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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Men with office jobs: Do you shave ever day?
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03/02/2006 07:44:58 PM · #1
It's been a while since I posted, but I was wondering about this. I usually shave Mondays and then get lazy for the rest of the week....sometimes shaving again on Thursdays.

I have a semi-trimmed full beard so I am referring to shaving the neck area and upper cheeks only.

I work as a Category Manager and have frequent meetings with vendors, other departments, etc. I have a tattoo on my arm that is visible when I wear golf shirts (yuck, tucking in my shirt sucks) so my appearance isn't prim and proper to begin with. My hair is a tiny bit shaggy, but not too bad.

I have been wondering recently whether people at work think I'm a bit sloppy because of my shaving habits as my "5 o'clock shadow" is usually a "fuzzy 3 day shadow" by mid-week.

Thank you in advance for your opinions and recommendations.
03/02/2006 07:50:49 PM · #2
be yourself dude. I do about the same thing with my shaving habbit. I also have shaggy hair. I am sure people don't think I am as "together" as some people, but that is my persona. I rock the house by showing that I am a little more creative than most, and I worry more about doing a good job than primping in a mirror.

03/02/2006 07:50:58 PM · #3
well, with the right attitude "sloppy" can be converted into the office "party guy". Maybe you should cultivate that.

I shave every day with an electric razor, which doesn't get you super close. However, I don't have any facial hair (I think you might get away with it more since you do). I'm also trying to play the "doctor" role, so it's probably important to me. I ditched the earrings although i still have bleached tips to my hair and currently sport the "mussy" look.
03/02/2006 08:00:34 PM · #4
Every other day...shave everything from the neck up (minus the eyebrows and eye lashes).

I'm a programmer and don't interact with clients (i'm in r&d). Plus, I think that I unintentionally intimidate my coworkers, so no one says anything - or, they don't care. Probably both. Either way, as long as I'm not bothered, and if I'm not causing a problem, then all is well.
03/02/2006 08:02:12 PM · #5

Uh No

03/02/2006 08:05:56 PM · #6
I don't work in an office, but I usually shave my head/face/neck every two weeks (except for my goatee). Nobody's mentioned a thing to me about it. Except that they all rub my head when I'm freshly shaved.
03/02/2006 08:09:21 PM · #7
Granted I'm only in college, not really an office job, but I shoot for the campus papers and interact with people a lot, and I ususally go three or four days inbetween shaving. I HATE not being clean-shaven, but I'm usually too lazy to keep up with it. No one here has ever seemed to mind. But then, it is something of a different environment.
03/02/2006 08:09:29 PM · #8
I would say depending on my mood lol. I don't work in an office but I generally like to be clean shaven; once in a while I feel like letting it grow until it's a little rough, just for the fun of it.

I just switched to razor shaving recently, and for some reason I always cut the minor pimples on my neck and make them bleed. I hate having red spots all over the neck. How do I avoid that?
03/02/2006 08:10:04 PM · #9
I shave every day with a blade razor, as closely as possible; if I didn't I'd look like a prickly pear. I'm pretty prickly by the end of the evening as it is :-P
03/02/2006 08:14:37 PM · #10
I shave as often as I feel like, usually it's only once a week, unless I've got a date or something.
03/02/2006 08:17:52 PM · #11
Well, as a former tax auditor, I shaved everyday. People got bristly enough without ME contributing to it.

Of course now I wear a beard. Should have done that years ago.

03/02/2006 08:21:26 PM · #12
Im not a guy obviously but i think the 5 oclock shadow + looks damn good!! Suppose it depends on the guy but you should just shave when ever you feel like it. Being a girl i def wouldn't leave my legs for 3 days :)
03/02/2006 08:33:09 PM · #13
I work in an office and a test lab. I used to wear nicer clothes; dress slacks, button down shirts, shiny loafers. Unfortunately, I frequently have to work on machines that are oily/greasy/dirty etc and somtimes crawl around on my hands and knees looking inside access panels and things like that. I'm a hands on kind of engineer, not a CAD jockey desk type. After ruining several expensive shirts, slacks and shoes I now usually wear steel-toe boots, short sleeve shirts (must have a collar) and workpants (Carhartts etc).

I sometimes wear nicer clothes if I'm meeting with customers (rarely) or have meetings with bigshots.

I also used to shave every day, but now it's more like once or twice a week. I just hate shaving. Some of my friends at work have made he comment that sometimes I look like I'm there to fix the boiler or something, but they aren't servicing hydraulic power supplies so a test can keep running either. Yeah, I could call someone else to do it, but they would charge a LOT of money, it would take 3 days to write the PO to get them there, another week to get scheduled on their calendar and I wouldn't have learned a damn thing about how the thing works.

Message edited by author 2006-03-02 20:35:18.
03/02/2006 08:46:03 PM · #14
Hmmm...still not sure how I feel about this but I appreciate the responses.
03/02/2006 08:48:27 PM · #15
The job has nothing to do with it. I shave every day. It's a matter of grooming and self respect.


03/02/2006 08:51:12 PM · #16
My hubby shaves every Sunday and could care less what anyone thinks of him in between .. and I like it! Me .. I shave daily :)
03/02/2006 08:56:03 PM · #17
Originally posted by KiwiPix:

The job has nothing to do with it. I shave every day. It's a matter of grooming and self respect.


Thank you for your input. I will try and read Dr. Phil books until I have the self-respect to shave.
03/02/2006 08:57:11 PM · #18

how i look when i forgot to shave
03/02/2006 09:00:23 PM · #19
Yup, need to shave every day... being a senior IT guy and not following any of the other rules (wear blue jeans, tennis shoes and shirts with rude sayings every day (and a happy bunny calendar with stuff like "It's not my fault you are dumb")) dealing with VPs I have to look my best.

Besides not shaving two days and it is no longer a shadow it is a beard for me. If I go two days I will at least do the neck so it appears there is some organization going on...
03/02/2006 09:01:31 PM · #20
Originally posted by thatcloudthere:

I have a semi-trimmed full beard so I am referring to shaving the neck area and upper cheeks only.

I'm the same way and try and shave every day. Usually, though, I'm running so late in the morning I only shave every other day. And I skip weekends if I'm not doing anything. Nobody seems to notice or care. I think the full beard helps hide the stubble.
03/02/2006 09:02:27 PM · #21
I have been shaving since I was 13, having had beards in various forms on & off ever since. When I'm shaving, it's normally Monday to Friday & give the weekends a rest unless of course I'm going out somewhere special. Because my facial hair has been so dark over the years, it really shows if I haven't shaved. If you have a partial beard, then not shaving for a few days doesn't really look as scruffy as being clean shaven & not shaving for a few days in my opinion.
03/03/2006 11:34:27 AM · #22
I have light colored, slow-growing facial hair, so I only shave every other day (i.e., M-W-F). I could probably get away with less in the office I work in now, but I still want to look relatively professional.
03/03/2006 11:42:24 AM · #23
My hair grows so fast I could shave every six hours, but I shave my neck every day and my face every other day unless I have an important meeting with a client I have never met before. I routinely work with the same clients, so I don't think they care about a little day old stubble. Besides, most of my clients are wine makers and winery owners, and they are as guilty as anyone for going a few days between razoring.
03/03/2006 11:45:43 AM · #24
I have grown a beard recently and have not been fired yet (though I did face some acerbic comments when I walked into the office with it after a holiday).

It can take longer to maintain a neat beard than it does to shave. But I quite like the beard, and it is sometimes useful to be able to skip beard maintenance when running late!
03/03/2006 12:11:07 PM · #25
As I am not in a customer facing role anymore I only shave twice a week, When I was in the Motor Trade I had to be clean shaven all the time as i was speaking to the general public and representing either Rover or VW so it was a daily occuance.

Edit: Typo

Message edited by author 2006-03-03 12:11:49.
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