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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Criticism Wanted Please
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09/30/2002 05:40:43 AM · #1
My last entry didn't do too bad, but I expected a little better score. I got some very low scored votes.

Unfortunately, all comments were positive. I am here to learn what I am doing wrong. In other words, I want the people who scored low to say "WHY" they scored low. If they don't, I will never learn.

Maybe they're not confident to criticize, like myself sometimes, but I at least try to tell why I scored anything three or lower.

I am here to get critical feedback, and I try to give it out when I can.
09/30/2002 05:45:45 AM · #2
An added note, my entry this week has 25 votes already with an average of about 4.0 with not a single comment.

I am very discouraged with this result. Who are these people voting?
09/30/2002 06:13:18 AM · #3
Originally posted by Antithesis:
An added note, my entry this week has 25 votes already with an average of about 4.0 with not a single comment.

I am very discouraged with this result. Who are these people voting?

I'm one of the people voting, and my score is down there with yours, so don't feel alone!

A lot of people go through and vote, and then go back and comment on some each day during the week, so I am sure you will get some comments later on. I do it that way. Also, it seems that when scores are in the 3-5 range, there are fewer comments.

* This message has been edited by the author on 9/30/2002 6:11:43 AM.
09/30/2002 07:51:18 AM · #4
I'm talking about the last one where I got low votes and no comments explaining the low votes.

I wish the low voters would explain why they voted how they voted.
09/30/2002 08:16:17 AM · #5
Antithesis, as for Blue Ocean Moon, I scored it a 6 because it was technically OK but didn't have much interest or excitement for me.

For this round, I have voted on all the entries but have not commented on them yet. Like some others here, I like to give them all a quick look on Sunday night and then do more detailed comments (and vote adjustments) during the balance of the week. In other words, comments are coming.
09/30/2002 09:37:10 AM · #6
Personally I liked your photo. I scored it a 7. I loved the coloring and the compositon. The reflection was an added touch. I would have scored it higher , but the image itself just didn't WOW me enough. It's also something very typical of landscape photography. Other than that...I still liked the photo. My submission was somewhat typical as well, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I liked mine. I'm sure you liked your as well.
09/30/2002 07:17:41 PM · #7
Thanks for the replies. I know it's not a masterpiece. I appreciate the feedback.

I'm still waiting for the 21 people who scored 3 and lower to tell me why. And I'll probably be waiting for eternity, since I don't think anyone has a good reason to score it that low, or those people don't read the forums. But most likely none of them are brave enough to come forward anyway. Whatever.
09/30/2002 07:37:11 PM · #8
"I'm still waiting for the 21 people who scored 3 and lower to tell me why"

maybe it's me maybe it's not be ... but I think you should wait a little uh ? What do you think ?

"I don't think anyone has a good reason to score it that low"

What about some humility there ?

09/30/2002 08:22:55 PM · #9
Anti, are you aware that you can go to your picture and click on the name of the commenter and send this question directly to them (if thier email is on their profile)? Looking at the bell curve of your scores you did very well. 10% is negligable and can be disregarded. I gave you a score of 7 which on my scale says Good effort.

Some people are very rigid about certain compositional rules. The top of the water line is almost in the center of the picture plane chopping the picture in half. You also have the moon and it's reflection centered. Then end result is a very static composition. You did a good job of capturing the intensity of the light and the stillness of the night.

Good luck on your future entries
09/30/2002 08:38:17 PM · #10
Here is my story. I have voted on all of them, and I am now going back to comment. I have scored some low scores, and I am going back through them now, to take my second look and then again to make comments and a final score adjustment. I hope you don't expect us to do all that in one day! I wont be done until sunday night at midnight!
I noticed that you have made 663 votes, with an average score of 4.4. You have also only made 30 comments. Think to yourself the reason that you don't leave an explaination on all your low scoring photos, and apply that to everyone else too.
I think there is a really good saying that starts out something like
"do unto others..."
09/30/2002 08:47:56 PM · #11
I looked at your comments as well but did not know where to look for the numbers ...

So ... be more humble and less arrogant and ... comment as well ... ?
10/01/2002 04:10:09 AM · #12
aelith, thank you. Those are the kinds of things I want to hear.
10/01/2002 04:30:00 AM · #13

hbunch7187, Maybe my commenting stats don't meet your standards, but I've only been here for 2 weeks, and I'm a beginner.

I honestly don't feel that the number 4.4 is correct. I give many higher scores and I have commented on everything 3 or under starting with the last challenge. Maybe my votes on my first challenge were really low, but I was just getting accustomed to this web sight and feeling it out, and sometimes I didn't know quite what to say. But I am learning.

And as long as I vote consistantly for everyone, it shouldn't matter for a particular challenge.

10/01/2002 04:39:51 AM · #14
Originally posted by lionelm:
I looked at your comments as well but did not know where to look for the numbers ...

So ... be more humble and less arrogant and ... comment as well ... ?

lioinelm, Who are you to tell me, "be more humble and less arrogant?" I am just trying to learn more about photography. Some people have given me what I need to hear, and I appreciate that very much, but you have said nothing helpful, so I would prefer that you keep your useless comments to yourself.

If you just want to argue, then start your own thread!
10/01/2002 05:26:14 AM · #15

I think the problem you're having here is really a communication one. I don't think you realize how harsh the words you're writing appear. When I started reading this thread my first reaction was negative but I do try and withhold my first judgements about people.

I've just been rereading the thread and your profile and some of the comments there seem harsh as well but reading what you're saying ( which can be hard to do when you balk at how you're saying it ) I don't believe you really are trying to be harsh or arrogant. I say this both to you and to those who may have taken offense to you.

I will say that being overly concerned with such a small number of negative votes is pretty counterproductive. You have been given great comments here on your photo ( and I am going to add one here too ) but by those who saw it better than a 3 which was darned near everybody. You can't possibly please everybody and if you get 90% over 3 you've done exceptional even if your score is lower than you'd like and I'd venture a guess that if you did get those people to tell you what they didn't like, tried to change those elements and reran the contest, you'd still get people ( most likely different ones ) giving it low ratings. Such is life.

Now, I gave you a five. I remember this one because I wanted to like it and I did but to me there was something really disturbing about it. I know that you wanted to capture both the moon and its entire reflection but the effort doomed the picture. I can say that for me, a cropping of the bottom of the reflection would have balanced the city, moon and lake quite well and I would have given it a 7. Two points you may ask? Yes, I can't explain it but when I focus the scene on my monitor as described the picture becomes MUCH more pleasing to me.

Also, you ran into the problem that this week there were a slew of great landscape shots and at some point I felt the need to distingush between them so as to be fair to the ones I liked better. This may not be fair to those on the lower end but I felt it would be more unfair to the top notch ones to have those that weren't quite there graded equally if you know what I mean. In many cases the effect was small and this was one of them. I didn't like the cropping so it became very easy to drop this one a notch and preserve the rating integrity of those that I liked a tad better.

I agree with you that the score doesn't deserve a really low score, after all I didn't give it one. It really comes off as arrogant though when the artist says this even if it is a perfectly valid and rational thought. It's just not proper to say it. People respond better to humbleness far better than arrogance and it matters not if either of these sentiments are truly the feelings of the communicator. Funny isn't it?

Also remember that when you are soliciting opinions in general your goal IS to communicate and the better your skills at doing this ( even if it's just a wise tongue biting on your part ) the better your results. I'd imagine your tone turned off a lot of people who might have given input but didn't feel like being bothered with trying to communicate with someone who came off as you did. I almost didn't but I try and see beyond the first impression and luckily I had the time to; others may not have had that luxury.

Lastly, I really like the crystal ornament concept a lot. Have you done any more shots of it that you can share? I wasn't on the site so I couldn't vote on it but I generally agree that the light/dark balance was off. I'd love to see if you massaged that any and how it's looking now.

10/01/2002 05:52:20 AM · #16
Axxon, I appreciate your candidness and objectivity. I never meant to come off as harsh or counter-productive. I was just looking for reasons for the low scores. I guess it's a phenomenon here that everyone has to deal with, and I can deal with that. I was asking too much and maybe sounding arrogant, but I am not, really.

Thank you for the thoughtful post ... much appreciated!!

Life, as well as photography, has a huge learning curve.
10/01/2002 06:33:53 AM · #17
My 'humble'was because ... you wrote "I don't think anyone has a good reason to score it that low" (that's a quote)

My 'arrogant' was because for somebody saying to other (I am not quoting now) something like 'I dare you to tell me why you gave me a 3 come into the outside on the public place and tell me' .... well .. that was not a lof of comments you left.

It might be miscommunication .. I guess a lot of people needed a few weeks to 'accomodate', I needed some at the begining.

axxon you are right with "imagine your tone turned off a lot of people who might have given input but didn't feel like being bothered with trying to communicate with someone who came off as you did. "
There is somethind 'that is life' as well. True first impression should not matter that much ... but well .... there is other people asking for comments in the forum ... and I would tend to comment for people who seems really to understand why they did not score well.

No harm done. Good luck antithesis


10/01/2002 06:38:03 AM · #18
Originally posted by Antithesis:
Axxon, I appreciate your candidness and objectivity. I never meant to come off as harsh or counter-productive. I was just looking for reasons for the low scores. I guess it's a phenomenon here that everyone has to deal with, and I can deal with that. I was asking too much and maybe sounding arrogant, but I am not, really.

Thank you for the thoughtful post ... much appreciated!!

Life, as well as photography, has a huge learning curve.

I'm glad I was able to help dispel that myth. I'll be looking forward to watching our skills grow and our scores too. You have a pretty healthy jump on me in both areas in my opinion.

By the way, that last line is as true as it gets. I'm still trying to work on both of those curves but they can be a bear. You know what they say about bears, "sometimes you can eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you" :)
10/01/2002 07:01:11 AM · #19
Either this is a cry for help, in which case this site is not the place to come, or you are just trying to be funny, but it is not funny.
10/01/2002 07:13:55 AM · #20
Two things occur to me when looking at your picture.

First of all 5.8 is a great score. You'll be doing EXTREMELY well if you can consistantly get a score or 5.8 or above.

Secondly - even the most spectacularly great photos on this site still get some 1s, 2s and 3s. I don't understand it any more than you do but there it is. It's a fact of life here. Personally I simply don't look at how many 1s, 2s and 3s I got. I'm interested in the consensus opinion - not the opinion of that small minority.

Regarding your photo. It was a 6 to me. Which means I liked your idea but I thought you could have made more of it. Aelith's comment about the very central placement of the moon and reflection is dead right - it does make the shot seem very static. Also your attempt to keep "everything" in shot has meant that nothing really became the focus of your picture. There's no obvious and interesting "subject" there. I think a bolder approach to how you'd framed this shot (or cropped this shot) might have made it much more dynamic and eye catching.

My advice, if you're not sure about how to crop a picture, is to start off by doing things that are REALLY extreme. Push things right to the edge of the frame - crop out seemingly important parts of the picture - crop in really close on an interesting detail. Just try different things out. You'll probably not use any of those experimental crops but it'll help make you bolder and more confident when you start doing your real final crops. You'll be more willing to crop out unnecessary elements.

Best of luck with future challanges.

10/01/2002 07:30:05 AM · #21
I can agree with you wanting criticism. It has to be constructive though. If you look at the number of submissions it can be hard to comment on all of them. I am here to learn so I generally don't comment much. This week I submitted my first photo and though I hope people like it I also hope that those who don't will say why. As for your photo I gave it a 4 because it was nice looking but it didn't jump out at me as something extraordinary.
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