6 months earlier. In some ways I am glad those are our front page stories, because that means there is less crime in our area. So please remember this when you are voting...not all images are intended for major city newspapers.
11/14/2012 06:29:11 PM · #61
Originally posted by Judi:

I think people are expecting to see huge stories in these images. Unfortunately we don't all have access to Obama or buildings getting blown up or war images. For the ones who live in big cities and are used to seeing that type of imagery on the front page of their newspaper, please remember that there are many who live in small towns. I remember our first front page newspaper story here was somebody's garden gnome had gone missing and then the next one was the police spotted a pushbike that had been stolen 6 months earlier. In some ways I am glad those are our front page stories, because that means there is less crime in our area. So please remember this when you are voting...not all images are intended for major city newspapers.

+1 on this. Woke up to a 4.01 with 20 votes.

Now don't get me wrong. My photo is 4 worthy -- but more like 4.8 worthy. But it is extremely small town newspaper headlinish. :)

It never occurred to me that people were looking for the big headlines -- because we never have the big headlines here.

11/14/2012 06:39:01 PM · #62
Lol, vawendy and Judi...trust me, Denielle and I agree wholly with you, we went over this ground already mostly on page one :-) No harm done in reiterating it, though. A lot of us live in small towns, plain and simple, and the BIG newspapers have the $$ and backing to go and cover BIG stories.

As I've said elsewhere in this thread, I once lived in a town so small that the entire front page was devoted to the opening of a new business in town...a 7-11. Chain convenience store. Yeah. That was pretty typical small town.
11/14/2012 06:45:48 PM · #63
Votes: 49
Views: 100
Avg Vote: 6.1837
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

11/14/2012 07:03:04 PM · #64
Originally posted by vawendy:

+1 on this. Woke up to a 4.01 with 20 votes.

Now don't get me wrong. My photo is 4 worthy -- but more like 4.8 worthy. But it is extremely small town newspaper headlinish. :)

It never occurred to me that people were looking for the big headlines -- because we never have the big headlines here.

now my piddly score doesn't seem so bad now!!

I think my pic is a shoehorn, but a nice one!

Message edited by author 2012-11-14 19:03:26.
11/14/2012 07:05:19 PM · #65
oh, btw.

Votes: 50
Views: 98
Avg Vote: 4.7000
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0

11/14/2012 09:20:34 PM · #66
Well....lol...I agree with Richard. Grouping images, justify why a image is a big town image to a small town image, sex is approaching on identifying images. By the way there is no rules when it comes to challenge descriptions. It's totally subjective. Lol.. Have at it......lol I didn't enter and haven't reviewed or voted yet, but do to this thread I'm pretty sure what I'm going to see. Just might skip voting on this one now.

Originally posted by hahn23:

Originally posted by beatabg:

"Save your comments[...]" is telling me what to do.
Oh yeah, I have a habit? That I really wanted to vote in a challenge I didn't participate in but couldn't find the original pictures to compare? Used a random word in search but didn't state any opinions about any pictures.
I see you have a habit of complaining, like in previous scores threads. If you feel like it just open a whole new thread where you can do that since this one is about the scores.
Btw. I never directly said you are frustrated or negative :)

I am simply making a plea for fair behavior.
"random word" ???? LOL!!!!!

Message edited by author 2012-11-14 21:21:08.
11/14/2012 10:27:49 PM · #67
I like to vote so I went and took a look....hmmm no sex...lol. must be the other thread....Lol. I thought it was a very good set of images. One of my higher vote average in a while. Nice Job!!!
11/14/2012 10:55:29 PM · #68
Yeah it's from the "buttons" thread
11/14/2012 11:01:57 PM · #69
Avg Vote:5.0000

1 nice comment

Avg Vote:5.1183

Message edited by author 2012-11-16 20:36:54.
11/15/2012 01:44:04 PM · #70
Took a while, but I finally finished:

You have rated 77 of 77 images (100%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 77 images (99%) in this challenge.
You have given an average score of 5.4545.


I tried to be informative with the comments. I'm no newspaper editor, or even much of a newspaper reader, so I could be wildly off on some.
11/15/2012 01:47:11 PM · #71
Originally posted by giantmike:

I tried to be informative with the comments. I'm no newspaper editor, or even much of a newspaper reader, so I could be wildly off on some.

I found your comment curious, but not unexpected. I'll get in touch with you about your comment after the challenge. Thanks.
11/15/2012 02:26:06 PM · #72
Originally posted by giantmike:

I tried to be informative with the comments. I'm no newspaper editor, or even much of a newspaper reader, so I could be wildly off on some.

Excellent constructive criticism. Astute observations and right on target. Well done! I appreciate the time you spent doing this.
11/20/2012 09:10:40 AM · #73
Holy deserted score thread, Batman...

*crickets chirping*
11/20/2012 11:01:51 AM · #74
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff:

Originally posted by giantmike:

I tried to be informative with the comments. I'm no newspaper editor, or even much of a newspaper reader, so I could be wildly off on some.

I found your comment curious, but not unexpected. I'll get in touch with you about your comment after the challenge. Thanks.

11/20/2012 12:16:18 PM · #75
Originally posted by Neat:

I can tell this is going to be a low scoring challenge, only decided to enter today, probably shouldn't of bothered, lol!!
Anyway weren't the photo's suppose to look like they were in a newspaper, just my observation!

yep! lol... i guess it depends on the newspapers people get or are used to.... and what is constitued as a newspaper these days... you only have to look at the monopoly of our selection oh wait what selection...lol
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